Do fembots prefer cut or uncut PPs?

Do fembots prefer cut or uncut PPs?

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I'd say they don't really care. It's all about both the length and how you use it

Black and circumcised.

I guess it depends on the country you're living in.
>America=prefers cut
>rest of the world=prefers uncut

Reminder that circumcision reduces the size of the penis and removes the glide function. To name some of the bad.

I'm cut and my penis is slightly above average size for my country (which is not predominantly cut).

I don't care personally because if I love you then I love your penis too. I just don't understand why men seem to be ok with having their genitals mutilated though. It's horrible.

>men seem to be ok with having their genitals mutilated
>implying it's the choice of the boy to get snipped by the jew doctors

i like uncut
just seems mean to cut baby dicks like that

>you could have had a way above average penis that would destroy the sex life of any woman that gets a taste of your huge penis, no penis could compare.

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would you dump your bf if he was cut?
would you still love him?

That's not what I mean. Why wouldn't you kill your parents for doing that to you? or sue them? or become an activist against genital mutilation at the very least? Instead most men seem to be ok with it and have no probably mutilating their own newborn infant sons too. It's so sickening and evil but most men just say things like it's fine or act like they don't care at all.

not the one who you're replying to but to me it was done for medical reasons so it actually helped me. also i dunno how bad the doctors are in usa since i have no problems but i hear a lot of people get bad cuts so that they're really tight or something.
> Why wouldn't you kill your parents for doing that to you? or sue them?
this sounds like if i were to argue
"why wouldn't you kill your parents because they didn't put you in prestigious school but a really trash one?"
i see no reason getting mad over something like this were you have no control over it. if your parents did bad to you in your opinion how about you treat yourself and everyone else better so that you don't become someone like that too. they would be good examples of what kind of person you shouldn't become

How can you compare surgically destroying an important part of your sex organs to putting someone in the wrong school?

The foreskin is 100% analogous to the clitoral hood (male and female genitals start as the same structure in utero and then differentiate). If my parents surgically removed the hood of my clit on the day I was born I would hate them for all of my life. I don't understand.

My parents were literally tricked by the doctors into circumcising my siblings and I. They claim there's health benefits for it and pressure the new parents into carrying it out. From what I hear about it all, it's quite the common practice.

you can't press charges until you are 18, and you only have a short window of time after, then you can never.

i mean my dick works so there's nothing wrong(?). so i don't really know about the importance of such thing. if it really was important (like a human heart for example) it you wouldn't be able to remove it succesfully. you can't get everything in life.

I'm not him and I'm not circumcised but the way I see it is that you might as well just get on with your life. It's awful and shouldn't have happened but what's the point in being filled with hate your entire life? You might as well live the best life you can and stop repeating the same mistakes your parents made.

It's hard to convey emotional trauma to stupid people. For something that is easier for you to relate to or grasp, check rape victims or those who've had close ones murdered.

my bf is cut
i love him but we haven't had sex in years and i fantasize about getting back with my uncut ex daily
i honestly think cutting little babies fucks them up psychologically and emotionally for life

i prefer uncut but i live in america so it sucks that literally everyone had their foreskin stolen by the jewish media

>havent had sex in years
Honey that seems like your having major issues. You should work on that.

my fetish is to cut the foreskin off my bf and eat it

Please be my khazar milkers gf

Great now i have to see a huge pic of a dick when i'm scrolling

the major issue is we don't have sex
our life together is pretty comfy and happy otherwise
i don't think he can get a boner anymore but even if he could i don't think i'd be into it at this point

That seems like a pain, you think your going to be okay living the rest of your life like that?

Have you talked with him about him taking viagra, or maybe him wearing a strap-on?

they make pills for that.

I prefer thicc and long. Tfw no big dick robot bf.

i'm fine with it if he is
i'm past the point in my life where sex is a big deal breaker
the thing is my ex was my oneitis since highschool and i really thought we were going to be happy in love forever and then he dumped me one day for some jew slut so now i'm happy just to not be alone with someone i get along with who is at least as emotionally damaged as i am

we used to talk about pills but he never went for it and it's been so long i don't think either of us even care any more .. i know i don't
strap on would just be creepy i think


t. Uncut femboy here