Non-assertive men are completely worthless and should just kill themselves.
You add nothing to society, and nobody likes them
Non-assertive men are completely worthless and should just kill themselves.
You add nothing to society, and nobody likes them
Other urls found in this thread:
non assertive men can add to society through their work. in fact, that is why they are allowed, because in general they are productive workers. not that they should contribute to this shit society but whatever.
it's off and on for me, i'm basically angry all day.
are you still making these format threads? make one about skinny men next
Machines can replace what are essentially slaves.
sorry i only deal with the present day not science fiction future
So what are you doing Mr. Tesla 2.0?
You do know that white collar jobs will be automated too. Don't think those rich white boy jobs will be completely safe.
I'm getting TOPPED on GRINDR literally every day by a different guy
We dont assert ourselves because we deem it unnecessary to do so in a world of smooth brains (degenerates in case you smooth brains didnt know) and to think that we contribute nothing to society?? Hey, at least we aren't black
Sounds like coping with an insignificant life
Seek not power over others, but power over yourselves.
Great artists and thinkers are often 'unassertive'.
Also, quick PSA because people seem to keep fucking this up: There is a difference between being assertive and being an absolute turd. Most people who are assertive in a good way aren't overly aggressive about it. No one likes angry retards who yell and hit to get their way except for equally angry and retarded people.
Non-assertive men and assertive women should be forced to transition. :^)
Great artist and thinkers are very assertive. If you don't express yourself or push your message out in to the world it's all meaningless.
Poor artist and thinkers sit at home and don't talk to any one or share any thing
Hence the 'airquotes'.
Read the first and third lines of my first post.
You could say the same shit about fuckng anyone.
>OOOOH im a faggot, men with colored socks should be euthanized ooooooh
Nah just edit your post bro
Edit: Thanks for the (you), kindly stranger!
Men with confidence and who can keep a woman in their lives have value.
But yes ponyfuckers, mentally ill, incels what ever are all pretty trash decent people have to filter out of their lives.
It would be so much easier if they just weren't around
I find basically everyone likes them, but nobody loves them.
Please post more user!!!
Please more little girl shoes please!!!
easy to use and abuse; especially in the workplace
why are you like this tho
>be assertive
WOW you're such a piece of shit asshole!!!
>be non-assertive
wow you're such a pussy!!!
But of those two the asshole is far more appealing to women and in business than the pussy
It's a simple right and wrong decision.
Being assertive = right
Being a pussy = wrong
Because I like little girls.
They're cute and I want them to dominate me.
And I want to be their slave!
Balance. You must find balance.
>revolving your life around women and money
You're doing it wrong, also, women don't like assholes, but they do hate pussies. Find a middle ground. There's an option C.
nah i'm not doing any thing wrong considering i've got like 1 and a half girlfriends right now pretty much just being an asshole
Like I said, if that's all you care about in life you're not seeing the bigger picture of what life is all about.
Also, if you're being an asshole to your fellow bros just for pussy you broke the cardinal rule: bros before hoes.
You're also underestimating how much women like guys who are both not pussies, nor assholes. Those are the people they want raising their kids.
Alpha fux betabucks
Enjoy raising my kids caregiver
Empty venomous words.
You're actin' a straight fool, user.
balance this dick in your ass
I, too, enjoy immersing myself into my insecurities rather than fixing them and letting myself rot in masochistic orgasmic bliss. Who doesn't love engaging in weird masturbatory self-punishing rituals while mocking yourself and crying as if you are both the victim and tormentor simultaneously?
It's not surprising this thread fails, the definition of assertive is a joke here.
>non-assertive men kill themselves all at one
>at least 40% of male population dies
>unstable economy, no one to take their menial but necessary jobs
>jocks dont try to fix the economy, all they do is fight for resources and women
>mad max 2.0
>you have to guard this without being aware of your surroundings
I can't really think of a field where being non-assertive is a positive.
It's not good in dating or friendships really. No one likes the weak willed and unsure.
It's not helpful in business other than being a unskilled wage slave
Introvert s truly are subhuman
>equating introversion with non-assertiveness
That's still essentially saying unassertive men exist literally to be taken advantage of. Not really any thing to be proud of
>talks about non-assertive people
>then complains about introverts
What did he meme by this?
That's not true. Highly creative men are often of low status. Initially, at least.
They both have similar traits with regards to being reclusive. Never met or heard of an introvert who wasn't a total pushover