Every trace of these piece of shit religions must be erased

Every trace of these piece of shit religions must be erased.

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It's 2020 OP mostly no one believes in a god anymore, it's gonna be ok.

are you going to unsheathe your katana?

Ironic since what you posted is a religion too.
Go tip your fedora somewhere else fag

What is this upsidedown cross religion?

hey user you should google saint peters cross.
that image is still a very pro christian cross and a lot of christians wear it.
it sucks that you're having a bad day and you're taking it out on religion. i hope you get better user

You know user, you could google search that. It symbolizes satanism

Stop spreading it user, pls.

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>n-no it's not an actual religion because blah blah
You are the pot calling the kettle black, you massive autist.

Most satanists do not believe in a god, and that includes satan, but the upsidedown cross does not symbolyze stanism on its own, it directly symbolyzes anti-christianity for the most part, so... yeah would be great for you if it was a religion so you can be on the "same" level" but... it's not a religion user.

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Have you eaten your propaganda today?

>st. peter cross symbolize anti-Christianity

Go back to /x/, autismo.

Please tip your fedora elsewhere and while you are at it take a bath you onion bearded simp

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>roman execution device symbolizes christianity

it symbolizes exactly what op said in the fucking post

I mean, you looking for an argument? It does

Yes you fucking gay ass homo

>Tfw higher IQ than most of Yas Forums.
>Doubt every thing in the world.
>Believe in heaven and hell.

seriously what a retarded piece of shit

careful he's about to explode.

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The cross is the new fedora

Twitter "christians" are just as cringey as the atheists and neopagans they constantly go on about

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Yes most fedoras. I shall start a fedora selling business

Yeah but God is real. He's just pure evil I am under attack by god.

based. what a fuckin dickhead

b-but that's the cross of saint Peter silly you.
He didn't deem himself worthy of being executed in the same way as Jesus so he wanted to be crucified upside down

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The world is larger than the u.s.a. fedora man.

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It's more widly known as an anti-christian sign, most people wont know who peter is or his fable.

user jesus loves you and will forgive you if you let him
i dont know why you hate God but you owe it to yourself read, listen or watch material about Him and the life of Christ because, supposing he is real, nothing is more important and, given for a start i do believe, i dont believe you know all the arguments

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all youre telling me is anti-christians are stupid and adopted a christian symbol for themselves because theyre not even familiar with what they oppose

No one really believes in a God. The churches of the world run empty, aside from the savage southern hemisphere.

If you want to have a place to talk with other mentally ill / shutin / neets, feel free to join here: AbF4zT2


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