All you have to do is change yourself

This could be your wife
this could be your child
this could be your future
But you are ruled by fear

Attached: this kills robots.webm (800x1040, 730.11K)

Am hispanic, this will never happen for me.

Marrying a single mother would indeed be a change in my current stature I just don't see what's so necessary about it

All you have to do is become someone you hate in a lifestyle you despise.


why not?

YOUR child, kid. Your biological offspring

A happily married man is someone you hate? Why?

>White women don't like hispanic men, hispanic women cheat too much and like black and white guys more.
>Am too stupid
>Am too ugly
>Am poor.

>still falling for the self improvement meme
>implying my shitty genes should be passed on

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>Having a kid with a woman (most likely a "virgin" who had 30 cocks stuffed inside)
I'll self improve for myself and no one else, I won't be a money machine after she's had her fun

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Change the poor part
Change the lack of confidence
Stop living in fear

A solid attitude!
But we'll see what happens when you aren't ruled by fear

My fate was already sealed.

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I have nothing to be confident in user, also how can i stop being poor when i have failed my engr classes in uni.

Do you think there is one way to make money?
>"If you don't spend $500k and 5 years getting a specific type of degree from a specific university you are DOOOOOMED!
is bullshit. Scaremongering. FUD.
there are a million ways to make enough to support a family and that will put you way ahead of the guys still on the treadmill

A loudmouth asshole is someone I hate. And that's what I'd have to become to get a wife.

Why? Are you incapable of being anything but a frightened loner or a loudmouthed jerk?
Or do you think everyone with a wife is a loudmouthed jerk?

am an electrical apprentice without a job, what other ways can i earn money user?
>i live in ny

All advice I have seen related to getting a girlfriend, apart from everything I've already done, is to be a loudmouth asshole.

apprentice electrician? Then you know how - work a trade or get a decent job in sales

>But we'll see what happens when you aren't ruled by fear
lmao what "fear" is this? While everyone was normalfagging and having fun I was in the dirt. I'm not going to let myself be taken advantage of after my efforts are clear. It's basic self respect.

ever ask a married man what it takes it become a married man, or just unmarried guys on the innerwebz?

Fear of change; fear of risk; fear or rejection; fear of failure.
Look at you, you're admitting it.
>"I am not going to be taken advantage of"
A confident man doesn't even need to think that, let alone state it.

>ever asked a married man
Yes. Ever get tired of shitposting?

Avoiding being hit by a bus you know is coming is not irrational

I'm happy with my life.
I could be happier with love, but that brings its own challenges and will most likely just bring more extremes - bad and good - to my life.

Ultimately, I realize that I can offer a lot to women. I'm independent, have a stable job with excess cash, and am emotionally ready to devote myself to someone.
I do the work to put myself out there. If no woman wants to take interest in me, then that is their loss.

I wont change myself to please people that aren't interested in the person I like being.

>sleepless nights
>dead sex life
>working long and difficult hours to support wife and kid
>wife has post-natal depression
>neither of you have free time anymore
>wife never shifts the baby weight and you get fat an unhealthy from lack of exercise

And you won't be, as long as you have that attitude. Cover your own ass first, worry about others second.

>All you have to do is change yourself.
Yes, but in order to fully get there I need to detach myself from the distractions that are weighing me down.

Upstate NY? If so, hi Robert

>This could be your wife
I don't want one.
>this could be your child
I don't want any.
>this could be your future
I don''t want this future.
>But you are ruled by fear
Yes, the fear of god.

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You're kidding right, most electrical work in nyc is cucked by ibew and those fucks are hard to join. Transit dubbed me into oblivion, i might as well join the marines. But at the end of the day i'll be poor because of the constant failure in my plans.

no, jew york city.

If you've got experience in electrical work, take your talents outside of the city. There's all kinds of places upstate that need reliable electrical guys, and they pretty much run the show. Get to the point where you can do jobs all on your own, and start your own little business. The city will strangle you. Get out, it'll be cheaper living, you get to enjoy the quiet Adirondack park, and you'll pretty much work whenever you like.

That's empirically incorrect. Every married man I've met is an asshole, but only some of them are loudmouths.

>he doesn't long for the sweet release of death

Will a CTE endorsed diplomacy and less than 48 hrs of work time get me far? How do i know that some contracting businesses are family inclusive?

Married men give advice that is all stuff I've already done. Study hard get a good job buy your own place etc and girls will just magically seek you out. That's married man advice. Basically, according to them I should be married already as-is.

Loudmouth asshole is guy on the internet advice. "Just go harass random women in public brah"

Babies are a gift from God

I don't really give a shit. Lots of retards achieve exactly this thinking it will solve their predicament and they end up even more fucking miserable and worse off than if they had done nothing at all. It's a false god and it won't save you.

>This could be your wife
I'm not white.

If you can do the work up to code, you'll go far. I'd recommend getting maybe more experience and time on the job before considering getting out on your own, but so far you seem like you'll do well. I know a few contractors up here who refuse to do electrical work, and there's like 3 go to guys who make a killing just because they're willing to do it.