Is it wrong to hate fat people? They're just so damned disgusting...

Is it wrong to hate fat people? They're just so damned disgusting, and 95% of the time their condition is entirely their fault.

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No. Hating someone just because they are fat is a dick move

A chain of events beginning with the conception of the universe determined that these people would be disgusting useless fat blobs. It's not their fault. I feel sorry for them. Imagine of your consciousness was trapped in that kind of existence.

If it's a genuine medical or injury related thing, I can ignore it. But if they're fat due to being greedy lazy fucks, then that is a sign of their character and I'll openly tell them they are a revolting human that I don't want to be around.

only fat women should be hated fat men are based

Imagine pouring gasoline all over that disgusting mass of flesh like Maccready in The Thing and setting him on fire while he sobs and wails for his life, then laughing hysterically at the screams.

I hate fat people the same reason I hate incels, trannies, and NEETs. They're all mentally ill and refuse to do anything to improve themselves.

Why not just starve them?

If they refuse to look for help or refuse to workout and eat healthier, then yeah, they deserve all the hate they can get.

based opinion

Fat hate doesn't make any sense. Being overweight is usually a sign of depression or some other mental illness. I feel bad for fat people for having a coping mechanism that results in such ostracization and destruction of their own body.

Are you that fat man?

This, but most on Yas Forums will refuse to accept this. Skinny incels and fat fucks are both worthless as far as society is concerned.

no, theyre carb and sugar addicts, but most people in the first world are

Is laziness a mental illness?

it's not wrong to hate fat people at all. people only say it's wrong for good boy points even though they would never choose them for anything except for eating contests.

No, but chronic laziness would be a symptom of mental illness.

You should hate the system that has the majority of the population in an overweight state.
Plenty of people can't even afford to eat healthy due to many reasons. Willpower or not the money and time they have available is barely enough to grab some fast food.

I can agree with this to a point. There is a lot of people who are obese/overweight and still have the funds and money to either lose weight or even avoid getting heavy to begin with.

My major problem with fat people are the ones going around media saying it's okay to be obese and even encourages an unhealthy lifestyle. Obesity is a problem and we as a society should fix it, not just attack those who suffer from it.

no, but it's not something they can simply "will" themselves out of either. people are literally born lazy, or conditioned to be that way. it's like a disability, not something that they can honestly be blamed for. see

Do you also have that problem with smokers and druggies? their body their choices, most of them just want people to feel comfortable with their bodies (same self image issues that are all over the place here), not to fatten up more and more

Fun fact for americans in thread that wants free healthcare. In scandinavia it is required by law that your children are not too overweight untill they're 16. Before that, if your kids weigh too much social services are called and it can get to the point were you kids are taken away from you due to child abuse. A price of free healthcare is the demand that each individual takes some personal responsiblity for their health. You can also fail primary school by not living up to certain physical standards in gym class. In these cases kids are literally sent to camps. Food for thought fatties. No way i would ever support free healthcare if i lived in the US and had to pay for these peaple who takes no responsibility themselves and would cost society hundreads of thousands of dollars every year in medical bills

Yeah I do. When druggies are laying on the streets and bothering people trying to live their lives. Or when heavy smokers would rather spend the welfare check on their addiction then feed their child. But if you do either of those with moderation, then that's fine. Same goes someone who's overweight or obese. You want to ruin your body and become a bigger risk to disease? Fine, do it. But it shouldn't be at the cost of rest of society. Multiple countries have to pay billions of dollars to keep the obese alive so they can over consume another day. There is a reason why school had physical education and teach you about eating healthy foods.

But at the end of the day, it's your choice and your body. Pray it doesn't catch up to you.

if youre fat and you dont constantly want to starve yourself you deserve the hate
>t. someone that starved themselves

If society had more bicycles, this problem wouldn't be so bad.

Dubs well deserved for your fasting.

So THIS is why the NHS is going to go under. Good riddance

You have no idea. My entire body is stretched to shit.

I used to be 145kg. Went down to 82 last year and got fit, ran often, lifted, all that crap. Right now I'm up to almost 100kg again. It didn't get me anywhere in the end and my body is already completely ruined, so it's hardly an improvement to go from "fat as fuck" to "normal with clothes on, but if you take them off you just see a ravaged body with stretch marks everywhere and loose skin".

I would be better off dead. I wish someone had told be about this before I fucked up this bad.

The only reason fat people seem to get less respect than drug addicts, smokers, and underweight people are because they are aesthetically unappealing to most of the population. Those who point and laugh at fatties in order to guilt them into eating better and losing weight are just using that as a thinly veiled excuse for their hatred of their physical appearance. If a similarly unhealthy skinny person were in front of them, they wouldn't give a shit. Fat hate isn't out of concern, it's out of annoyance that they have to look at them. You can be addicted to overeating and carbs/sugars just as you can be addicted to cigarettes.

Your efforts hasn't gone in vain. People would have WAY more respect for you then the faggots defending fatties (and themselves prob lol) in this thread.

You can probably get some cosmetic surgery. Or easily fund a gofundme if you show before and after pics in someplaces.

You may have fucked up user, but there is nothing more powerful then fixing your own fuck up.

attached image relevant. It's you.

Attached: previewfile_1882563094.jpg (300x300, 8.06K)

Carl Thompson (1982 to June 2015) was the fattest man in the United Kingdom, weighing 911 pounds at the time of his death.
He consumed 10,000 calories a day.
It took six hours, including time taken to remove a wall for three undertakers, two police officers and firemen to remove his body.