Be black incel

>Be black incel
>Fuck prostitute to lose virginity to
>Get Herpes

I wanna fucking end it.

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Ive been considering escorts lately (in my 30s and incel) but shit like this keeps putting me off from going through with it.

Ive accepted that its over

Are you sure it's the hurps? Go to doktor user, schnel

>be black
>have herpes
Such is life.

Don't fucking do it user, all those sexworkers fucking have it, theu sleep eith multiple men. You can catch it even if you wear a condom. It's transmitable simply through skin to skin contact. I got it on the base of my cock.

Never got tested and my area is currently on lockdown with the corona shit. It fucking stings like hell every second of the day. It gets worse at night. It's burning right now and I can't even sleep with how bad it hurts.

This is what it looked like before I touched it. I'm almost pretty sure this is it.

Yeah I know the statistics and even then the chick I had sex with was a latina.

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Try telemedicine if offered or get some cream from pharmacy

Doesn't sound like herpes Herpes only hurts a bit She gave you HIV , MG , or Vaginosis. They aren't the same

Will look into.

How could it be HIV if I wore a condom over my cock and peehole.

>Never got tested and my area is currently on lockdown with the corona shit.

The doctor's office isn't locked down. Get your ass over there.

Thank god i am not autistic about losing mine, i don't like casual sex or whores because of this reason, anything that makes muh dik uncomfortable is not worth it

>muh herpes

Why are Americans so scared of this?
It's literally no worse than the common cold and even less inconvenient.
Generally the only really dangerous STD is HIV and that's pretty hard to catch if you use protection

Damn, I feel bad. Why didn't you let us bots take your virginity instead?

>wwuuaaaahhhh I have a blister on my peepee that will be gone within one week with no additional symptoms waaahhhhhhh


Welcome to the club pal. Everyone has herpes. Its probably just HSV1. Do the glands in your groin hurt?

t. sex having, herpes carrying degenerate

why would you fuck a hooker raw? fucking stupid blacks. should have just gotten TOPPED instead

He wouldnt have. Condoms dont protect against herpes. Your obviously a virgin. It only takes skin to skin contact. So your going balls deep or the shaft thats not covered comes into contact with skin then you can catch it.

He literally said he wore a condom you autistic fuck.

thats bad man can you get meds ? didnt you use a condom ?

Not even American

If it's genital to genital then it's HSV2. I remember having a coldsore when I was young like 8 years old and mom just put ointment on my lip. So I had HSV1 all these years. I looked up and saw that you can't get the same strain of herpes in both oral and genital if you got it in one place already. My body woulf have antibodies for HSV1 20 years later. I honestly haven't haf another coldsore since I was kid. This new outbreak on my dick has to be HSV2.

I wore a condom you retard. You can get STI's like HSV2 and HPV even with condoms.

I used a condom, but condoms don't cover all of your penis and genital regions. It's a virus that transmits throught skin to skin contact.

I won't get angry at your ignorance, I thought as well that I could have sex and not catch anything as long as I wear a condom. They don't fucking tell you that in sex ed.

Turns out that Herpes isn't even fucking on the generic STD test list.

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>Not even American

So what are you afraid of?

>Genital herpes is an infection by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) of the genitals. Most people either have no or mild symptoms and thus do not know they are infected. When symptoms do occur, they typically include small blisters that break open to form painful ulcers.
>Flu-like symptoms, such as fever, aching, or swollen lymph nodes, may also occur. Onset is typically around 4 days after exposure with symptoms lasting up to 4 weeks. Once infected further outbreaks may occur but are generally milder

Have you had the herpes vaccine? My mother forced me to when I was younger and even fucked a few Thai hookers raw and never had herpes, thank fucking god.

>So what are you afraidbof

Transmitting it to another person. I don't want to be a douchebag and just infect other person.

I agree the stigma attached to it is was blown out since the virus hardly effects your body, but I seriously doubt that any girl will want to have sex with me once I tell them I have herpes.

There's no vaccine agains HSV-2

There is no herpes vaccine WTF are you talking about?

>The risk of spread between a couple is about 7.5 percent over a year (for unprotected sex). The likelihood of transferring genital herpes from one person to another is decreased by male condom use by 50 percent

If anything, it looks like genital warts based on the cauliflower appearance, but it's not developed enough for me to really tell.

Dude these percentages are bullshit. I still got herpes from a girl while wearing a condom and she didn't have any blisters on her vagina.

HPV warts don't have a painful stinging and burning to them from what I saw online. Also my symptoms are more herpes related. I have swollen lymph nodes in my neck and pain in my lower back and right leg.

>If it's genital to genital then it's HSV2
Um no, you cant catch either virus in either place. I caught HSV1 on my cock from my first blowjob.
>I remember having a coldsore when I was young like 8 years old
Well in that case you probably have HSV2 on your lip it would have come back. Sorry bud but you cant cacth the same strain in two places. It either goes into your spinal fluid or innto the glands behind your ear.

>HPV warts don't have a painful stinging and burning to them from what I saw online
Warts a meme. Most people have them, well most men who were born in the late 80s and early 90s and started losing their virginity to girls in that age group who weren't vaccinated. They dont even notice it, they look no different to tiny little dick bumps and they can be easily frozen off. It dosnt even hurt getting them removed. AND the virus eventually dies off entitley in your body unlike herpes

t. same sex having degenerate as above.

>t. same sex having degenerate as above.
>same sex

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Damn, unlucky user.
I had sex with an escort last month. Was a 22 khv. Was pretty smooth and would recommend it.