Why didn't you party in college?
You complain about >no gf but you literally did nothing during prime dating years
Why didn't you party in college?
You complain about >no gf but you literally did nothing during prime dating years
i did party in college but because i prioritized partying and pussy i got a worthless degree, no work experience, and its basically ruined my life. i feel like a 30 year old virgin except with losing my career virginity. I've never worked outside of retail for more than 16/hr despite having a degree. i just tell leave my degree off my resume now. it literally just makes me overqualified now because im never gonna get a job requiring a bachelor's degree
>tfw had a bf while i was in collage and so i literally wasted those years instead of having fun
its a weird kind of regret
I did it, but the definition of "party" in my uni was getting pissed drunk and dancing like a retard.
None of those events had females available (meaning not with a boyfriend or flirting with Chad), much less ones interested in me.
I would have been down to party, but not with those normies.
Pussy > jobs anyways 16hr is prettty good
Why cant i enjoy parties i just dont have fun dancing and drinking and yelling
I did and I dropped out and become a shut in
I go to university that's known to have a weak party culture. Partying for me in first year was basically what described. Now my desire to party is gone.
how are you going to a girl then if you don't drink or dance?
Thats not the point, i just want to know WHY i dont have fun drinking and dancing
>Why didn't you party in college?
Here's my college experience so far (third year student):
>Attend all my lectures/labs for the day
>Stick around campus for a bit longer to complete homework or sneak into the dining hall
>Go home
How the hell am I supposed to find parties when there is no chance for social interaction besides small talk in lectures? I never lived on campus because fuck dorms, so I also never got the benefit of forced socialization. Even when I convince myself to go to university events I just stand around, enjoy free food, then go home. I don't have any friends and I refuse to be a bother to strangers by awkwardly approaching them with my nerdy, obscure interests. Approaching women is even more intimidating.
>what is tindr
Drink some beer go to a party and just be cool man
>Go to a party
You must not have read my post. I DO NOT KNOW WHERE THE PARTIES ARE BECAUSE I DO NOT HAVE FRIENDS. Do they hang up comically large neon signs that say "Wicked party inside ----->" in your neighborhood?
yeah man just go to any house or dorm thats really loud
how do you not have a single friend?
rush a fraternity big guy
All normalniggers should fucking hang or leave this board
>Why didn't you party in college?
I was to busy trying to make something out of myself, besides it is not my scene.
I'm not a normie.
Seems a lot of people say they were "making some thing of themselves" in college
But here you guys are, on Yas Forums and no girlfriend
what went wrong?
I did
>always get rejected by grils, or get close to fucking one and wuss out because of my arrested development
>get drunk and make an ass of myself often
>earn a reputation of being a jackass in my area, stopped getting invited but sometimes tag along uninvited
>eventually get sloppy and parents intervene, threatening to kick me out of house or send me to rehab or just fuck with my life unless I behave.
It's not at all what it's cracked up to be. If you are an asspie like I am you will only diminosh further. Elliot Rodger went to parties and the same shit happened to him.
>what went wrong?
I'm still holding on for a Yas Forums gf
There's only one fraternity at my university and they are all obnoxious rednecks. I'd rather hit a vodka bottle at home while watching movies than sit around drinking Natural Light with a bunch of brainlet agricultural business majors chanting "sportball, pussy, C's get degrees!"
"uhhhhhhh just roam around campus knocking on stranger's doors if they are outputting enough decibels". Great fucking idea bro I'll be sure to let you know how many doors I get slammed in my face. You must have never attended university.
Not that guy, but it's really not for someone nearing 30, especially not with a degree- enough to pay rent, and that's about it.
You're right user, fuck dorms, but how do you expect to meet anyone when you spend most of your days at home with mommy?
Get your own place close to campus if your finances allow for it.
yea if you live in a libshit metropolis faggot area
My apartment is a 15 minute walk/5 minute drive away from campus. Proximity to social situations is not the issue. The problem is that I have no idea how to embed myself into said social situations once on campus. Strutting towards random people and trying to strike up a conversation feels unnatural, especially when I have nothing to say that they will find interesting.
My course had ironically a lot of married /old people or really young ones (18yo). I was 24 and just didn't want to hang out with any of them
Sometimes I still think about how retarded I was during college parties and it hurts my head.
>20 years old
>just broke up with girlfriend, feeling super depressed
>friends take me out to a party and hand me a 5th of rum
>"fuck that bitch dude I bet you'll find some girl tonight who will make you forget about her"
>sitting alone drinking rum, intentionally avoiding people
>cute, short, bubbly girl comes and sits next to me
>"hey you're smart for bringing your own bottle, you don't have to worry about trying to find alcohol here"
>barely acknowledge her
>"can I share it with you?"
>hand her the bottle
>"so whats your name?"
>go full edgelord on her for no fucking reason
>"Sorry, I really don't like small talk so I'm not going to small talk with you"
>she laughs
>"okay, we won't do small talk, then. Whats your deepest, darkest fear?"
>"Dying alone"
>"wow, me too, I would hate to be alone, ever"
>asks me some other questions I don't remember
>I keep dismissing her
>she pulls out her phone
>"my friends-with-benefits isn't texting me back, it's really getting on my nerves"
>"we're just an on and off thing anyway"
>she leaves
Sometimes, when I think about it really hard, I can feel every day of the past decade I've spent without sex pound on my skull simultaneously.
>Sometimes I still think about how retarded I was during college parties and it hurts my head.
years old
>>just broke up with girlfriend,
Stop reading right there