Hi, I'm an Asian user into soccer, classical music, and military history. I just wanna laugh at humans with her, play vidya, and learn new things together. I don't want to meet her just to "have a gf", I just want a nice companion I can share intimate things with and make our day happier.
Looking for e-gf
Never gonna happen incel. LDAR
I also want her to be a 10/10 Russian despite being a 4/10 chink XDD
Quick whats youre favourite war (dont say WW2)
the clone war
If not WW2 then it has to be the Korean War. I think it was amazing how small unit tactics and many weapons were further refined.
Where are you located and how old are you?
I'm currently located in Hong Kong (a city in China), and I'm 21.
over for ricecels
A city state*
But good luck you want what most here want.
I wish. You have no clue how bad it is here.
Don't you have bigger issues to worry about, like the Coronavirus, or the Hong Kong protests? Give it a rest.
hi there, i have read your request and i will now inform you that my tight e-pussy is awaiting further instructions from your "big" chinese dick
Can't really do anything about it
On hold because of the coronavirus. Plus imo it's unwinnable but that's another story.
Transmitting e-dick data...
Mine is around 15 cm but I haven't seen a consensus on what length is considered enough.
I've seen you post before months ago, obviously this isn't working, user. You should try someplace else. Why don't you date a girl in Hong Kong?
I've got nothing in common with them. Even my Chinese is shit.
lol you live in Hong Kong and can't speak Cantonese? haha.
I can speak it alright, but my ability in Chinese is clearly limited. My Chinese has not improved since year 7.
So you're willing to waste your time on an internet relationship? There is more to life.
An internet relationship doesn't take that much time. I can do a lot of things while maintaining one. I'm still gonna study, work out, practice music, etc.
If you've been posting these threads for any significant amount of time you have probably added every femanon you are ever going to add.
I dunno what is "significant" but I guess I haven't spammed them around. It is difficult tho. Honestly I just want them to start as friendships first before considering anything else.
Tip for ricecels reading this thread: Go to a kpop disco night. Don't act like an autist and you'll easily end up with a thirsty kpop gf.
>be autist
>"Don't act like an autist"
I wish I know how
you would be great if you were not an asian
What exactly is wrong with being an Asian? Other than just the fact I'm Asian I suppose. Or is that it? Not judging you or anything, just wanna know.
>lives in Hong Kong
>can't speak his own language
>has nothing in common with his own country(wo)men
>asks what's wrong with being Asian
The same thing you think is wrong with Asians.
Well I can speak my own language, I'm just not as good as my peers, although my English is substantially better than theirs as a result. But still, I don't understand what's wrong with me being an Asian because I don't exhibit anything (except for appearance) the average Asian does, so I don't understand what exactly you think is wrong.
Just realised you most probably meant I would have been better if I was born as a westerner. I'm dumb.
It's late where I am and I have to sleep, because I'm tired and I still have a group project to work on tomorrow (which I absolutely do not look forward to). While I did not achieve my goal, I did enjoy talking to those that replied. See you around!
>im Asian
Id already give up dude
Your nation kills baby girls. There are solid more men than women in China. You will be lonely forever.
Briefly awake from my sleep here. I think the opposite is true in my city because there is still a semi-functional legal system. Infanticide simply doesn't happen here. Not sure if it will happen in the future though with more and more mainland Chinese migrants and police getting worse. I didn't post this thread because of numbers, but I think I have more in common with females here so it's more likely for us to form a bond
I would be interested if you weren't so young. I hope you find a nice femanon though OP.
Are you a konger?
Correct, I said that earlier in my thread, along with my age.