Be honest, how many of you sat at the loser table during lunch?

Be honest, how many of you sat at the loser table during lunch?

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I didn't sit at any table I sat on the ground outside. Which was the unofficial losers table, also 'be honest' you know most of us did.

>school started at 8 am and finished at 14 pm
>Ate lunch at home
No loser table for me

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I love how american schools are clearly made to categorize people

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Didn't have tables, but I was always good at faking my personality so I would just blend in with the normies. It made sense to me so I could avoid trouble.

Based EVRO

does the table where people played mtg count as the loser table?

You better believe it does. MTG is ultimate loser status.

since we were a smaller school plus going through renovations, the loser table was relegated to the benches outside of the cafeteria.

Sat with a lesbian couple that lick and meow at each other and cuddle at their desk all day. So embarrassing to look associated with but there were other people with me and it was actually funny to watch desu

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lowlandman coming here to confirm this

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I walked around school trying to look busy, if I stayed in spot to long a roaming teacher or group of girls would ask if I'm depressed or if I'm ok. I had to work especially hard to not run into my sister so she didnt realize how much of a loser I was, she found out through her friends though what a waste of time.

I sat alone, so I guess I was the loser table in a way.

I sat with a really really fat guy at school if I didn't sit alone or if I even bothered showing up. I should fucking kill myself.

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I used to hang out with the LGBT club kids in middle school but then I transferred to a ghetto school and I hung out with the hearthstone + league kids and junior and senior year I hung out with the stoners who made mixtapes once in a while. Kinda weird how I wasn't any of those archetypes but I joined them.

I sat at the reject table but there were a shit ton of rejects so we had or own little gang of like 20 people. There were small guys, fat guys, Tall guys, it was pretty fucking based.

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Uhhh i mean no because there was a table of rejects. But we were clearly the second last on the social table ladder. We we a bunch of people who were basically introverts and didnt care fir being cool n shit so we jusy ended up together. There was abouth 10 of us in 10th and cause people left we ended up with about 5 of us by our last year.

sure as hell beats doing it alone. strength in numbers.
or just dont be seen eating alone.

i sat with myself but that brought some rly interesting ppl into my life like this one blonde guy who wouldnt shut up about weed there were good times yeah bad times yeah but in the end it all made sense.

I waited in the bathroom.
People kept hanging around in there and often looking over the fucking door, so I just stood outside.

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>tfw I sat in the middle of the popular long table and commandeered a bullying crew made up of mostly hockey team dudes
My popularity faded as soon as me coming of criminally responsible age put an end to my "epic pranks" that were actually just physical and verbal harassment and petty theft. I still can't believe people only liked me for that, the positive feedback I used to get was insane.

>eating in the cafeteria
I took my lunch and ate in an empty classroom, then went to the library to read.

Bruh that's the lowest spot on the totem poll. If you play card games at school you're an untouchable.

My school toilets were a nightmare I never ate nor drank at school just so I didnt have to use em

I was too anxious to hang out with the rejects even when they were being really friendly with me

I needed to grow some balls in hs

I table hopped since first weeks of school every year, day one sit at a table of kids i don't know and tell em my name if they ask, day two sit at another table with kids i don't know. No one ever asked why i'm there, though 90% of time everyone knew each other and i was the only stranger, but what the fuck could they do?

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nope, just you user. had a football friend who would play Yu-Gi-Oh with us and he had a qt heterochromia gf.

People are at different times and the tables were pretty few but very long so there were usually different kinds of people at one time

We didn't have lunch at school neither bullying.
We were a small group so even a mentally ill dumbass like me could get friends

We didnt have tables, you brought your food from home and ate it outside

Like the first poster said I sat outside away from the tables
I was so far away from the tables i forgot they existed most the time. People would mention them occasionally and they'd have to remind me there was a cafeteria in the school

no such thing existed at my school