Why do age gaps in relationships trigger a lot of people?
Why do age gaps in relationships trigger a lot of people?
Because its likely theres a big life experience disparity, this gives one side the upper hand to maliciously manipulate the less experienced side with the sole intent of having sex. If its real love I dont mind and I dont think most people would either, but theres no way to know.
It's very telling that never throughout all of recorded human history has this ever been a problem except for now, and that to the east, western rage over grown teenagers being with older people is absolutely baffling.
I never understood why people get angry over that. Is the age and experience difference that harmful? Im young but i like older women and in the eyes of others its fine but if a girl wants an older guy why is that a bad thing?
I think we'll see a clear rule of thumb emerging:
If it's a configuration that could lead to a stable traditional household, the intelligentsia, academia, and the MSM will come up with some reason it's exploitative and/or offensive.
But nice bait image, you starting-with-a-conclusion-and-working-backwards mentally lazy, morally bankrupt fuck with no integrity.
because old women are full of regret and unwilling to admit they wasted their youth having shitty personalities and now they're undesirable
>life experience disparity
hahah, yeah right. What life experience does a 35 year old woman have over a 19 year old woman? 10 years working retail?
>What life experience
I don't know. In fact I find my own argument a bit silly at times, age is not a guarantee of experience, however you cannot have experience without age. Indeed a 16yo bimbo can have more experience than an ugly old hag that no one ever wanted. I was just saying what I believe most people think of this situation.
10 years of learning how men are oppressing her and how it's impossible for a man to know something she doesn't, duh.
Because normalfags in their great wisdom decided they want to oppress minors by claiming that they are to young to make decisions because they will "regret" like bitcches need to realize that it aint theys mofucking problem and need to let people act like fucking humans and make their own goddamn decisions
>opress minors
I cant recall where I read a column that touched heavily on this, that it is indeed opression and causes more harm long term to treat minor as literal retards instead of letting the dip their toes in the harsh reality of life in several areas. So we end up with 30s being the new 20s situation, a bunch of helpless manchilds and womanchilds not capable of living on their own without help, but perhaps that was exactly the master planners goal, to make us helpless and dependent.
>make their own goddamn decisions
Bruh if they dont care if two 16 year olds fuck they shouldnt care if a 16 year opd fucks an older person.
>Why do age gaps in relationships trigger a lot of people?
Jealousy OP. Women are VERY insecure about ageing. Not matter how insecure you think they are about aging, it's actually a lot worse than even that.
As for other men, it's also jealousy:
A younger women is superior to her older self in literally every single way. Every. Single. Way. No exceptions.
You might say:
>oh look at this particular 35 year old woman, doesn't she look better than this particular 22 year old woman
And that might be true HOWEVER I guarantee you that that very same 35 year old woman was even MORE attractive when she herself was 22.
Younger women are better looking, have nicer skin, have less pent up resentment from failed past relationships, are healthier, live longer; and most importantly, can produce more, and healthier children.
In reality men who date down in age are winners. A 40 year old man with an 18 year old girlfriend is based as fuck. A 40 year old man who dates a 40 year old hag his own age is a fucking loser who can't get a younger woman and so has to resort to licking up some other man's used up seconds.
Guys hate it because they can't do it themselves and have to settle for a hag. Women hate it because it winners/successful men out of their dating pool.
is this the jewish thread?
>What life experience does a 35 year old woman have over a 19 year old woman? 10 years working retail?
>10 years experience riding the cock carousel silly billy
People are now well aware of the dangers of the male, so of course you don't want a girl to discover relationships through an experienced predator.
Plus it pretty much means they are paedos and should be treated as such
>, this gives one side the upper hand to maliciously manipulate the less experienced side
Age isn't the only factor that can create a power imbalance in a relationship though, a woman being significantly more attractive than the man and having way more options can allow her to manipulate him with ease, or using their child as leverage against him. Should couples be totally equal in all areas just to prevent one having power over the other? Also the difference in age is only a problem when the man is older, not the woman.
They don't. People want you to fuck young girls. God wants you to fuck them.
You get this problem of older men robbing the cradle. Currently, most women are slutty whores who no man wants when they hit the wall. Faced with washed up roasties, older men go for younger women instead.
This is a problem for younger men because they can't compete well with older men who have time on their side to get experience and wealth. Imagine you're a young guy, trying to appeal to women better than a guy who has had a decade longer of pleasing women and working for money. Unless you're a very attractive guy or lucky to be born rich or something, you're at a huge disadvantage. Double this with the fact that these older guys will go for the few younger women who aren't slutty whores. Thus younger guys are left with nothing but roasties and all having to compete with one another for the scraps that old guys leave.
So you end up with a large amount of older women who are screwed, and a large amount of younger guys who are screwed. Dating and relationships are fucked up for a significant portion of the population spanning multiple generations, and it's a huge social problem.
>What life experience does a 35 year old woman have over a 19 year old woman? 10 years working retail?
Oh right and every 35 year old man is an enlightened surgeon scientist who is fluent in 4 languages by that time
there are more detailed answers in this thread, all you got to know is:
>younger men jealous that older men are stealing pussy their age
>older women jealous they cant compete with young poon
dont overthink it
>So you end up with a large amount of older women who are screwed, and a large amount of younger guys who are screwed.
Younger guys can just wait until they are older, problem solved.
>Dating and relationships are fucked up for a significant portion of the population spanning multiple generations, and it's a huge social problem.
>dating and relationships
Dating is a modern feminist spook, and not at all traditional (unless your traditions only go back a few generations).
Lol ok groomer
one look at your loli fantasy pic (as if the average pedophile looks like that guy LMAO) should immediately tell you what is wrong with it. if you arent struck by a visceral reaction of disgust when you float the idea of an adult male romantically courting a 10 year old prepubescent girl you likely have water on the brain and should be institutionalized for your own safety
>Younger guys can just wait until they are older
That's just a remedy to the problem. It shouldn't have to be a thing in the first place, it's better when partners are the same age-ish. If it becomes the norm for men to just wait till they're old, then the social system will change to suit that.
>Dating is a modern feminist spook
The way things currently are is even worse, and the way things look to be going, even worse than that. Modern dating may be a modern trend but it's still better than the way things are headed. And it's not like older styles of courtship or arranged marriages are coming back.
I'll take modern dating scaled back like 50 years, over the way things are going any day of the week.
Fuck off Stephen i know its you, yes its me Bryan, you are just mad because im dating a virgin and you are dating used goods, the leftovers of a nigger while im dating a 17 years old in her prime. Ill be her first and her last STAY MAD AND COPE!
You seethe but you only prove his point.
>loli fantasy pic
>it's never read Usagi Drop
based bryan
The point of the man is to guide and lead the woman. It's like complaining that elders have too much life experience to teach the young.
>Why do age gaps in relationships trigger a lot of people?
Because older men fucking younger women is oppressing to young men as life already fucks them in the ass
Because it's literal abuse.
>this gives one side the upper hand to maliciously manipulate the less experienced side with the sole intent of having sex.
>maliciously manipulate
>having sex
First of all, it's moronic for normalfags to think this is damaging and therefore malicious. I'm not saying normalfags don't think this way but this is hypocritical fedora-tier reasoning unless we go back to 1963 when anus tonguing coomer culture wasn't embraced by wider society. Secondly, if you are older than 13 and you can be "manipulated" into having sex, you are literally fucking retarded and you need to be locked away from non retards for being a danger to yourself and others.