What are your bdsm test results like?

what are your bdsm test results like?

Attached: bdsm.png (780x1061, 549.08K)

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you a faggot, boy?

I'm not willing to put in the time nor effort into taking a bdsm test.

Attached: intellijent surfer.jpg (800x640, 107.5K)

nah i dont think i am. i guess maybe if i met someone i clicked with enough

oregano time hokhliyuh

Attached: joe mama.png (493x641, 253.89K)

tell me your height and weight, bitch boy

Welp... ya learn something new about yourself every day...

Attached: D0C04C34-ABCD-4CE7-A0C9-ACBBA8492B83.jpg (750x1052, 215.91K)

i'm 5'8 and around 150ish the last time i checked. i'd love to stay but its getting late

>i'd love to stay but its getting late
KEK the faggot creep gets out faggoted-creeped

>no link to the test
Do you guys just have your results saved? What the fuck?