Show her a picture of you

>Show her a picture of you
>She replies with "Ew, yucky"

What's the proper response to this? I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to kill myself. I feel like I just need to fucking die.

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send another pic back with black facepaint and a gun

Apologize to her for grossing her out.

Shit...Did that actually happen? That was not a nice thing to say, what a bitch

Threaten to rape her and kill her pets

you stop talking to her
shes obviously not interested and to be honest, you really wouldnt want to be with someone like that anyways

Look on the brightside, imagine accidentally marrying her.

>caring about what a thot thinks

>wanting to kill yourself because 1 (one) girl doesn't fine you attractive
Holy shit you were never going to make it were you?

This, apologize and send her a pic of yourself in panties and lipstick as your penance.

I'm pretty sure all girls would say the same about me. The fact that she's said it is just confirmation to this reality that I've been denying....

Yeah, a single girl rejecting you is good reason to give up on romance forever.

OP has shoved himself into a self-deprecating nook, so here is the part where anons in his thread bifurcate into two groups: consoling him and insulting him for giving up. That both types have the same end goal of fixing his futile mindset is a peaceful thought

How big of a fucking asshole do you have to be to say that? No matter how ugly the person is, you can just never reply again. Forget that fucking egocentric bitch, she probably has so many orbiters she thinks she owns the world and can treat everyone however the fuck she wants but she's just a dumb whore



is she any better? if not, you better let her know that.

She's much better than me and I'm honestly surprised she talks to me

I am genuinely sorry that someone has said that to you, user. I'm worry women are so fucking cruel.

I would say to just keep pushing and accuse her of being coy or romantically teasing you because you have already crossed the point of no return and the display of confidence and utter nonconsideration for her opinion of you might paint you as a more confident and secure person..

>1 girl = every girl
ah yes just like how the US is the only place on Earth

i laughed so hard thank you

>ouch *laughing/crying emoji*
then slowly stop talking to her

The reasons that one girl likes/doesn't like you can EASILY be applied to other girls. They're all the same.

so if a muslim girl rejects me for not being muslim, then that means that all other girls will reject me for not being a muslim. they're all the same, right?

Go on /soc/ and post a pic, I wanna give you the true femoid perspective.

God damn even I'm not that fucking self hating. Maybe you fucking deserve it

you'll end up cutting head off if they do anyway



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If you date a girl without being willing to convert to her most precious feeling (be that a religion, a hobby, etc.) then yes, other girls will dump you as well.

If anyone says "Ew, yucky" it's a sign that you can't better

Think logically, dipshit. What if you looked better and she thought you were hot and wanted to be with you. Would you want to be with someone who would dismiss a persons existence with "Ew, Yucky"? You imagine her as an animal or inanimate object thats incapable of self-awareness, because that's what she is. Don't respond to inanimate objects- that's what insane people do. Pretend like you were talking to a bot and move on.

you become less ugly maybe?