Dumbass hypocritical retard getting mad over a asian girl who eats live squids and octopuses on camera

>dumbass hypocritical retard getting mad over a asian girl who eats live squids and octopuses on camera
>he isn't a vegan yet has the FUCKING NERVE to run his mouth about animal ethics
>gets called out for being a hypocritical retard by vegan gains
>"its humane killing, animals treat eachother worse in the wild, so its okay for us to enslave, rape and kill these animals for our taste pleasure"
>"lions kill animals, so why is it wrong for me to kill animals?"
>this faggots entire community rides his dick like a cult, and defends their idol faggot regardless of how stupid his arguments are

holy FUCK meat eaters are so fucking stupid. the best part about all of this is how penguinz0's community of 12 year olds are defending him without question. this retard thinks "HUMANE KILLING" of animals for taste pleasure is acceptable

one of the things that just propelled me to become a vegan is just how fucking stupid every single meat eater's arguments are. h3h3 did the same thing, but he wasnt called out on it. but he's just as guilty of being a virtue signalling obese hypocrite

first video of penguinz0 getting morally outraged

vegan gains first response

penguinz0 response to vegan gains

vegan gains livestream watching the response

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Too long didn't read youre autistic

I eat animals because they're yummy, but seeing them suffer leaves a bad taste in my mouth. That's all there is to it.
With that being said, penguinz0 is a stinky poopyhole

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I don't watch his videos

Who cares his vids are shit now. Just let him make zoomer garbage in his shitty corner of the internet.

he was cool until he showed his face
now he's just like every other youtuber that just does camera videos like that

Its okay when I do things that benefit me
Its not okay when others do things that benefit them

its basic self interest, whatever benefits me I support
whatever benefits you I oppose

imagine getting so upset by a person you wouldnt even know about without the internet
imagine being so weak minded that you cant just ignore things

Because autistic-vegan-chan made this thread and spazzing is what he does

People still watch him in 2020?

I cringe whenever I get a recommendation for his shifty content on his shitty channel. I used to watch him back awhile back, but as of late his content has been low effort and boring

his fame is undeserved honestly. any incel can do his shtick.

>I eat animals because they're yummy, but seeing them suffer leaves a bad taste in my mouth
>paying for dogs to fight eachother gives me a lot of pleasure, but seeing them suffer afterwards leaves a bad taste in my mouth
>stealing from people gives me a lot of things which makes me happy, but seeing people suffer afterwards leaves a bad taste in my mouth


if you dont like paying for animals to be bred into existence, enslaved their entire life, and hearing them scream at the top of their lungs to be killed for your pork chop, then dont financially contribute towards it?

this is what you are paying for to happen when you buy and eat meat

>liking this soulless faggot at any point in history

fucking cancerous faggots. i bet you unironically enjoy leafy-is-hear or whatever other cancer trash you braindead zoomers watch

thank you for understanding. just being in the presence of someone who understands and isnt entirely brain damaged helps

i was calling out this retard and also h3h3 who did an identical virtue signalling video a week or 2 back. literally making a video for social brownie points which this fat fuck stuffs his face with double bacon cheeseburgers everyday. what a punchable face too


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why are you spending all this effort getting so upset over a stranger on the internet? would you react and behave this way if you saw that some random user did the same things he is doing? stop putting internet """""celebrities""""" on a pedastal brother

Vegans are a retarded cult. Nobody can ever refute the FACT that is this single image BTFOing all vegans forever.
Most vegans are truly retarded as well, just look at all of India.

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>goes to r9k where everyone is to dead inside to give a shit about anything to argue veganism
Agree that critical is a hypocrite, but this is hardly the best place to argue for animal rights n shit

Shut up vegan fag. No one gives a fuck.

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Vegan gains is an autistic psychopath. He talks about strangling babies and beating kids, how could you possibly support that kind of content?
Also full on veganism is retarded. Just because you don't eat animals doesn't mean animal products aren't present in the items you use every day, one example being the soles of your shoes. Have fun spending extra money to supplement your unnatural diet just so you can virtue signal on the internet

I eat meat but I like her channel, she's cute and I don't really give a fuck that she's eating animals alive. Animals do it to eachother all the time

also penguinz0 is a cuck and a fag

Vegan gains is the Chris Chan of veganism, he acts like an autistic retard and screeches only makes people want to eat more, just like you, the environment is fucked by animal agriculture and animals are treated like shit, but no one here is going to give a shit.

vegan gains is an obsessive psycho and so are you, chill the fuck out

I'm only here to say that penguinz0 aka critikal is a boring channel because his jokes are literal playground-humor with profanity.
>meat eater
anybody who uses this term like it's a bad thing is a dumb vegan

to be honest vegantard, I assumed you were vegan gains based on how faguin described his attitude.
you are kind of a psycho annoying troll who won't shut up and will only convince people of the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.

>critical defense force is out here simping like its going out of style

holy SHIT, can you ride this guy's dick harder? make a music video telling him how much you love him, with a critical body pillow, where you ride it. dude, tatoo his name in your lower back already

and you havent addressed any of vegan gain's points of hypocrisy. all you did was simp for your idol like the braindead sheep that you are. go donate money on his patreon telling him how much you love him and how much you hate vegans with your mom's credit card

>Also full on veganism is retarded. Just because you don't eat animals doesn't mean animal products aren't present in the items you use every day

it largely is. veganism is about reducing animal suffering as much as possible, and vegans reduce their animal product use by a huge margin, like 99%+. nobody is perfect, but vegans DRAMATICALLY reduce the animal product demand and increase plant based demand, which means much less suffering for animals

what is it that i said is factually incorrect?

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I'm getting tired of commenting about the joys of eating humanely raised locally sourced free range meat from the small family farm just up the road, so instead I'm just gonna point out that vegans are cityfags and have no excuse to talk about ethics when they live in a pile of concrete and smog where a forest used to be.

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>wants to stop animal cruelty
>whines like an autistic faggot online and irl
>people hate begin to hate vegans and want to eat more meat, milk and eggs as a result of the faggotry
Vegans would do their cause a big favor if they just shut the fuck up

Those videos are the equivalent of salting and biting a live pig or ripping a head off a chicken with your mouth.

it's not about being correct, it's about being an obnoxious fucking megafaggot. thats what faguin said in his video that he agreed with a lot of points vegans make factually but that people like vegan gains who go on about killing babies and constantly trolling and getting butthurt over not everybody being in your cult is what turns people away.

Way to plug your gay ass website. I'll be contacting your employers. Nobody gives a shit about your quotes.

Penguinz0 is such an obnoxious fucking idiot.

I like how you act like his opinions are at all unique and not the bog standard western opinion on eating meat. Nobody cares nigger, people still going to eat meat and they're still going to think chinks are subhuman for boiling dogs alive or whatever, deal with it.

alright what the fuck is wrong with zoos. you have something against keeping endangered species from going extinct? tigers and pandas would be fuckin dead if it weren't for zoos.

I don't see how people find this monotone voiced cuck to be funny or anything. He built his career off of reading reddit posts, so i probably just answered my own question.

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Out of curiosity, what is your opinion on eating invasive animals that are destructive to the environment, like wild boar in America and Australia , and lion fish and iguanas in Florida that threaten native species

No theyre not. Fish dont feel pain

after COVID-19 response now by 2020 world clearly see West (America, Europe) is not leader in anything, finally, this idiots need to shutup because noone care their opinion.

Le Enlightened Vegan vs Unwashed Mean Eating Hordes

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he was "funny" and popular years ago when all other video game channel had some obnoxious and loud voice, so for him to flip the script and not be PG like everyone else was liked by a lot of people with immature/edgy humor.

They do have nervous systems, and feel fear, but also no one cares about people eating meat anyway, plus OP is a faggot, vegan gains is a faggot, and penguin is a faggot

fuck off you nigger faggot. this youtube shit is cancer

vegans are weak both in body and in spirit and should either die or become a slave class.

the animals he was complaining about were octopi and squids which are much smarter than fish. with the fish he was only really complaining that they weren't killed quickly.

>giving a shit about ecelebs

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hnngh shy gal makes me wanan coom

speaking as a vegan, i wish you'd fuck off with these threads. you do nothing to promote the cause and make people hate us even more.


Would you rather be shot in the head and then eaten, or would you rather to be alive, stuck in onions sauce, sucked on, have your arms ripped off, thrown on the floor, and eventually die from having your skull crushed in?

Vegans are literally the worst when it comes to arguments. Base your arguments around the fact that people will never stop eating meat.

He was never funny. He was always that channel for the queers that take themselves too serious and believe they are mature intellectuals. He has always been the "Fart shit cum" type of humor that you see on reddit

OP is gay, but to give the devil his do, there are vegan bodybuilders that are pretty strong

Well thats wonderful. Didn't fucking ask to be told what i already know though.
Fish don't feel pain, i can see if she was torturing rats or something but she isnt. Even if she was its nothing to be fucking livid about, she may be a psycopath but its no big deal.
Personally i torture bugs

Based vegan
Good on you for not being retarded

they don't feel pain but can feel stimulation. The only reason they struggle is the instinct to stay alive

I don't mind dying but i don't my brain being destroyed. I want that DMT portal to open up

>an octopus is a fish
You realize that not everything that breathes underwater is a fish, right?