How old were your parents whenever you were born? My mom was 14 and my dad was 13. I'm 20

How old were your parents whenever you were born? My mom was 14 and my dad was 13. I'm 20.

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Mom was like 37, Dad 41

mom 36 dad 44.

dude your parents are in their 30s, lulz. young as fuck. barely adulting. what's that like?

wait that means they were 12 and 13 when they fugged.

they were both 31

Mum 33, Dad 35
May I ask what your parents current relationship is like?

Mom 31
Dad 42
My Dad died last year.

Dad was 45 and mum was 26

mum 24 dad 25

Mom 16 Dad 20, failed abortion here

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Naah man, you are born a survivor!

How do you become a failed abortion?

Mom told me to my face it was too late for an abortion and thats why im alive

my dad was 19 and my mom was 21. im pretty fucked in the head because they werent the greatest parents but im very glad i get to be alive.

Dad was 37, mum was 38

I refuse to believe people had sex when they were like 14. I mean seriously?

My father was 31 and my mother was 27. I don't really remember much about my mother.

Mom was 20, idk how old my dad was I've only met him once but I assume he was around the same age. My aunt also got pregnant at 15.

Mom was 26, dad was 23

Both of them were 23 desu

My mother was 29, my father was 35.

Mother 27, father 50~ish

my mom was 16 and my dad was 25

My mom was 30 and dad was 36

Why do old dads produce socially fucked up children? Too much of an age gap to play with them and bond or something?

mom was 36 dad was 40

how did no nigger here realize that op's fucking mother nad dad were 14 and fucking 13, this board is done.

Mom was 26 and Dad was 29.

21 mother and like 30-35 dad

Both my parents were about 40.

Both 38

How do you not know how old your parents are lmao

They aren't the same age, user.