Girls whats your thoughts on shy dudes

Girls whats your thoughts on shy dudes

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>Doesn't make any substantial amount of money
>Doesn't have any social status
>Push over

People just think shy guys are weak or suspicious.

Based on the underwhelming response on this thread, I have arrived at the conclusion that girls do not think about shy dudes at all.

why this picture op?
being shy isnt something i care about either way. if thats literally the only defining feature of your personality then you have problems.

You need to pretend you're more outgoing than you actually are. Shyness is an inherently feminine trait, and I would assume that this is extremely unattractive in a man.
My observation is that women generally do not like or dislike shy men. They simply prefer louder, more social ones 99,9% of the time. I've heard a girl use "introvert" as an insult on one occasion though.
You can make it as long as you aren't completely socially retarded (this is fixable in most cases) and/or a pushover (also fixable).

I think shy guys are cute, especially if they seem wholesome. The shifty-eyed kind of shy guys make me uncomfortable though.

I Have the advantage of having an attractive face and being fit. In other words, I went from shy to "Mysterious"

(And then they talk to me and immediately realize that im a loser lol)

>Socially retarded
Tell jokes and be stoic but not silent
Invest in the stock market until you can pay rent without a job. Workout and then train in grappling.

Both extremely fixable.

>Shyness is an inherently feminine trait, and I would assume that this is extremely unattractive in a man.

Gotta claim bullshit with this, no one denounce women for being more outspoken rather than being shy. Shyness can be a result social rejection and isolation.

Don't be insecure about being a "loser" and I guarantee girls will show more interest. Just own up to what you are desu.

Indeed, as a fellow academic I grant your work peer-reviewed status

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>Women with same qualities are acceptable and "cute".

Men like their women weak. What else is new.

I'm shy and make a little over $100k annually. Is that still not substantial enough for women or what?

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>no one denounce women for being more outspoken rather than being shy
Loud and outspoken women are not attractive to me at all. But they still have a vagina to potential access so why would I bother telling them that to their face?
One of the biggest Nopes about that new muh black girls meme btw, they have a tendency to be are abominable loud.

As a shy girl I'm not attracted to very loud extroverts, but not shy guys either. More like something in the middle.
Shy guys also don't tend to ask girls out or show their attraction, which makes it less likely for me and one get together since I'm also shy. Never had a guy who was shy in any way show attraction to me, but several "extroverts" have.

>shy girls get fucked by normal guys while shy guys jerk off at home and cry themselves to sleep

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Would you even want to be in a relationship with a girl who dislikes you?

how is that related to what I said

every time i've talked to a shy boy on discord he just ends up giving one-word replies and comes off as more boring than a brick no matter what i do. is that what men think being shy is?

must be my fault for using this godforsaken thing in the first place

>this post
>the title of this image
Ah, perfect.

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Are you saying you don't like shy guy's or that your interested in them but you can't get them to talk to you?

what kind of questions you were asking if they gave you such replies?

the latter

usual shit. how they are, what they're doing on Yas Forums, what sorta stuff they like. i guess i'll rephrase it as they just didn't seem interested to talk/seemed bothered by me.. despite claiming they wanted someone to talk to

Maybe your talking to autists, I don't see how being a little shy means you can't hold a conversation. Though I personally find it hard to find things to talk about because I'm just boring, you usually get the same response from woman too.

This isnt lolcow. Fuck off. Fufkc women they arent welcome.

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I think they are only doing a disfavor for themselves.

I think a lot of them can be alright. But nobody will know it unless they bring it out.

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>expecting good conversation on fucking discord of all places

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i mean i can't really relate to others so i can only give my take on it. but take it with a grain of salt (like you should with everything) since i'm just mostly autistic which is why i tend to be shy(ish). i don't really think i'm the "cute kind of shy" people talk about.
>usual shit. how they are, what they're doing on Yas Forums, what sorta stuff they like.
for me these would be really easy to answer so i think you shouldn't be expecting a novel for these if i'm being real here
>they just didn't seem interested to talk/seemed bothered by me..
i myself have hard time being interested in other people altogether, even my dear friends. so i imagine i might do that wihtout realizing it. though i would not be bothered by talking to someone. if i was i would stop answering or tell it to you that i don't feel like talking. thought if they wanted someone to talk to, and they don't try to talk to you that's kind of weird.

this user has a point too. they do sound kinda autistic if they cannot hold a conversation. with me for example, i'll answer anything you ask but i usually don't really have the interest to ask about the other person so i have no idea how you should even hold the conversations then.