Why dont identitarians/fascists/etc go back to their home countries...

Why dont identitarians/fascists/etc go back to their home countries? It seems bizarre to live in a foreign country and rant about their homeland.
>we built this country
Go ahead and tear it down before you leave. You think natives are going to move into your houses and assume your job?
>you should thank us for the computer you are typing on
I'd be perfectly content without it. Do you think happiness was invented in 1953 or something?

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America should have been a white ethnostate with Indians getting the scraps. Americans settled and tamed the land, Indians didn't even think land had value and were nomadic.

What are you talking about? There was no "country" before the Europeans colonized the new world, they lived in literal tribes, chucking spears at each other.

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>Why dont identitarians/fascists/etc go back to their home countries? It seems bizarre to live in a foreign country and rant about their homeland.
American whites are not welcome in their "homelands" anymore, assuming they can pick just one. The whole concept of "white" meant that the actual races got hopelessly intermixed.

>Go ahead and tear it down before you leave. You think natives are going to move into your houses and assume your job?
Don't bother. Whiny fascists never built shit, other than Disney and GM, two of the worst companies alive today. They're better at starting wars they can't win for reasons they can't clearly articulate.

>I'd be perfectly content without it. Do you think happiness was invented in 1953 or something?
Technologies are memetic. We joke about Rare Pepes and patents but in the end, there's nothing stopping natives with the know-how from building whatever they want to. Or not, in the event they want to avoid the degeneracy that comes with modernity, something whites chug like boxed wine.

>we built this country
Like I said, natives were perfectly content living in wigwams and even today, live in trailers and shanties.

And the Neanderthals were happy surviving as hunter-gatherers but progress waits for no one.

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>We were so butthurt other people were living their lives that we devoted countless hours to finding better ways to kill people so we could make them as miserable as we were

What foreign country? Canada was founded by white people, it was ours from day one.

Remember the Solutreans?

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Because they're openly trying to conquer your country in the name of their old country. What are you gonna do about it?

Misery loves company, totalitarian minds want the whole world.

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I want you to know that solutreans werent white. You are not a solutrean or a descendent of solutreans, you're a sepereate migration wave into Europe. If anything, I'm the solutrean.

Attached: solutreanpeople3.jpg (700x495, 88.07K)

>Im the solutrean
They were white, and they were genocided by "Native" Americans.

Except the Indians interbred with the Solutreans while Europeans not related to them at all

People in western Europe had dark skin until 7000 years ago, the "solutrean" remains date to 18000 years ago. I put solutrean in quotation marks because according to wikipedia there has been genetic testing done on remains that shows the "solutreans" found in eastern America arent even solutrean, they share a genetic history with the rest of the natives. Its just their tools were built with a similar method to the solutreans that sparked the theory. Solutreans were brown, and they werent in America first. Scientific facts.

Why don't native Americans go back to Eurasia where they came from 15,000 years ago?

Also being born in a country automatically makes it your home country.

Why dont we all just go back to Africa?

Out of Africa theory has been nearly completely disproved
More over it looks like Europeans and the Soultreans originated from the same area.

We need to deport every single race, desu.
Native American
Get rid of em all.

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Isn't the "muh indians were the original amerilards, the indians got shafted hard by immigration" argument very anti-immigration?
>native americans live happily
>illegal immigrants (europeans) arrive
>native americans get fucked hard, nearly genocided
>the only reason they exist is white europeans giving them mercy

He's not saying Europeans are solutreans. He's saying that native americans aren't original either.

there's literally nothing stopping you from running off into the woods with your tribe and living exactly how your ancestors lived

your children wouldn't even know that white people exist

That doesn't fit his narrative so OP will ignore that. Remember, wh*te people bad.

>wh*te people bad.

Why is it somehow I'm the bad guy just because my 29th great grandpa kicked your 29th great grandpa's ass? Maybe if your lineage wasn't shit and your people got past the tribal stage before we got there you wouldn't be in the predicament you are now? But I guess it's just easier for you to blame the big scary white people for all your problems instead of taking responsibility for your own actions and life.

I am in my home country, and would like to keep the Muslims out of it.
t. Balkanfag

In many countries there are actually laws against that.

My homeland was taken away by Anglo-Saxons from Germany. I'll go back to my homeland when the Anglos go back to Germany.

Maybe your people should have fought them off. If your nation is too weak to maintain its territory then you didn't deserve that territory to begin with. Do better in the future or fuck off, history won't care either way.

>complains about invaders taking his homeland away from him
>"maybe your people should have fought them off."
Bad bait

Bad argument on your part, if said invaders took your land and you couldn't do anything about it then it wasn't your land to begin with. Do better in the future or fuck of, history won't care either way.

Even if there are, that doesn't matter

It's not like a police squad is going to venture into the woods to arrest you all, drag you all to a jail cell, not fine you anything because you don't have any money, then kick you onto the street, where you're just going to return to the forest

No one will care

The natives were unironically based in this sense. Seriously think about it. How the fuck can one own LAND? Land is a part of the earth and no one owns the earth. Leave it to wh*tes to think that you can own something that existed long before your species even existed and long after its gone.

>implying the way we live now is progress

I'm a fascist but I'm for short term mass immigration because white people are responsible for creating classical liberalism and letting women have the right to vote
Indians, Chinese, Middle Eastern people are all way more socially conservative than white people could ever hope to be. Look at Europe. They're going to fall down to the hypermasculinity of islam and it will be beautiful.