Small boobs are a curse, how will any man ever look at me as a women? only a little girl :(

small boobs are a curse, how will any man ever look at me as a women? only a little girl :(

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Some men prefer it that way

wow femanon :) i really understand your plight :) please show us your itty bitty milkers :)
girls definitely care about their tit size :) there's definitely still a hierarchy where big boobs are the top :)

i wanna squeeze some tinny buds and go

I heard small tits are illegal in australia
sucks to be you

oh you can fuck right off.

if i have to tell smoother woman that small tits are amazing I'm going to come her to death.

why the fuck do you think every guy likes some cow tiddy having skank, god some of us just want a gf with a cute figure and nice hips, THAT MEANS YOU NEED A SMALLER CHEST, GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD WOMAN PROPORTIONS FUCKING MATTER.


>how will any man ever look at me as a women?
explain Belle Delphine then Vivi.

fucking this

let me help out all the women out there.
do you have tits? yes?

if your ugly as sin or annoying i garuntee your tits have NOTHING to do with it. if a guy actually likes you then guess what, your tits are now his favorite size because their yours and that matters more than anything.

Post small tiddies then you fucking tease

I prefer them not too big/ I care more about the personality.

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>and nice hips
absolutely based, have a (you)

>how will any man ever look at me as a women? only a little girl :(
You're a dude

My boyfriend referred to mine as bee stings earlier. Fucking ROPING

the personality is stored in the small of the boob

'Boyfriend', I think your doing fine then aren't you.

That depends. Is he with me because I look childlike or because he loves who I am?
A man who pursued dating me told me that the only reason why he asked me out was because I look 12.
I dont think my partner is with me because of it, but its always something in the back of my mind now. Also not having a rack fucking sucks.

Is there something wrong with him finding that attractive? Either way some degree of physical attraction is necessary for 'loving' someone so he either finds you somewhat attractive or is faking interest for some reason. I'd guess it's the first one, also looking like a 12 year old means more than just small bewbs..

As long as you have boobs, you will do fine. The hips and ass are much more important.

it's just banter, wouldn't go full chris hansen on your bf just because he made a flat chest joke. take it at face value and be happy he finds you attractive.
also I've heard massive tits suck ass. sure you get Chad's attention but you also throw out your back by age 20

Finding them attractive isnt the issue. Its finding me attractive because of it because it makes me look teeny is the issue
thats true I guess

Well if someone shows interest in you because of that it isn't a problem because your not a child, it's better than going after actual children.

Why are you so insecure about someone liking you for your body? That's great, isn't it?

In theory yes I guess, but I dont want him to be thinking about banging a kid while hes banging me

>Why are you so insecure?

>wanting big boobs
you know theyd end up getting saggy, right?

Don't act like a child, he should be thinking he's banging you as an individual either way. He's just going to see you as you are, if you look like a child then he would by default have to be okay with banging someone who looks like one, nothing you can do about that.

Of course youre a tripfag go look for orbiters elsewhere whore

Good point user. I will try to stamp out my unease

mayoi a cute but tripfags get the rope

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You should try dressing up and acting like a little girl, some people are into that.

why do you faggots reply to shit threads like these

if the OP is a girl(which I doubt) you will only inflate her Jupiter size ego