he hit me again
He hit me again
Dump him. Or call cops. Dont complain to The internet, we can only hurt you more.
move in with yo momma
Next time use one of these in his head
I hope you die next time
let's test your larping game
what led up to him hitting you?
Where are you located user?
You need to GTFO
You deserved it and it is a good time to ruminate about it.
our internet connection is bad and a game he was playing got disconnected
You damn whores only complain and do nothing, that's why you get hit. Call the cops, stab him, disappear from him, jus don't come complain on the internet just to go back to him
kek are you reciting the story I think you're reciting?
You've been a bad girl and deserved it
you deserved it okay?
>kek are you reciting the story I think you're reciting?
what are you talking about?
Stay with him he might make it big. Lots of wife beaters do
>Call the cops, stab him, disappear from him
i don't have anywhere else i can go
You chose him. You deserve it.
So, how many people did you ignore when they warned you about him and told you this was a bad idea?
And it made your pussy wet, didn't it?
That's what you deserve you cunt
Poor thing, here let me hit you too, too bad it's only gonna cause an erection in you
>kek are you reciting the story I think you're reciting?
Please recite it, you have made me curious.
>he hit me again
People on this board are so cruel.
I hope you're okay.
Yeah man.The truth can sound a little harsh sometimes
When will fembots ever learn?
accuse him of rape rob him legally of his belongings in court and put him into the prison for life
isnt life easy when you have a pussy?
he doesn't deserve you tbqh
Good. Maybe next time you will spend a bit more thought on who you mate with.
You people's garbage sexual selection is why we get more low IQ violent chimps every generation. Idiocracy.
How is it, that most men could easily identify a violent chimp, but women can't.
id probably hit you too op. you deserve it. offer him sex to make things right again.
Why did he have to repeat himself?