What if we took stiff bristle wire pipe cleaners to the insides of baby girls vaginas and scraped it around to pull out hunks of skin?
What if we took stiff bristle wire pipe cleaners to the insides of baby girls vaginas and scraped it around to pull out...
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for what faggot? sounds gross as shit.
Only in America. I swear, Americans are the stupidest and cruelest people you'll ever meet. How can anyone same justify snipping a baby boys penis. Fucking Christian and Jewish fags. Stupid religion always causing problems.
The benefits would be numerous. For example:
Vaginal hygiene
Social cohesion
And we could sell the skin for around 100,000$ a pop for the stem cells.
You're frankly a pedophile for criticizing something you don't understand. Stop thinking about baby girls vaginas.
>Only in America.
Sure. Criticize America, and say nothing of the Jews ...
Guys I think we'd better do this. God came to me and told me we should do it to symbolize our covenant with Him.
You wouldn't put the integrity of your daughters vagina over the will of God.
he said "jewish fags" which amounts to "kikes" in my book.
Sorry, I'm so angry I can barely see.
Women need to be tortured.
>Only in America.
20.7% of the men in the UK are circumcised.
30% of men worldwide are circumcised and about 2/3 of them are Muslim.
The prevalence of circumcision in the US has declined in recent years. A HCUP statistical brief reported in February 2012 that circumcisions in the US had dropped from around 60% in 2000 to 54.5% in 2009. In 2010, the CDC reported a steep decline in circumcision rates of newborns, from 56% in 2007 to just over 30% in 2009.
48.2% of black South Africans are circumcised.
Over 80% of men are circumcised in Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Togo.
44.3% of men are circumcised in Alberta, Canada while only 2.2% are in Newfoundland.
According to a 2002 study, 86.3% of South Korean males aged 14-29 were circumcised. The process was introduced by the American military during the Korean war as they had virtually zero circumcision before.
holy shit, calm down you assblasted mutt
It is going down because there are more and more Mexican newborns and they don't circumcise.
What reason is there to be calm?
yeah get out of here with proving this faggot wrong as fuck with your facts and shit nerd
checked and based
nigger jew learn some math
I want that poster to take it back.
I also want him to acknowledge the part about Muslims being two-thirds of the circumcised male population since he only named Christians and Jews.
I'm that poster and fuck you if you are an American. Hail Satan bitch boii
You're going into my meat grinder
Actually open vaginal wounds cause odors and leave the vagina open to infection furthermore the wounds will never truly heal
It's only fair that women experience the difficulties that male to female transexuals experience on a daily basis.
Like I said, this practice would be hygienic, moral, and would produce social cohesion.
Think about that before you reply, pedo.
>20.7% of the men in the UK are circumcised.
They're all old. Same thing happened in Australia until we realized it was retarded and had no medical benefits.
>30% of men worldwide are circumcised and about 2/3 of them are Muslim.
They do it for religious reasons, Americans don't. Which is silly because that's the only reason to do it.
>The prevalence of circumcision in the US has declined in recent years. A HCUP statistical brief reported in February 2012 that >circumcisions in the US had dropped from around 60% in 2000 to 54.5% in 2009. In 2010, the CDC reported a steep decline in circumcision rates of newborns, from 56% in 2007 to just over 30% in 2009.
Thank God. Let's get it lower.
>The African shit
They also practice it for tribal reasons. Once again, not because of the 'medicine' that a lot of American doctors claim.
>44.3% of men are circumcised in Alberta, Canada
Why is this? Is this because of US influence?
>The process was introduced by the American military during the Korean war as they had virtually zero circumcision before.
Bloody 'Muricans
Only in America [do they practice genital cutting for 'medical' reasons]
In the Western world no countries practice RIC more than they do in America in current year.
Oh, and I forgot to mention the steep decline was almost entirely influenced by Western States. Further East and it's still a big issue.
Circumcision makes me rage. It unironically triggers the fuck out if me.
Everytime I come across someone who is circumcised I cannot help but automatically hate and lose all respect of their parents, particularly their mother.
My boyfriend is cut and I have told him I cannot respect his mother because of it.
I have made it very clear when we have children that I will not allow my son to be cut, he said something along the lines of "but I am and I don't know how to wash foreskin!?".
We have a very drawn out right but he has accepted that our son will not be mutilated just because "daddy's was".
I could not imagine carrying a life inside you for 9 months only to immediately mutilate him. It makes me seethe.
The real equivalent to a male circumsicion would be to remove the clitoral hood
>In 2010, the CDC reported a steep decline in circumcision rates of newborns, from 56% in 2007 to just over 30% in 2009
Based. If the internet and smartphones were good for anything then it's for the fact that fathers are now able to get independent information about what this mutilation does to your son
MGM is the same, if not worse than FGM.
>inb4 you repeat myths based on popular opinion, political correctness and not research
I may have misunderstood your post. If I did, my bad, this shit just really pisses me off.
No, the clitoris is too small. Circumcision removes about 1/3 of the penis, so the same should be taken from the female's genitalia.
Remember that God wills it.
Are you really trying to play-off male circumcision against female circumcision? Both is horrible and should be banned.
I am 100% going to have my sons circumcised and there is nothing you guys can do about it. Maybe, just maybe though, if you get angry enough it could change my mind.
Yes, because of the hypocrisy. In America people unanimously agree that FGM cultures are barbaric and stupid, yet here we are, cutting boys. It's insane.
>Both is horrible and should be banned.
That's exactly my point.
If you want to know more about MGM watch this. This guy basically has the magnum opus of circumcision videos.
I think the whole world should be circumcised, and we should mutilate the genitals of girls as well.
The more needlessly miserable we can make the world the better.
I want everyone to live long, hopeless lives, and to be assured they will reincarnate here in this hell.
I want the pointless torturing of innocents forever.
Go to bed, Brian.
I'm quite serious about this.
It is clear that God's will is not for people to be happy.
>20.7% of the men in the UK are circumcised.
at least 10% are from pakistan
I don't really like the way roast beef flaps look desu, we should start strapping women down and cutting their labias off with razor blades and no anesthesia.