Weed or coke?

Weed or coke?
You can choose only one.

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weed is just a more obnoxious alcohol anyway
also that girls pussy and asshole are fucking gorgeous, who is she

I like to huff paint thinner.

shit taste, also horse pussy loving simp

Weed is that even a question?
Cocaine will ruin your life

Weed, just because downers are generally better for me, I'm already high strung as fuck. On coke a chihuahua coming around the corner could scare me. Plus it's easy to increase the THC concentration in your body if you're drunk before smoking, which as far as I'm concerned is a free upgrade.

Coke. Weed gives me a headache.

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I would find a tall, refreshing glass of Coca-Cola to be a better choice than dealing with dandelions and clovers, but unfortunately if I don't deal with them now they'll become a problem.

I want you all to die a horrific and painful death and I hate you all so much

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Drugs are for brainlets, mindlessly used in order to kill more brain cells in the search for the smoothest most hollow brain.

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Stay mad incel
Gonna puff some dank now. Keep crying, because you have never been offered drugs or invited to a party. I love your tears.

did you ever ask yourself why you valued intelligence?

Have fun puffin your dank. If it's haze prepare yourself something nice before smoking so you don't have to do anything high

Coke, weed smells like shit and is plagued with "weed culture"

"Oh my gooood in so stoned man."
"Yeah man I want some Cheetos."
"Holy shit youre a genius man."
"Weed cures cancer did ya know?"
"We must be *cough cough cough* so healthy then."
"Fuck yeah nigga!"

why do normalfags and druglets hate weed so much

Normalfags love weed are you mental

less than you think basement dweller
it's always neets seething over weed like they were bullied by stoner chad or something
it's funny honestly

I feel like some kind of hillybilly when smoking weed and all it does is dumb you down a little. Coke is better but it's hard to control myself and not binge

>basement dwelling NEET = normalfag
Mental it is

buttseks and like a 10 gram of coke lmaoo

If I got an unlimited supply of either drug for personal use, then it would be coke for sure. If I have to source and buy the drugs myself, then weed.

>Yeah this
Coke needs long pauses so I have to wait a couple months or I die or fall into no life territory. It's either living on the edge or just being addicted. What I do is I buy like just 2 small baggies a month and tell nobody. That way I can live life like normal at least

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Coke, though pepsi would be fine too.

Would you prefer orange juice or do you hate all juice?

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anime pussy should b pink

Oh damn hi stormzy, are you a mod or something? I was acting up before because of some stupid people doing stupid things, how are you?

oh god
how do i get a gf, or even one that will cosplay for me

not here frend, not here

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why don't femanons just cosplay and make themselves useful

I'd rather have a femanon to come live with me and play wow and smoke weed and breed cats for the rest of my life but we can't just have what we want can we?

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