If this fucker got a gf then why can't you?
Why do you continue to make excuses?
If this fucker got a gf then why can't you?
Why do you continue to make excuses?
I don't have e-fame status.
You tell me, OP. Why can't I get a gf? What is it I need to do?
he's chad and I'm a worthless piece of shit
because I am not a shitskin and that makes me the least desirable choice for the females of our race, because they are huge self hating whores
Go outside. lolololol
I don't go out and do stuff. I could start, but I'd be lying if I said I was doing it for something other than finding a girl. And what happens once I find one? Won't she want to keep going out and doing stuff?
Don't care about women
I just wanna be immortal
Lol and shiteskin volcels say the same thing but about white people.
The fucking hoops people will jump through to avoid trying to be a better person
All fembots on here are sluts for prettyboy or chad white "nerds"
you are going to tell me that a nigger that fuck and dumps you and beats the shit out of you is a better person than I am?
Well in terms of social skills, my money says yes
Is that the average "white" couple in America?
On that thought, I bet he exercises too lol
But I do that every day..? Are you taking the piss?
Most of the niggers they fuck are fatfuck manlets
In terms of being a white whore my money also says yes
I bet they know how to make people laugh. Do you do that?
You are probably laughing rn don't you? I bet you laughed yourself into fucking a dog as well huh?
An incels view of what a Chad is seems to get more and more meaningless by the day. You think any retarded ogre that hold a girl's hand is a Chad. You guys couldn't be any more pathetic if you tried.
>nigger that fuck and dumps you and beats the shit out of you is a better person than I am?
In women's point of view? Yeah.
He's exciting, wild and charismatic.
Plus he'll probably be in decent shape and is not socially awkward.
Decent possibility of having a big dick too.
She'll just get pregnant and get white Mr. Betabux to pay for the kid.
There's no pro to being a low key, decent person, women will simply find you boring and unattractive.
>Won't she want to keep going out and doing stuff?
Yes?!?!? Are you saying you want to get a girl just so you can hold her hostage in your hoarder depression nest?
>they know how to make people laugh
Shit, I always have women laughing at me.
I had women laughing at my dick, laughing at my bald head, laughing at my crossed eyes, laughing at me being short.
I constantly make women laugh.
I shat and came too
>being so autistic you that you think he was actually being serious
>Go outside and DO SOMETHING
*edited for clarity
Women like shitty men. This is old news. We talk about it too much.
Your boyfriend isn't your court jester. I can't imagine a guy thinking
>Should I date this girl? Well, she does make a lot of jokes!
When I was in high school I was a class clown and no one wanted to fuck me. I was constantly making people laugh. Didn't mean shit.
Women actually prefer introverted men who don't have big smiles, but men like that aren't attention whores or rabid socialites, so it's the extroverted guys who walk right up with a big disarming smile and women fall for them because they're retarded.
Yes? Going outside is for low IQ normalfags.
>Oh no. I do absolutely believe you people would think like this. It's just who you are. Pure autist spectrum shit.
See, I am funny, white women have zero commitment to white males, they are self hating whores, that's why so many of them suffer from different mental illnesses
>Women like shitty men.
Assuming you aren't the lowest shit tier of "man." You aren't even a man. You're a boy.
Ah, ya totally got me! I guess you can just stay indoors all alone and masturbate with your tears then faggot.
From the age of 7 I grew up in a shithole group home where the other kids hated me and the workers didnt care to do anything about it. I've never had any friends and I wouldnt know how to go about getting any. I'm not the kind of person women go for.
Yeah, I'm not a man because I'm not extroverted, that famously masculine trait.
Nah, you not funny nigga. You're probably the only one that thinks you're funny.
>And that friends, is why I will never smile at people
Volcels are actually subhumans. Like all of you fucks sound so self-pitying and desperate. I couldn't imagine even being your friend, let alone dating you
>the only women who exist are normies
I guess I really will stay home and masturbate.
I'm an introvert, never stopped me mah nigga. Why do you have to make such pathetic shitty excuses. Get up off your fat fuckin ass and do something with your life maybe? W/e same shit you've heard and ignored a million times before.
Fuck off stupid whore
This is our board, I'll slit your throat
That doesn't actually mean anything. Just another way for you people to cope with being lazy worthless pieces of shit.
I am nothing. I'm not interesting, I'm mostly stable, and I have nothing to offer to women. Even if they did accept me they would quickly tire out.
>our board
AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Imagine being 14 again.
She's just with him for the fame and free shit. Women do this all the time. She's not even all that cute. 4/10 at best
Nothing to see here folks
Yeah, that's called going to work, do you think I just walk out, stand there, and walk back inside?
I always funny how 0/10's think they can rate anyone else based on their looks. Every uggo on the street should be 10/10's to you idiots.
>No, that just called going to work. So is that all you do? Just go to work, then come back to your hovel and fucking rot away. Goddamn, why don't girls like you?!? I can't figure it out!
Bro i have ten. Step on up.
idk. I try. I went on a date recently. Girls aren't attracted to me.
yadad yada go talk to women and be yourself and just vibe bro, hahaha, just fucking give up already, you wanna know why incels and all these fucks can't understand you? because you can't give calculated advice, everything flows with you faggots and you actually don't know how it feels to struggle getting girls, you easily just get a girlfriend like a snap of a finger and just say "THE FLOW BRO U GOTTA GET THE FLOW".
You are sitting on an image board filled with pathetic faggots spouting vitriol, you are equally pathetic.
She's a clout chaser, yes pathetic I know how little clout he has but it's true, had my fair share.. very cringe women are.
>dating you
If I'm desperate, how am I voluntarily celibate? Wouldn't I just take what I can get? It sounds like you're just upset I won't fuck you. YOU can't imagine dating ME? Isn't that backwards?
>mah nigga
Stop talking like a monkey.
>do something with your life
I work. Everything else I want to do is in my house.
>That doesn't actually mean anything
It means your IQ is so low I can't see you as human anymore. Shouldn't you be watching some mind-numbing shit on Netflix or getting drunk or something? It's Friday night, after all.
So, again, what should I be doing? It seems like you're just trolling, because you said I should go outside and do stuff, and I explained that I do, and now your reaction is to just attack me.