Your family sees every picture you have saved

>your family sees every picture you have saved
how fucked are you?

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eh, not really that bad
the worst is the gay stuff, which will make them think im gay rather than bisexual

Aside from some weird memes I'm fine.

sent to a therapist

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Pic related comes at 1/10th of the folder. I think there's worse, but after this moment everything that's supposed to be funny will turn very akward

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This actually fucking happened the other day. My dad took out my old laptop drive without telling me and had it formatted. His tech friend kept all the music and photos still on it. He went browsing through it and I didnt know until he showed me my old music folder.
I fucking shaked the rest of the day, because I didn't remember if I kept hentai in the pictures folder. I used to be into some fucked up hentai too. I wouldve killed myself if he found out, probably. I dont know what he found after I left, but I had to stay in my room and calm down.

Nothi illegal, but I doubt that they will respect me anymore

Don't know.

Probably think that I am gay and into fox girls.

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I'm full of dick pictures, nudes and other dishonorable shit

the only porn i have on my computer is jewish cuck porn

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>thousands of pictures of Disney princess incest
Off to the gulag

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>your family sees every picture you have saved
doesn't happen. all my drives are encrypted and i always lock my computer when i'm not using it.

If we're only talking about my immediate family then they will be very disappointed and disgusted but they already know I'm fucked up so won't really be surprised. Can't say if they would feel the need to involve law enforcement though. It's possible.

Once you cast a wider net then I'd definitely be fucked.
>tfw a series of 1 and 0 can get you locked up in the mental ward

If they get to the gif of a man shitting on a toddler - very.

It might not end well

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I'd probably get kicked out of the house and be disowned for being a fag

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My younger sister saw all the hentai I had saved.
She laughed and called me a pervert.
She didn't tell anybody thankfully.
She still likes to hang out and play together, so it was nothing.
I love you sis

Arrested and sent to jail. In Minecraft

Everything is legal, it's just you know, normies gonna come to normie conclusions.

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Your pic is Jared Fogle if he lost the remaining weight

It would take them years to review them all in their entirety. I have thousands of pics and I've masturbated at least once to every last one of them

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I liteally have about 5000 images in my macro folder.

i have a ton of futa on male porn so theres that
a bunch of trap
and bunch of femdom
a bunch of loli
a bunch of very racist stuff
a bunch of weird autistic notes saved

If you wouldn't be going straight to jail you're a normie

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what is the source to that?
and why are the characters so ugly?

>what is the source to that?
>he doesnt know

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that's like licking your grandma's tits or something. fucking gross.

well then tell me you cocksucker

It's from a visual novel called Unteralterbach, and it has what's know as an 'art-style', which is a technique western artists use to add a uniqueness to their work, contrary to weeb trash that all looks the same. (half-kidding)

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well could it try not having a garbage art style?
what's it about?

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this is probably the worst I have

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It's about pedos and social satire, and if that's supposed to be an example of a "good" art-style, it just looks like knock-off anime. Not everything has to look like puerile moe bullshit to be "good" desu.

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