What are your dreams like

>in some forest
>planes overhead
>loading inside a challenger 2
>drive in rather stony forest terrain
>find some other settlement
>tell driver to stop
>step out
>suddenly im at some building
>it has 3 floors
>3 stairs for all floors
>all floors have fences and empty room in the middle so you can see the lowest floor
>teleport out
>going up some road with old spec ed friends
>tossing around a ball
>gradually walk up the road with houses on the sides
>find some hedge we need to get through
>ask houseowner that is a rather stocky big man if we can go through
>he says yes and opens the gate
>find some overgrown beach with lots of reeds
>the water is crystalclear
>the sun is enormous
>so is the moon
>teleport to morocco
>suddenly in the building with 3 floors again
>on the third floor
>lots of people on that floor
>one of the stairs has fallen down due to faulty concrete mix
>investigation going on
>just me and some girl left in the end
>pale kind of blonde hair, reminds me of a girl i used to know
>she was a rather funny person
>hug her and walk in
>turns out it's my fault for the concrete being faulty
>made the wrong mix
>1 person got a broken leg thanks to it
>wake up to the sound of the alarm

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bumping desu baka!!!!

>be on a nightwalk
>get the shit beat out of me by Miruko
>somebody just robbed a store in the area and i fit the description of a black male in a hoodie
>she punches, kicks, chokes and beats me for 2 hours
>she throws me up about 50 feet into the air
>jumps up with her rabbit legs to kick me back down to the ground
>she sees the actual thief in an alley a few blocks away
>she catches me instead and drops me off at a hospital before she hops off

i didn't realize i was dreaming for a while so i was legitimately afraid for my life

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50 feet up in the hair by a bunny? pretty interesting

Do big bongs make the smoke colder?

not really unless it's really wide, the air cools it rapidly

have you seen how strong she is?

>Driving a small outboard boat in the ocean surf
>sloshing through gentle rolling waves
>going about 15 knots
>Sky is stained a pinkish hue during the sunset with wispy clouds
>drive past stumps sticking out of the water
>they're at least 20-30 feet in diameter
>remnants of some ancient forest claimed by the sea
>carry on my steady course
>wake up

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There is more space for ice cubes

i had a dream danny devito was eating doritos and playing dota.

Based und Dannypilled

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>walking along some street with somebody from school who i barely knew at the time
>lots of people so i lose him
>really worried
>find him and we hug
>indescribable happiness
>realize i lived my whole life never loving or trusting anyone, never really caring about anyone, not even my parents
>wake up
>almost befriend the person in real life but fuck it up as i always do
>havent stopped thinking about it for 6 months

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have you tried contacting him?? like over sms

imagine getting HOPPED

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Kinda hung out with him and his friend group playing LoL, but I fucked up and I'm pretty sure he sees me as the retard I am at this point. Plus with school cancelled and me transferring next year I'll probably never see him again.

i'm taking sleepy meds which means that i wont see any dreams.

Last night I had a dream that a green worm was coming out of my dick, it was very unsettling.

melatonin makes youir dreams very vivid

reoccurring dream that I'm wandering around highschool trying to figure out what class I have next, I don't have a timetable and I keep trying to ask people if the class we have together is next block/period

I never thought about that.... now I have to try it

going to go do soem traiinng

Well if you could picture yourself on a boat by the river, with tangerine dreams and skies of marmalade.

I cant rememer having a dream for years

Dreamed about my gf from 17 years ago last night and almost stabbed a guy. Nigers stole my Harley cause I moved back to LA. Irl jumped and robbed of everything I own by nigers in LA twice in a week. Dreamed of smoking weed havent had any in 1 1/2 years since I lived in LA. Few days ago dreamed someone cut my hair so I killed them.

I was stuck in a submerged nuclear submarine with vampires on board
it was a nightmare btw

>I was stuck in a submerged nuclear submarine with vampires on board
id watch that movie.

>be at beach at night
>big crowd waiting for fireworks or something
>looking for my wife
>find her at some beach bungalow place
>hug her, compliment her on how beautiful she looks
>remember her smiling back
>time passes, don't know how long
>wife disappeared again, looking for her
>scanning the city skyline from the beachfront for some sort of clue
>all the buildings are lit up in different colors and patterns
>wake up
>for a moment I look for my wife again
>realize it was just a dream and I have no wife
>stare blankly at the ceiling for a while before getting out of bed
No wife

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Most dreams I have are either really abstract or rarely a dream where I have a girlfriend or wife who really loves me

>>realize it was just a dream and I have no wife

When I can remember my dreams it's either
>back at high school sitting more classes and aware even in my dream that I should left high school years ago and also aware of resentment from others in the high school that I'm still there
>In some hotel usually travelling between different floors in a big elevator

The high school one I can understand because I spent a big chunk of my life in high school (even though I finished it 12 years ago). The hotel one I'll never understand. I've never seen this hotel or this elevator anywhere in my awake life and sometimes I think it's from a past life or some different dimension/ reality that my soul is travelling to while I'm asleep. If I were to look for a message about my subconscious from my dreams (even though personally I think they're meaningless) it'd probably be some theme of being lost or not belonging.

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Today I had the worst dream I've ever seen since I was 18 years old and now I'm 23
>>Meet best friend
>>he is suddenly out of nowhere the brother of my boss in work
>>we plan to meet after we finish some stuff to have fun together
>>suddenly we become in a fucking desert and full of tanks and helicopters shooting missiles everywhere
>>my best friend turns to a 1a level fucking scary boss looking like cyborg sigma from MegaMan x 4 but setting on a scary black one leg chair with one black enormous eye on the left and one artificial small white eye like black clover's eye of the midnight sun's being reincarnated by the forbidden spell , doing some scary moves out there trembling and shaking in agony completely forgetting me and screaming in a semi-perfect alien voice
Yeah he scared the fucking hell out of me and I woke up with my neck hurting and it's still hurting bad until now