Fembot Rating Thread

Ok boys, queue up and get rated by a real, genuine fembot (not a tranny or a larp, seriously). Write a few sentences about yourself, and I will rate you.

Attached: scully.png (448x448, 368.12K)

bored alcoholic in his early 20s born into privilege and is constantly enabled by everyone surrounding him, I go through phases of hating myself and loving myself and I love myself just barely more than hating myself so I dont change anything about myself.

If you fully grasped a personal singular idea that the thoughtforms inside of you wholly formed as one fox, would there persist within being any but fox? Consider that you must die and so all knowledge of experience disappears along with everything in time scope forever.
Will your fox be gestated from fetus in complete fox lifecycle? If not, how did it graduate into the the true world, and at what point was it fox?

Attached: Fox.jpg (1920x1200, 1.62M)

this is an info gathering thread
OP is a fed

You sound kinda interesting
Good potential

Strong-ish start, boys, keep it up

the thing is that I'm a horse

Either sensibly paranoid (good), or regurgitating a meme (bad)

>tfw no fembot to listen to aphex twin with

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when you boutta let us rate you tho

Attached: 92316.jpg (1440x810, 152.54K)

Good taste in music, but... anime avatar poster
>guy in picture
Cute smile
Too demanding, missed the point of thread

20 yo 183cm tall, 79kg, I play guitar, drums, sing and I'm learning piano. I am fluent in two languages and have learned bits of several more. I know some kickboxing and I played basketball for 4 years before stopping. My beard is a chinstrap, with a moustache on top. I'm plotting to change the world, and I've learned to love and have faith in myself after years of depression, which I defeated little over 1 year ago.

wants us to believe they are female based off merit

Attached: birthday party 92316.jpg (1316x640, 100.97K)

I don't want to be mean, but you sound a bit boring. Listing off attributes doesn't say much about the person really.

My body does not contain a single drop of blood. My heart is the size of a peppercorn.
My lungs are corroded and my intestines are rotten and gangrenous.
I have a single testicle, black as coal.
My head is full of water.
I am short, lame, epileptic and senile.
I'm already completely bald.
Always on the verge of death, I repeatedly baffle the world by continuing to live.

I'm a touchstarved but reclusive NEET who knows he's not worth a relationship. I've spent a large portion of the last year doing nothing but recording two albums. Other than that I really am a boring cunt.

Ok, fine, here's a foot with timestamp

Attached: fembot_foot.png (623x1107, 944.62K)

I'm a 19 year old political science major. I'm mostly only in uni for the degree, as I find most my professors and classes tedious. I work part time as a line cook, and much prefer my coworkers to my classmates. My main hobbies are shooting/gun collecting and putting Lego models together. Because I feel like I'm so stagnant in university, I'm probably going to take a year off to get in good shape and take up a martial art. I'd really like to be a US Marine or a police detective one day.

Rate my rifle pls

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>26 yo dev leader earning 14k$ on Patreon
>driving a scooter but saving up for a tesla
>love guns but guns are illegal
>tfw do everything, postpone nothing kind of guy but postponing his deep urge driving a skateboard
>knows 3 languages
>has a playpad

Chinese user into classical music, soccer, and military history. Above average intelligence and fitness.

Trying a bit too hard, but still interesting enough
No such thing as "worth", otherwise good. Somebody who acknowledges they are a boring cunt is ironically often the opposite (the rest of you, don't just pull this trick though).

I don't need validation from the likes of you fuck off my board

Definitely not to my taste, in almost every way except
>line cook
>Lego models
Oh god, what the hell even is a playpad. Reddit in human form.

Again, just a list of attributes. Sounds like you're selling a racehorse.
Playing hard to get. Actually wants the likes of me to stay.

I think I get this
>19 yrs Male
>6'2"(188cm), 160lbs(72kgs), Skinny/Fit
>Wavy brown hair, Turquoise eyes, 6/10 boyish face
>Learning German and playing piano, Student studying genetics and mathematics, Unemployed since corona.
I don't have any friends and have never really had any deep connections with others so I guess I'm kind of lonely. At the same time I despise most people, I hate things being unclean and out of order, loud noises annoy me and I hate looking at people who can't eat right or stay fit. I'm quite introverted, this doesn't seem to go well with my parents who seem to want me to do things there way inspite embodying all the things I listed before that I despise. I am currently working on moving to Germany next year to study though I'm not sure how that will workout. All my hobbies are boring and I'm a boring person to be around. Thanks for reading.

Can't say I expected that. Thanks, that was very nice to read

I'm 29, work retail, virgin, low sex drive, and live with my dad. Also my pp isn't very big. I make people laugh a lot though so I guess that's cool.

>despise most people
It's for all the wrong reasons

>All my hobbies are boring and I'm a boring person to be around.
Yes, probably, sorry

Why didn't you try to make me laugh then?

I don't know you. How about you let me rate you first so that can change? Seems selfish to expect this to go one way, don't you think?

What are the right reasons I only listed the things that affect me directly as an individual?

It's Sunday night, I am curled up in my room
The TV light fills my heart like a balloon
I hold it in as best I can
I know I'm just another fan
But I can't help feeling I could love this secret agent man
I can't...
Wait anymore for him to discover me
I got it bad for David Duchovny
David Duchovny, why won't you love me?
Why won't you love me?

>assumes its a dating thread
This thread is just to satisfy your own curiosity about how you appear to a fembot, nothing more. Participate or go back to touching your little willy to Japanese pictures of children.