What is your opinion of MAPs?
A note for the mods, I'm asking this genuinely as a neutral third party.
What is your opinion of MAPs?
A note for the mods, I'm asking this genuinely as a neutral third party.
dont really care but you should call them pedophiles not maps, stop using soft language
I think it's undeniable that the term pedophile has taken on an intrinsically negative and inaccurate meaning in common speech. For example when most people hear pedophile they immediately think of the words "child molester" when most child molesters aren't even pedophiles, and many pedophiles never commit any sex crimes. It has also become a catch all term for any one who is attracted to anyone who is legally a minor when it really only applies to people attracted to prepubescent children which is an important distinction.
Pedos deserve to swing
That's fine if you feel that way, but I was specifically asking about MAPs, not pedophiles.
A genuinely unfortunate fetish to have. In the same boat as necrophiliacs and those who are turned on by inflicting torture on others. If you're sexually attracted to minors, you better heavily keep that shit under wraps, or else society will rightfully judge you accordingly.
How could this one post be so based
What in your eyes is the rightful judgement for the "crime" of being born with a preference that isn't socially acceptable anymore? Obviously we have laws on the books to punish people who act on those impulses (or the much more common event of an opportunistic sexual predator who happens to have access to a minor) but for "simply coming out", what would you suggest be done to them?
I think crucifixion should be brought back for pedos
Only pedos use the term MAP.
This is what I was referring to in one of my above posts, this tendency to conflate "pedophile" and "child molester" which necessitates the usage of a new term like MAP.
After all, no sane and reasonable person would call for the horrific torture of a person ONLY for feelings they have that they never asked for.
It would depend on the person. If they're someone who demonstrates really good self control, then I most likely wouldn't think of them very differently. If they're someone who sometimes acts impulsively, then I probably wouldn't let them near any children I may be tasked with looking after. If I for whatever reason think that they're a genuine threat to society, then I'd report them to the authorities. If a MAP has to, for whatever reason, come out, then they should only come out to really close family members and friends. If someone, like a celebrity for instance, wants to come out to the general populace, then I'd suggest that they shouldn't. In this current day in age, there is an extreme stigma against those who are attracted to minors. Society would devalue that person's entire reputation in a heartbeat. Maybe they should come out sometime in the distant future, but definitely not now.
A very realistic and level headed response, thank you.
It can certainly be argued that, that kind of information about a person is better left unsaid to the general public, but one could also say it would be best for society in general if a person who did reveal that information to his immediate peer group could be supported and held accountable by them rather than shunned.
Maps are just pedos who deserve to be killed lmao
I hope this finally causes a reaction to this ridiculous bullshit, and all these snowflakes get glassed.
??? What the hell are you referring to
Who's a snowflake? Those who hate chomos or pedos or them themselves?
What do you think is ridiculous about MAPs exactly? As far as I'm aware they aren't trying to have laws written or social norms destroyed, but simply want to not be treated like monsters for their condition.
All this pedo shit is just proving people who said gay marriage was a slippery slope right
Interracial marriage was illegal in several states until a supreme court case in 1967. Some would say that and the previous state abolishment of the old laws was the true start of the slippery slope.
Another pathetic move from the paedos, they should be put down really. Hopeless cases.
stick to 2d only and it's fine
I've come to believe that slipper slope is the only way society works. It just keeps moving in one direction until things break down and then starts moving the other direction until it all repeats again.
then maybe they should petition for it to be classified as a mental illness
that wouldnt make sense thu
even if its the result of a mental illness, there isnt a reason for it to be considered any more of a mental illness than any other fetish
by classifying it as one youre literally giving child molesters an excuse and youre part of the problem
MAP is just a term for Crypto-Pedos and thus should also be summarily shot.
The definition of a mental illness is "A behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.". Most fetishes don't cause your peers to want to murder you or destroy your life if they get out, nor do they put you in a situation where it is illegal to ever act them out, so I'm not sure your logic holds water.
Make Asshole Pussy
literally don't care, still a pedophile
Wouldn't that make pedo haters the ones with the illness because they become triggered swing pedo shit?
I support them because they hurt children, and I really hate children.
How about you stop using inflammatory language that you know will invoke a negative reaction?
To me, MAP as a term seems like just a dishonest obfuscation of the term it's trying to escape. There needs to be a different term that has the distinction of "un-offending" right in the name. Then, the term will have value. UOP I guess.
I think UOPs should be treated with same respect as all humans, as long as they fulfill the very, very, very, very strict requirement that they haven't offended, haven't attempted to offend, and never will. Committing such a crime would make them by definition a regular pedophile. They may be attracted to minors, but as long as they keep it securely in their head, there are no real victims, so there is no problem.
HOWEVER, this is all operating under the assumption that some people are BORN with an attraction to minors, and I really don't know if that's the case. This expression may be in bad taste, but I worry it's an "acquired taste". (gags) I'm no psychologist so I can't draw a clear line between fetish and orientation. Homosexual persons are born with their orientation, though they are lucky enough to be attracted to people who can consent. Nobody should be hated for something they were born with.
Well in a sense doing anything habitually and compulsively that goes against your culture could be seen as a mental illness. For a long time homosexuality was considered one but things have swung the other way so far now that homophobes are seen as, while not mentally ill, ignorant and disagreeable to most people.