He unironically goes to Yas Forums

>he unironically goes to Yas Forums

Attached: 1563718384569.jpg (991x1061, 343.76K)

Even worse:
>He's a Yas Forumsfag who still worships Zion Don

Attached: Not amused.jpg (800x533, 39.44K)

>he's a fat fuck from america who talks about saving the white race

Attached: 1561202711871.jpg (960x960, 174.85K)

zimmerman trial was peak pol, i used to post alot more but honestly the jews learned the best way to counter it is to advertise it on cnn to legitimately retarded legitimate boomers and bring down the board iq as much as possible

>he's a nazi
>has a bad posture, zero muscle, no jaw, and spends all day on the pc

Attached: 1561836428720.png (544x400, 187.12K)

>don't go on pol, it has worse people than here ffs

Attached: 1587224281565.jpg (255x256, 19.72K)

>has a bad posture, zero muscle, no jaw, and spends al day on the pc
>still posts le Yes. meme

Attached: hmm.png (756x574, 85.53K)

>Rants about race and IQ
>Tries to show off his IQ score he got off some half assed online test.

Attached: really nigga.png (300x356, 169.72K)

>Hates trannies
>Jerks off to traps and loli

Attached: fuckin el.jpg (1280x1067, 237.92K)

Comfy architecture and homesteading threads are the only decent thing there. Too bad they are ever more rare now

I luv jolly lollies!

Attached: download.jpg (299x168, 8.28K)

>POL is based new-fag

Yas Forums is always right. There is nothing wrong with Yas Forums, except the occasional pro-Islam threads.

Yas Forums is more schizophrenic than /x/ tbqhwyfam

I tried going back but its nothing more than an extension of Facebook with retarded normalfags trying to mimic Chan culture by parroting dead memes and bringing nothing of value to a discussion.

Attached: 886BD5BE-D8AD-41E2-BEDD-34BCBFF6FC69.jpg (4032x3024, 731.84K)

Go back, grandpa

Attached: boomers always boomers.png (944x4013, 409.21K)

>t. Moshe Shekelstein

>ha funny Jew name

Attached: D576BD47-B4CC-4813-B22C-2732AA111211.jpg (971x546, 56.37K)

>She doesn't realize that Yas Forums is satire.

Attached: 1494375713993.png (435x439, 214.61K)

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a secret kike

Attached: Boogieteeth.jpg (1200x900, 188.02K)

>mfw leftists trys to meme

Attached: trump-chin-frog15.jpg (660x660, 74.05K)

>except the occasional pro-Islam threads

Attached: d31.png (600x687, 36.55K)

Its not a secret anymore, Schlomo

>I think about politics 24/7

Attached: 1562005041028.png (1300x2000, 306.51K)

>Anyone who calls me out on my bullshit has to be a leftist

Attached: DS.jpg (1280x720, 80.59K)

You like Islam? Why?

Shareblue still employs you shills?

95% on Yas Forums don't realize that its supposed to be satire

Attached: old.jpg (620x388, 63.92K)

What the fuck is shareblue

Someday, there will be no more jews for whatever reason and on that day you will think for yourself for the first time. It will be painful, having to admit your mistakes and actually come up with a plan that isn't killing a bunch of deli owners and librarians, but I have faith you'll move past the eating your own shit phase relatively quickly.

Holy fuck this is the gayest thread on Yas Forums currently, somehow gayer than the sissy threads.

Attached: s7d325ec35f41.png (720x717, 595.86K)

It's very bad but all other places to discuss politics are worse

>Posts Family Guy images
>Calls others gay

Attached: hmmm.png (480x221, 525.82K)

pretty bad strawman

0% this jannies

Attached: yes.jpg (1172x659, 56.48K)

>He uses the term "strawman" unironically

Attached: arnold.jpg (480x360, 13.78K)

>he uses actual strawmen