How true is it men can smell if a girl is horny...

How true is it men can smell if a girl is horny? I see robots saying that and I'm not sure if it is le super trolling to make me self concious.

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yeah it's like i'm a wolf deeply breathing the pheromones that bring it out of me to devour the innocence of little girls like horny bitch radar and then they get dicked.

I can smell your delicious juices right now op.

yo tell me there is a reverse of this exact scene

Unironically I can smell when a woman is ovulating/period, they smell distinctively.
Also, I'm not straight, I'm like super gay bottom boi, so it's really repulsive. I guess other guys could get to smell that too.

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No idea, I can assure you a female has never been horny anywhere near me

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not that I have noticed but I haven't smelled very many women. maybe that time I got a really big boner from being near this one girl she was having horny pheromones, but I didn't consciously notice. mostly I just smell slight sweetness perfume or maybe shampoo.

Describe the smell, please, kind faggot sir

I have no sense of smell so this shit is absolutely wild to me.

>Unironically I can smell when a woman is ovulating/period, they smell distinctively.
>Also, I'm not straight, I'm like super gay bottom boi
Same actually. The smell makes me vomit lol. Probably the reason why gay.

Thats right stinky slut.

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yea, there's definitely an odor to it but it's hard to describe what it smells like, alluring muskiness i guess? we just know the smell like an instinct.
if you spend a lot of time around certain men, like in school or work, those guys can probably pick up when you're on your period because your body odor changes during that time and you can't really hide it with an perfume. it's a lingering metallic fever type of smell, nothing hides it.

bros why is it when I see a women being choked or in pain even in a fucking manga drawing I get a massive hard on?

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Musky frutal, it's pretty distinctive, it's mostly from their armpit area I guess. In comparison to their everyday odor it's like they put a huge blinking billboard telling everybody how fertile they are. (But I guess it's really subtle or non-existent for those who don't pay attention or cannot perceive odors) It's so darn obnoxious gotta tell you. They stop smelling like that after they get old, and teens are the worst.

here, that's so fucking hot. What the hell? I'm jealous :/

yes its very obvious and we can smell it

Sorry OP, its real. Just gets more attention on this board because we're all so fuckin autistically oversensitive we can smell the echoes of the big bang like TV static.

Alright, I'll believe you, that's horrifying. And unfair. I don't smell men being horny.

i think a lot of guys can pick the smell out if they were aware of it, but i think most guys just know it on a subconscious level.
theres an article somewhere that had this exact subject. a couple men were given womens shirts that women wore when they were horny and a shirt when they weren't horny, and the men were told to pick out the shirt that smells like a girl was horny, and they did

>Same actually. The smell makes me vomit lol. Probably the reason why gay.
Totally, I have to hold my breathing and go away to take a deep breather, it's really repulsive.
Au contraire, it totally snares me when a guy has a strong but nice body odor, ungh, melts my brain.

women stink once a month but gay dudes smell like literal ass 24/7

>I don't smell men being horny.
You don't need to, you look at their pants and its throbbing.

we're always horny you dumb dumb, that's our trick. it probably makes more sense for us to know when you're horny by smell because something something evolution

here, this

You're either a closeted gay or a roastie.
Straight men can't into aromas.
But certainly you're a retarded person.

Men smell according to other factors, like metabolism and race, not their sexual orientation, on average, gay dudes shower way more than straight dudes, and don't use retarded stuff like AXE.

>women stink once a month
The only pussy you know is the one you came from, incelonius monk.

Think you're missing a whence or a forsooth in there fucktongue, peep peep

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I can completely smell men being horny. It stinks unless I'm horny too.

what do we smell like when we're horny?

slightly sweet but very strong sweat

Pretty sure I can't, unless it's some weird smell I've smelled once and didn't think much of at the time.
I really couldn't care less if a woman is horny or not, I don't want to be around them in any case.

>nerve touched