If you're a girl, play video games, you can make 6 or 7 figure income, being a turbo slut, and you dont even need to actually have sex with any beta nerdy gamers.
Literal sex work without having to actually have sex.
If you're a girl, play video games, you can make 6 or 7 figure income, being a turbo slut, and you dont even need to actually have sex with any beta nerdy gamers.
Literal sex work without having to actually have sex.
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It's the perfect occupation for any remotely attractive girl in a world full of thirsty, desperate men who'll pay top dollar just for a girl to acknowledge their worthless existence. Prostitutes have to risk their bodies being abused physically but e-whores can get paid the same or more without a disgusting 50+ ugly fat ogre of a man ever laying a single finger on them.
is that a guy
tell me it's a guy
they tend to be thristy for attention and have weak wills that constantly need to be shown they're wanted by anyone. it's fucking pathetic.
I had some e-girl, she spoke to me for hours everyday, for about 3 days, she kept contacting me, saying all cute and flirty things. Then she ghosted me, and then a week later deleted me from everything.
I would say this is just 1 crazy girl, but this happens with literally EVERY single girl. They never say why, they never tell me anything is wrong, they seem very happy and bubbly for the 3 days they talk to me, but then it just ends, and I get deleted.
This shit made me just stop bothering with women on the internet all together.
Dating apps are the same shit.
Now I'm limited to real life women, and I barely even get to see women in real life because Im just not around them.
Shits so fucked. I doubt I'll ever have an actual relationship and make my own family. Women are just so fickle, and there's no social stigma or social rules keeping women in place.
Feminism was unironically the biggest mistake ever.
Notice how girls had no interest in video games until they could whore themselves off using them
really makes you think
I have experienced this too; women who start off being assertive and flirty but then it seems they either grow bored of me or start feeling disgusted by me, so they try get aaway from me. I do not think I am relationship material
Western dating is fucking ruined. I've seen some of my chaddiest friends get rolled over by entitled women. Its foreign or bust, no way around it. You either have to be lucky enough to get some churchbroad from a good family early-on or you have to become some 3rd worlders savior. The chances of you finding a self-aware woman are very small, and even then, they have no obligation to remain a considerate individual.
>women who start off being assertive and flirty but then it seems they either grow bored of me or start feeling disgusted by me, so they try get aaway from me. I do not think I am relationship material
Story of my life
Daily reminder that gamers are simps and will continue to simp for e-whores that'll never give them the time of day
You cant stop it.
Its like how fitness people scam young guys into buying supplements, now young guys get scammed by e-thot gaymer gurls.
They all learn eventually, but there's always a new wave of gullible young guys to siphon money out of.
just got into gaming and i cant even afford to get a good keyboard and headset lol.
rather than face streaming, i wanna become a VR streamer and have a cute anime girl mascot
I think it's just a cause of having too many options so she always thinks she can do better and moves on to the next one.
You would probably be the same if 100 girls were lusting for you daily as well (minus the ghosting part. That shit sucks).
Why didnt your mom do it so you can be rich?
Nigger. If it was that easy don't you think all of fucking Russia would be doing this shit???
literally, there is nothing to add to this thread lmao
If women would pay you a six-figure salary to play video games in your underwear, wouldn't you do it?
Kill yourself.
Too old
>Why are all girls sluts?
It's not just gamers, basically all men under 40 are the most retarded simps imaginable.
Take the boyfriend pill.
They need to give you an incentive to join their onlyfans
I play a bunch of (good) vidya and never even had social media.
All women are whores
Feel free to join this comfy place for mentally ill / shutin / neets: xHJN7Ce
No trannies, no faggots, no women.
betas are awesome
Money. Money. Money. What do women love? Money? What will they do for it? Anything, including fucking dogs (google it if you don't believe me).
>start talking to girl from college thru Normiegram cuz had a Chad moment
>she actually seems a bit into me, calls me "smart" and shit
>time passes and at times she seems VERY into me
>after a while, she just stops talking to me
>not wanting to seem obsessed or creepy, I stop too and wait for her to talk to me first
>mfw it's been six months already and she hasn't said a motherfucking word to me
>mfw I don't have a face
FUCK women, and FUCK that whore. I felt fucking betrayed, fucking rejected. I'm never doing this shit again. Seriously, FUCK EM ALL FUCKFUCKFUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK HOW HARD WAS IT TO TELL ME WHY YOU STOPPED TALKING TO ME YOU GIGANTIC WHORE FUCK YOU
You started ignoring her as well. I think you care too much about women user, get some content in your life
>all gamer girls
they're not. it's just the turbo sluts are the only ones visible to you because they're publically whoring themselves out.
this desu. men on r9k only care about +8/10 stacies, this thread is just more proof of that.
She didn't reply to me. It's only natural to stop talking to a whore if she stops talking to you. I'm not gonna fall for their stupid fucking games. Still, it hurt, and I'm not gonna try my luck with some broad anymore.
>I'm not gonna try my luck with some broad anymore.
An incel doing a favor for women, what a time we're living in.
What? Did you get lost or something? Did you check the board you were in, retard? Do you go around calling people "human", trash? This is Yas Forums, cunt. Of course I'm an incel. Everyone supposedly is, but for some reason you cocksuckers keep popping up. How about you get the fuck out and choke on a nigger cock you faglord.