You're in their country so they have a right to be racist to you

>You're in their country so they have a right to be racist to you
What did my Asian mom mean by this?

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wow, your mum is incredibly based
what asian country are you from, user?

She means stop bitching about racism or move back to your own country

Only white peopIe are oppressed. Imagine everyone talking shit about you 24/7.

Very based. Listen to your mother.

Bro your mom is based as shit

Ching chong ping pong eat your dog wantons chinky gook zipperhead slope


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As a non-asian living in japan I have to agree with her

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>white people are oppres-

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It works like that. I saw a movie recently where main character was mixed. Japanese told him "fuck off, chink" and Chinise told him "fuck off, jap"

She is a self hating bitch, dont listen yo her.

That's not what he said and you know it.

go back then

tell her you want to move back to asia

Not that any Asian bot is going to read this but if you're going to raise a kid, move to some enclaved place like Irvine, Newport, Tustin etc (basically SoCal) if you can afford it. Actually this goes for just about everybody, not just Asians. My neighbor moved here from Colorado with a family of 6 and loves it here.

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she means keep ya head down - she doesnt want any trouble

i already live near there actually. those places you mentioned are good places to raise a family

>i already live near there actually. those places you mentioned are good places to raise a family
>tfw my family was CONVINCED that bodunk middle of fucking nowhere Midwest was the prime spot to raise a family
I fantasize about living in a city. I'd probably still be just as lonely, but at least it'd be more exciting than Cornfields, USA.

she meant marry a white girl who responds to your Yas Forums thread

They're just salty. There's a reason why almost every Midwest/South person I meet doesn't want to leave after coming here. It used to be affordable but now the properties are extremely expensive.

Yep. Literally the best place on the planet imo

Is being a western-integrated asian the worst fate?

>whites think it is acceptable to be racist to you
>despite what they say about "immigrants" integrating being good, they don't like that you integrated and were born here
>can't stand narcissistic, traditional asian family dynamics pushed by reddit asian identity types
>can't move back to asia since it's a foreign culture and government system is absolute shit
>don't even like most asian food
>SJW types think you can be a white supremecist
>blamed for coronavirus despite being born in the west and never having been to asia

We are literally people without a country. We can't even appease the white nationalist types since there's nowhere to go back to.

Don't let Reddit, Yas Forums and Twitter fool you. The vast majority of people don't think that way. Most of them are well integrated and live pretty good lives. I brought up location earlier because unfortunately for those who live in rougher neighborhoods they get picked on a lot.

Are you retarded? What do you mean you have nowhere to go to? Have you heard of Asia? You know the continent whose demographic is 99.99% Asian?
Europeans are the ones being left with nowhere to go back to.

And this is coming from a Pajeet so don't bother with the racist card

asians are treated like a joke in white countries yet whites are treated like gods in asia. this is so fucking cucked

>asians are treated like a joke in white countries yet whites are treated like gods in asia
have you never heard of kpop

because as a society they understand the value of racism and nationalism. That's why Jepan fucking pile drives anything that happens like pandemics, etc. a homologous, joint, trusting, integrated and close society.

The US has no concept of this existence and, as it typical, their kneejerk short sighted response to the ideas is hilarious.

The loves herself and her people. She understands that other nationalities in THEIR nation do the same. No, she isn't. Ne, he shouldn't. It's the reality of the situation. You reeing out about racism isn't going to do fuck all and means nothing in this context because you can't even conceptualize this situation in your limited little head.

Can you read? Westernized Asians aren't even culturally compatible with Asian asians.

From my experience, even if they hide it by pretending to be "high class" and work in a white collar job, they are still racist as shit towards Asians. They want us to be pathetic, subservient stereotypes and nothing more. If anything, you have more to fear from the white managers that preach about diversity and performative #woke bullshit since nobody would believe you and they actually think they can be racist, sexist, and prejudiced as all fucking hell behind closed doors since their front-facing marketing screams to the world that they're not.

She's right. What if it's in their culture to be racist just like it's in their culture to wear certain clothes? You can't make them change their own culture in their country(unless you're jewish).

There's no greater collective user. Everyone's looking out for themselves. And even if what you say is right, you can't blame a group for preferring their own group over yours. It's literally human nature (see Harvard medical school research on races and babies).

>i might have to see people that look different than me
>that are living their own lives and minding their own business

The horror!