Buying onlyfans pics and giving women money is a fetish of mine.
Stay mad, virgins.
Buying onlyfans pics and giving women money is a fetish of mine.
Stay mad, virgins.
Why even give money to anyone? WTF is wrong with you?
what an absolutely pathetic and moronic strawman
no, OP, sorry, you're still a fucking dipshit and unbelievably stupid for giving money to women on the internet
the fact you have to create this elaborate fantasy where everybody who says this is a trump supporter just shows you gave up critical thinking a long time ago
Because I love my kweenz
>Stay mad, virgins
This has to be bait
t. angry incel
stay mad. atleast I get attention from women
The gov gave me and every other idiot 1200 the other day? Isn't that the same thing?
imagine being so mad about a guy like me being a chad and worshipping women like they deserve to
cry more, pathetic angry incel
No? Getting money and giving away money is clearly different.
Explain to me the exact difference then. 1200 buckaroos and I didn't even have to flash my genatalia for it, cope more
The guy is obviously an incel who is mad that I like giving money for attention to women.
Incels are literally repulsive, thats why they are miserable :^)
What? The difference is in once instance you're giving away your money, you're losing money. When you recieved 1200 dollars you gain 1200 dollars.
>giving away your money
>losing your money
>1200 dollars
That isn't a lot of money to me really. So how is it not that the government wanted me to spend these freebux on porn and drugs?
only because you pay for it.
like hiring a prostitute and calling yourself a pussy slayer.
you're so fucking deluded
hope this is bait
>That isn't a lot of money to me really. So how is it not that the government wanted me to spend these freebux on porn and drugs?
Stay mad incel. Im quite a chad compared to you, and you will be alone forever lololllll
In the end it's your own tax dollars being given back to you but it doesn't evem matter where the money came from, spending money on porn, drugs, gambling etc. is always a losing game. You'd be better off spending the 1,200$ on something that didn't just give you a tiny rush and then disappointment.
incels seeeething at this post hahaha
Feels going be a chad, keep being angry in your moms basement, dweeb.
But why are you so sure I am going to end up disappointed or that I am disappointed or regretting anything now?
It's just the nature of addiction. Porn, drugs, gambling etc. never makes anyone happier.
idk man happiness is really relative term I don't feel like tearing apart the philosophy of happiness right now but I would simply disagree with your assertion. Life is about balance, sex drugs and rock n roll are all included in that, if you throw the balance off that can affect happiness. But those things in and of themselves don't cause people to be unhappy
How would you rate your happiness levels in retrospect after giving women all this money for some nude pics? 10/10?
>I literally need to pay for porn to feel happy
>but wait I'm not addicted wtf how can u make this jump ridiculous!
>all this money
Ohhh noooo not 40 dollarydooarinoooosssss how will I ever financially recover from this?
Again I said I didn't want to unpack the intricate philosophy of what it means to be happy but since you want to put a 1-10 scale on it how about a 7.
But that's not what I said retard learn to read or get lost
You are actively driving up the price of pussy for all of us. They need attention just like we need sex. The only difference is that they are using theirs to get us to do what they want to do.
Dont care, im getting nudes and ur a fag
Dude pussy is free.. unless you are a total loser incel who needs a prostitute. But paying for porn is something else
I don't want nudes or pussy. I want a wife.
So you want a whore under contract?
No. If I wanted to fuck your mom for the rest of my life I would have stay when you were born.
Nigga if you're paying for their attention you're worse than an incel. You can get egirls attention for free as long as you're not fucking autistic. Are you bragging about paying women to talk to you because you're too autistic to get it for free? Shit if you had any charm you can even get them to buy you shit, just gotta play it like a dating sim.