Virgins report in. Who is the oldest male(male) and female(female) virgin here?

I am a 33 year old male virgin. Can anyone here top these legendary stats? Bow down to my supreme wizardly powers you degenerate sex havers.

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Only did gay shit with my cousin as a young kid that has made me even more extremely depressed in these recent years. I am facially a Chad but it's nullified by being a sad manlet. Have never touched a female outside of family in anything more than less-a-second accidental hug. Waiting until organ failure (got some problems with my kidneys that might be something big) or to hang myself with a belt.

>be socially awkard, shy and probably a little autistic
>manage to get by very well in the sexual marketplace just because I'm a 9/10

Yep, feels good.

that's pretty good.
i am a 24 yo female virgin. i'm asexual and pretty repulsed by the act. the one time i tried to have sex i had a panic attack. i do wanna do it with my bf some day because i really love him and i know how much it would mean to him. he's been very patient and never pressured me, so he deserves it, when my brain is ready.

Male virgin, I'm only 27 though. Not ugly and have a good job, but no social circle. Don't know any women in person, don't have social photos for online dating, don't have the looks to get away with it.

ill be 33 in a couple weeks, still a virgin. i have had a couple opportunities to lose it but i either fucked them up or had a sperg out

being attractive doesent help if youre alone

all fun and games until girls leave you after a few months because you're boring as fuck or you miss key social queues that make her mad

Cool fanfic

Quality thread? No shit.

34 male virgin. Got you beat by a year. I'm sure there are older ones here though.

He's gonna be so pissed when you give up your v-card to the first chad that pays attention to your ugly ass.

>Uses the phrase "sexual marketplace"
>Not a virgin

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Ooh, me! Me! I'm 36, 37 in May.

>i am a 24 yo female virgin
>i'm asexual and pretty repulsed by the act
>my bf
>my bf
>my bf
Fucking get me off this joke of a planet

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28 year old male virgin, you trump me senpai. I am at your command.

Tell your story. How did you get to this point? Do you use your magic to influence the world for good or ill?

Youngest female virgin is 15.
I'm male and a 24 year old virgin.

24 year old KV reporting in.
I feel like I've crossed the point of no return. I've been on five dates in total and all of them were first dates lmao

>Grow up with deformed jaw (not that incel shit actually deformed)
>No friends
>No gf
>Do plastic surgery
>Still no friends
>Still no gf

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sylvester stallone was cooler when his jaw was deformed

I will probably die a virgin since I have absolutely no interest in penetrative sex

26 this year, khv. Here's where I'm stuck:
>I want a gf!
You're just telling yourself that because it's expected of you. How can you be so sure you want one, you've never tried it.
>That's the problem. I don't know whether my desire is my own. But I have to at least try.
Okay, do you have someone in mind?
>No, I don't know any women.
So you're just going to walk up to a stranger and ask her out?
Isn't that superficial and shallow? You're picking a mate based on nothing but looks. Not to mention the only thing you'll meet that way is a ton of male competition.
>Okay, fine. I can try to go to places I like, and talk to girls there, then we'll have something in common. Like the manga section in a bookstore. ..Hey, stop laughing, I'm serious.
You're soo mature, going for personality instead of looks. You sure you want to date a girl you aren't physically attracted to?
>I have to try. Maybe I'll take a liking to them after a while.
And what if that doesn't happen? You're even the one who asked, and your reason for cutting ties would be "Sorry, I thought I'd be able to stomach your fat ass after a month or so". The poor girl that agrees to your deceitful bullshit.

never kissed a girl in my life
the best i got was hugs
i mostly identify with callmecarson since i am a genetic freakshow but on big wheels (6'3)

38 and still a virgin. I am ready to become a Grand Wizard in a few years.

I'm male, 32, a virgin who lives with his mum.
The virgin part I don't give a fuck about, I just wish I could hold a job without burning out.
Without a stable income it makes it too risky to live on my own.
Which I really wish I did because living at home is painful.

Anyway, sex
I've never really cared too much about sex
Not quite asexual though because I like a good fap now and then.
I nearly had a chance to dip my wick when I was living with some friends, but had beer dick.
And I wasn't really into her, I only wanted to do her so my mates would stop taking the piss and calling me 'virgin'

I finally figured out what might be up with me the other day.
I was reading the wikipedia page about Schizoid Personality Disorders and it was like someone had wrote a biography about me, everything but one or two points applied to me.

A girl told me that she's thinking of breaking up with her boyfriend, is this a sign?

31 year old female virgin

which special ability are you planning to choose when youll turn 40 ?

28 yr virgin. just wanted a femanon to take it by now but they wont do it.
why would marky fuck sam hyde and a 32 year old brazilian but not one of us?

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nineteen year old female khhv so i'm beat

>nineteen year old female khhv
youll lose it before 25

30, 31 next month, I doff my wizard's hat to you

i'm not cute and i don't leave the house so i doubt it

welcome to the schizoid team, there are no meetings here and we do not communicate with each other.

I can help you lose it if you give a call, baby. HMU if you want some fat cock from a real man.