
>125 lbs
Any skinnybots on right now? It feels like someone could pick me up and run away at any second. Anyone know this feel?

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>186 cm
>150 kg
I was once like you with 20 kg less than normal but now only 8 kg left to go and its fucking great user you should consider gaining weight
>your bmi is 17.9 btw

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>150 kg
lel i thought about my kilos in lbs but only switched weight

Imperial units for all the american skeletors
>150 lbs

The thing is, I actually gained roughly 10 pounds in the last 5-6 months. My lowest weight in recent memory was 114 lbs at the same height. I will say that it feels different for sure though.

55kg 180cm lol

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lol you're like a cm taller than me but I still weigh more than you.

5'11 128 checking in, i have the boy of a little boy

One dude once said to me your opinion doesnt matter because he could just smack me away

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So do I to be fair.
That's unfortunate yet kinda hot at the same time. What say you?

bro just eat

lol I am right now. It's breakfast time.

5'9" 100lbs but im gonna go up to 130 this year

Good luck Mr. Skeleton.

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How? I'm 145 at just under 6' and I feel spindly enough.

Probably a combination of me eating just enough calories to get through the day and a fast metabolism.

>100 pounds

I win

yes you do, now bend over big fella

WTF lol. How do you live? We're the same height but I weight 85kg.

Okayy daddy

COMlNG to moIest you

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>116 pounds


that used to be my stats roughly 3 years ago

How did you get out of skelly hell? I put on 10 pounds this year so far.

lol I'm OP, I don't think I'm quite out of skelly hell yet. I also gained 10 pounds in the last 5-6 months and a lot of it has to do with me eating more than I did back then. I think I've hit a bit of a plateau for now though.

would totally rec that manwha

I am one dust particle away from disappearing.

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>120 lbs
>Hips have a 6-7 inch larger circumference than waist
>Shoulders about the same width as hips
>Feminine face
Should I just give up and become a trap? Am I too tall for it?
I feel like no female would ever want this body type, might as well just become gay.


Is it a problem if somebody is a skele? I mean I feel good this way, and I don't wanna change my weight.

Start boxing faggot you'd kill niggers at low weights.

better than being fat

Are you a women? That's not bad stats for a chick

Bro your 330 pounds wtf

Shit i thought I was skinny being 6ft and 165 lb

And exercise
Muscle is way heavier than fat.

The only reason I'm 165 Is because I work out, my goal for when the gyms open back up is 175.

If I didnt exercise I would probably be around 150-145 pounds

Lowest I have been was around 178cm/5'10 and about 50kg/110lbs I think. Though I remember one time in school at the nurses office I was measured having a bmi of around 14.
Currently at 178cm/5'10 and 75kg/165lbs

Yes I am here user

>5'9 and 125 lbs

Some fit girls could probably pick me up and I would be ok with that

I actually started lifting and eating more many times but never had enough motivation to get real results and eventually stopped

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>70 inches
>9.4 stones
And I stop growing