He never tried yet called himself involuntary celibate

>he never tried yet called himself involuntary celibate

explain this

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Between blaming himself and blaming everyone else, he chose to blame everyone else for his own personal flaws. Just like the majority of people.

He is basically everyone here if they could afford a car and a gun.

Sexy bastard i would of fugged him

what do you mean he never tried ? He tried, you could argue that he did not try hard enough at all, which is fair, but he did try

same, he's so perfect

His face is just the right mix of masculine and feminine, I bet he'd have looked great as a trap

So sitting at the corner of a room at a party and waiting for girls to approach you is called trying? You dont know shit. Fuck off retarded loser.

no, he LITERALLY never tried.
read his manifesto. he never really approached a girl, he sat nearby in public and expected them to make first move because he has nice car and dresses good.

ER was actually autistic.

why should he try?

girls hold all the power, they have the jobs, the sexual market, the get extra money by cucking their husbands and camwhoring, everyone gives them free shit

why are we the ones who should approach them? they literally have everything why would they ever need us?

>implying I'm a 5'4" hapa

I hope your post is ironic in nature

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The problem is woman have so many guys approaching them first that they never have to try themselves, you'd really have to be a hell of a guy to get a decent looking girl to make a move on you.

I got one girl to approach me but it turns out she only approached me because they told her

Basically I was chasing a girl a like she was same age and i was virgin but she had 99999+ orbiters whiteknighting her so I started fights with some of them and they got angry and told 7/10 girl to approach me for the incel I was, I realized that immediately so I told her to fuck herself, I'm planning to start a couple of fights this summer and if she doesn't want me I'll pick a gun and shoot down all her friends

that's just how the game works. you either play by the rules or you don't play. don't try to bend the rules, it will not work.

Unless someone explain to me why the rules are the way they are with words, I will do whatever the fuck I want

He's just fucking impatient and stupid, he's actually pretty handsome if he just got a normal therapist he would get a gf in no time

I just explained it. A lot of guys approach woman, so woman don't have to, and if you don't compete with the guys who do, you very likely won't get any.

I'm not the best looking guy in the world, but people are in disbelief that I'm a 27 yo virgin because I'm pretty handsome, but that's what happens when you don't approach girls.

nobody's perfect

You didn't explained it, in order for you to explained you have to provide me with evidence that the nature of our universe suggest that non-infant-carriers should approach infant-carriers first where [approach] is the only way to reproduction for both the infant-carrier and the non-infant-carrier

if (infant_carrier->_is_unable_to_approach)

if (non_infant_carrier->_is_unable_to_approach)

Then why does it matter which one is first?

>in order for you to explained you have to provide me with evidence
the evidence is that if you dont, you have 0 chances unless you look model-tier. that alone proves your strategy silly.

iirc over 80% of relationships are initiated by the man

WTF guys, why not just going to a hooker. The only thing that matters is sex, the rest is irrelevant.

what is with all these "try" posters? is this all some organized shitposting campaign? its the same fucking garbage every fucking day

>people post things I dont like it's a psyop

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i can play the same game. if you haven't sucked a cock how do you know you don't like sucking cock? you can't fully know if you like it or not until you suck on one

He didn't have to, it was heavily implied. Elliot clearly wanted to have sex and get a girlfriend, he made a huge point of saying that it wasn't his fault. He felt that it was owed to him and that women and men with girlfriends were entirely to blame.

Stop obsessing over cocks faggot

>evidence that the nature of our universe suggest that non-infant-carriers should approach infant-carriers first where [approach] is the only way to reproduction for both the infant-carrier and the non-infant-carrier

I wouldn't say its the nature of our universe since mating habits vary species to species, but humans show lots of signs of being a tournament species, where men compete over the woman while woman give themselves to the best of those men. Evidence of this is all around us, men have an entire industry centered around approaching woman (PUA), woman have nothing like this. Dating profiles are another example, where you can observe average looking woman receiving far more messages than even good looking men.

that isn't an answer. how do you know if you have no tried?

It's simple, I dont want to suck cocks so I don't try. Incels want sex and relationships but they also don't try.

Heres a bit of data on the subject. The number of times guys ask out girls vary a lot, but you can see that the guys who choose not to ask out any girls are the minority, and the girls not asking out guys period are the majority. In other words, you are fucked if you don't try.

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elliot rodger was a volcel thot-destroyer

people call him stereotypical incel but killed instead of raped

I had a few cute girls make a move on me but I fucked it up. FML

but how do you know you don't want to suck cock if you never tried it?

Imagine being such a failure at life you can't even get a gf with money, being decently attractive, a car, and a rich father to give you a smooth ride into an industry. How do you fuck up so bad? All you have to do is dress in expense clothes and women will be humping your leg like a horny dog. Maybe they just sniffed how insane he was

I just know now stop trying to make me gay you fairy

you never tried it, but you just know? maybe you're just scared to find out you love sucking cocks