It is my dream to make a fembot my wife

It is my dream to make a fembot my wife.

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don't we all want something like this

Go after a normie girl instead OP. Fembots are truly some of the foulest examples of the female gender.

Imagine the worst traits of a regular women, then add in a bunch of social and emotional dysfunction and you get a fembot.

You're not asking for a good thing op.

as a fembot i can agree that is right and you should never go after females from here

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And then have a bunch of autistic kids?

Normie women would never accept me, and we would never understand each other.

List your mental issues for scientific purposes please.

What happens when you jump in? origino

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you must be my wife now

your dream is gay and you are gay

Not her but i am schizophrenic so definitely not worth being with anyone

They make good friends though, always fun to be around with something interesting to say.

All I want is to give my robot bf children and be his wife.
Hopefully one daysoon

Every fembot is a beautiful precious jewel.

You'll probably cheat on him with Chad and let him beat you and then complain about men

the only illnesses im diagnosed with are clinical depression and social anxiety. it's a possibility that i might be autistic though but i don't want to claim that without a diagnosis. it's not really about the illnesses fembots inherently have it's more that their personality is shit. if a woman can't get a boyfriend it's their own fault at that point and they're not willing to change.

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I would never cheat on my sweet robot. Never.

It's true I beat my ex's and fucked my friends roommate while we dated

But we can be friends still. Depression and autism are of no consequence.

funny, you have any idea how many fembots I've defiled? Lots of really cute bizarre painfully shy types that are starved for a little attention and give up that pussy with a little effort. Not as easy as slut types but these girls are STARVED for attention. Oh and some of these girls have incredible bodies but hide them. When you touch them they tremble and their eyes have this look of fear, anticipation and lust and that pussy is always gushing. Last one had goosebumps all over and flushed and her nipples rock hard on them fine tits.

am fembot and let me tell you, if you want a REAL fembot and not a normie female going on the chans to gather orbiters, you should never reproduce. the combination of such distorted genes lingering with mental illness will make your kids actual fucking downies, add both of your social incompetence and your child is fucking doomed to commit suicide at the age of 5

no such thing as "fembots"
only women that found a different platform to attention whore

i never reveal my gender on half unless for context. however, im deeply suspicious about most fembots as i do agree that most of them are attention whores just trying to gather orbiters. but i do believe they exist as i would call myself one and i have met females like me, although rare. i would even go as far to say im more subhuman than the average robot on this board.

>I would never cheat on my sweet robot. Never.
a-are you sure?

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I have had experience with a real fembot irl. When I thought I finally found someone i could live happily ever with she betrayed me in my most vulnerable time. She cheated on me and tried gaslighting me that it was my fault. She's the 2nd biggest reason for my trust issues, I can't even feel anything for girls that show interest in me. I'm as jaded as it gets. When I think about how I could've done nothing to prevent this, how she was a terrible person and how i fell for a terrible person that much disgusts me utterly.

Why? There's a reason no other guy has tried to even date me. You should take it as a hint.

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hey bro, it isnt your fault and thinking about how you could have prevented it wont help. you didnt know she was a horrible person, you thought you found someone good for you that understood you, that you could relate to and accept you. i had a similar thing happen to me, but im a fembot that fell for a robot, my mental health was never good but he completely obliterated it. you did nothing wrong, you shouldnt blame yourself for falling for her, you should only blame her for being a shit person. you can get through your pain, and maybe one day love again. i believe in you c:

i relate to this a lot although i have had guys interested in me, but it was always solely physical attraction. once they realized i wasnt putting up a "qUiRkY" autristic and retarded personality, they would instantly drop me.

>i have had guys interested in me, but it was always solely physical attraction
Ya, I've had guys offer if I wanted to back to their place and stuff but the intent is always obvious. Never a desire to date though which hurts.

what we need to do is have group sex and impregnate all the femanons

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Where have you been meeting these guys?

Where are you located? Maybe we could get to know each other and date?

Please god, I need this.
Hate that most of the fembobs I've seen have downed the pink pill.

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Deathly sure user. Never.