Corona might infect space station

>corona might infect space station
>record numbers of americans dying every day

why is no one talking about this?

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I sometimes like to watch Americans being tortured and killed for fun. Then scream fuck yeah ISIS!

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that's probably just an immature phase but I understand

What are you talking about, it's the only thing that's on the news right now.

Immature? I don't think there is anything more logical and worth celebrating for than suffering and death of a yank saved in video. Fuck off.

>implying space stations are real
>implying space is real
>implying the earth isn't flat
>implying the sun doesn't revolve around the earth
>implying science is right

>record numbers of americans dying every day
Literally who cares? They are dying to their own stupidity. They deserve no pity.

is it so precious to you? glowing in the sun, holding a gun aimed at ayy one? Is it not, a front?

>corona might infect space station

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kys flattard

>still believing the coronahoax

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that mindset is actually the insanity that got trump elected when i think about it, he wa sa huge mistake.

I'm so over this pandemic bullshit
We need to just open the country back up (businesses that is, international travel can stay locked down, especially to and from China) and let the virus do it's thing.
Alternatively we wait years while the economy collapses, we enter another great depression, and then Bill Gates can start implanting chips into us to verify we have been vaxxed.
In this case, a virus is the least terrifying thing.

Dude people are dying at an escalating rate every day while trump doesn't do shit, just admit you conservatards are fucking retarded.

That's what they want you to believe user
How does it feel to just blindly believe everything the mainstream media spews out?

how does it feel that all that fake economic progress trump talked about is fucking gone overnight and thousands die every day, 9/11 tier death tolls every day and no action, because you want to defend corporate profits, they're getting richer, it's dystopian at this point. wake up dude.

I just want local businesses to open back up nigger
As well as that arcade I like going to weekly
You panicfags are pathetic, I go grocery shopping several times a week and you types are out in full hazmat suits with masks and gloves, staying 6 ft away from every human being and hiding from anybody who would dare to cough.
You'd be one of the first adopters if Bill Gates offered to chip you with the mark of the beast, wouldn't you?

You are the beast system though, you attack bill gate muh chip but then defend his profits to the death just to oppress people, just so you can eat and get fat.

>waaah you need to panic because 80 year olds and fatties are dying

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I would even argue you're a satanist, you claim to believe but you have no works, that's what demons are and that's what you are because of capitalism. Full blown schitzo, it's all a hoax, people are dying and you're talking about micro chips but then probably praise tech development when it's convenient, disgusting pigs

What the fuck are you even talking about
People are losing their jobs, businesses are shutting down, people are told to stay at home, kids can't even go to school

Oh so you're one of (((those))) whackjobs lol

Are you saying it's good it's killing all these people?

Are you saying it's good to ruin our country for everybody over people who are gonna die anyway?

I don't want to lose relatives because some zoomie underageb& can't wash his hands and stay home to play vidya. Fucking faggot retard.

You were just talking about the beast system so you're one of (((those))) more than I am. I'm being real, there has been no shutdown order, governors are forced to take action while trump ego trips over dead americans, you guys are just totally evil that's all. What's more important your money or your life? You're a completely asinine human being at this point, no your worship of money isn't a christian virtue idiot.

You're going to die anyway too user, why don't you jump off a bridge right now?

I'm talking about saving the country from the literal plague killing it right now. what are you talking about? saving businesses. money. You're completely evil, you're not even pro american you're just pro profit.

Are you mentally disabled? Keep your overaged gramps indoors and away from the public.

> the literal plague killing it right now
>0.2% fatality rate
>literal plague
What did he meme by this?

Everything science says is wrong.

young people are dying from it to you stupid idiot

what mortality rate would warrant you saying it's a problem?

50% death rate would be terrifying
0.2% is literally nothing
>hurr durr but ur evil if u thik any mount of peple die good

At least 1% for my age group. Boomers dying is extremely good, helps correct the housing market and if they're dead they can't vote for mass scab immigration. So don't point out high boomer fatality rates, those are a good thing.

>noooo what about the one or two young healthy people who die out of a population of millions
Fucking retard.

it's like you're on the side of the virus at this point


and the only reason it's not worse is because took action, and the death toll is climbing like a snowball, you guys are the retards, but it's ok to you, because you hate brown

Actually we saw in countries that did not take action like Sweden that it's still just a boomer remover and barely affects young people. Influenza is literally a bigger threat.

no i think i realized conservatives are a cult, so when a virus starts killing people they see it as a will of capital and everything needs to be open for the virus because they believe in the just world fallacy.

This is the result of drinking a bit too much tap water and brushing your teeth twice a day

Maybe you'll come around once your parents die and there's nobody to wipe your ass and buy you hotpockets

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Kek ffs only the Russians could manage to fuck up badly enough to spread a pandemic to a fucking space station

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Do you seriously think that things would have gone on this badly for this long if it was all just a big nothing? That trillions would just be pissed away into something that will likely make 2008 look like a complete joke for maymays? Christ people here are too coddled and retarded for their own good.
Not him but unironically yes. Such a thing would lift a pretty heavy burden on the healthcare system so it can actually focus on people who cant stop shoving burgers and sweet tea in their holes.
And this, the shutdown orders are all coming in on the state level.

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If we didnt take action the same number of people would get sick anyway, just faster. People still come in contact with each other in smaller groups.

This pandemic is far from over and will come in waves. Far more people will die and suffer from the economic shut down than from the virus. The only reason we are taking this virus seriously and not others is that it puts more people in hospitals, and the government doesnt want to have to choose who dies or lives in an uncontrolled spread. Ironically they choose that all small businesses die and have no money to support their owners, but that came later as a necessary evil

It's infected many high level people in various governments and even the us government, but it's a hoax muh white maleness

I think I got a clear picture of what's going on and conservatives, right wingers are to blame for this death toll, they want it higher I guess. not my fault.

Sorry but your gramps is gonna die, nobody who matters will though.

I heard that patient zero was a chinese conservative. Coincidence? I think not.