what are your bdsm test results like?
What are your bdsm test results like?
William Ross
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Gabriel Long
you a faggot, boy?
Jace Bennett
I'm not willing to put in the time nor effort into taking a bdsm test.
Levi Garcia
nah i dont think i am. i guess maybe if i met someone i clicked with enough
Caleb Foster
oregano time hokhliyuh
Gabriel Morales
tell me your height and weight, bitch boy
Connor Thomas
Welp... ya learn something new about yourself every day...
Anthony Fisher
i'm 5'8 and around 150ish the last time i checked. i'd love to stay but its getting late
Henry Brown
>i'd love to stay but its getting late
KEK the faggot creep gets out faggoted-creeped
Daniel Richardson
>no link to the test
Do you guys just have your results saved? What the fuck?