Any user who lives in a really shitty country (extremely poor, warzone), share your stories here.
3rd world robots
By the way, the picture is from Yemen
>extremely poor, warzone
People living in places like this, do you think it was your people's fault? Or did the external forces did it
I do
>Hardly any two people speak the same language due to a failure of multiculturalism
>Oppressive laws and apathetic police who only target people who don't pay them
>Wrongthink lessons in schools, and rudimentary education at best in important fields such as math and sciences
>COVID19 is being used as an excuse to shift to an even more draconian state permanently, with even worse education
What country, Hungary?
>Be me
>Be Mexican
>Be living in Monterrey
>Live in an area surrounded by wagie factories, literally full of factories where I live, deppresing as shit
>Moved constantly as a kid, didn't have many friends because of that
>Finally settle and have some friends
>Parents separate when I'm 9, have to leave my friends forever, never saw my school friends again after graduation
>Friendless to this day at 24
>Poor, have to eat rice and eggs everyday, not even bread
>Family is a mess, mother's side of the family has been fighting over inheritance for 10 years now
>Had deppresion for 10 years, failed highschool many times, had to work as a wagie in multiple places to pay for studies, endure shit and all of that while being lonely
>Want to get out of the country but can't because no money, city is the most expensive city in the whole country and the wages are low
>Shittiest people in the country are regios, that's why we don't have any visitors during vacations or spring break, streets are empty, subway is practically empty
>People is shitty in general, develop a grudge to the people and city
>Used to be a good boy and people would just shit in me because everyone is shit in here.
>Very sensitive during my adolescence, people would just tell at me, swear and insult me, etc.
>Want to get out, can't because you need money, wages are shit so if you want to leave you need to work for at least half a year just to survive a few days in another city, let alone another country
I could go on but this is just a small abstract of things that have happened to me, I hate this place so godamn much, once I finish college I'm getting out of here
I live in Detroit. It is pure Hell.
I live in south america.
While not even near that bad, Im pretty sure thats how first world fags imagine it.
Pretty much that shit you see on youtube about russia.
>unnamed bumfuck of eurasia
>very violent place
>no guns
>instead people utilize axes, knives.
>lots of domestic violence
>everyone laughs at it
>one time there was a drunk that got paid early for one year and got holiday.
>he and his friends drank in one house
>he broke his leg and basically shit on couch
>shit on couch, shit on walls, shit on ceiling
>local sport is to wear wooden shoes and have a car to pull you
>some youth dabble with huffing gasoline and lacquer
England. Fucking awful here lad. Send aid.
Resident of the US here. Things are getting rough. Elections are rigged, no education or healthcare to speak of, crumbling infrastructure, the only thing we spend any money on really is the military.
Horrible conditions
Ya I live in America and amerifats are pretty retarded and think everything not America or Europe is third world, what country tho
I live in countryside in Romania to shit parents.
> inb4 ur gay lmao
the philippines is alright right?
honestly im living pretty good. ive never wanted for much. but it just really kills me that im here with all of these things while more deserving people are out there hungry and dying.
I live in a major metropolitan city so everything is good
(Except for the retards who start a pseudo protest for everything)
Where you alive during the time of the Soviet Union
>Not seen as a male due to having the body of a girl +dick
I guess this is what hell is like
Based satan trips
I used to talk to a girl in Turkey, but she was a big Turkish nationalist and very religious
Afghanistan. Its not as bad as you'd think i'm in a generally metro area. Still fucking bad.
What city are you in? Are you doing well there?
It's always Jews man
What country are you from? Is your country at war domestically
No. Also was bit too young to remember aftershocks of it.
Parents ever talk about it?
Yup. Some people got rich quickly. Lot of people became poor. Bandits and thieves everywhere.
>east euro shithole
>Neighbors family filled with mentaly ill degenerates crimminals whores and extremists for generations
>Last year a brother shoot then stabbed his half brother
>Covid brought them all back
>Allready screaming how blood will be shead
yay fuck me
That's a huge redflag depending on what kind of girl is she
Not like that kind of girls see me as a man lol
Sounds more like Britain.
Did you ever show them a meme about Soviet Unions national food being "nothing" or anything implying soviet didn't had food?
My dad gets mad every time I joke about it
What country are you in, and what ethnicity
My own dad doesn't care about that. He is more of a globalist. I bet my grandpa would be furious though.
I've noticed a lot of Eastern Europeans here (on Yas Forums in general) are apprehensive to tell which specific country they're from. Why? Are you worried your government is gonna find out you're talking shit about them?
I've seen this before. Once I asked which country some East Euro was from and he just said "don't want to mention"
Actually travel outside of the USA before you call it third world, retard.
Hungary? Are you retarded?
Because we love to hack each other I guess. Also people feel kinda specific way about their neighbors. It's a habit.