Doing it tonight

I'm what you would consider a failed normie I guess

So I'm finally cleaning my room after living in a disgusting environment for the past 5 months cause I couldn't be bothered to clean. Still had a gf, went to class and pretended I was okay

I got the rope and everything. I just hope that I don't survive with brain damage bedridden

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>Has gf
>Has clean room
>Has rope to do scouting stuff with
>still complaining

Ok boomer

Lol thank you for this laugh

See you tomorrow faggot
Though you fucking normies who are feeling like you belong here just because you haven't gone outside in a few days really need to fuck off in general

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Lol this one is good. Nah I'm serious about this. I've already doomed my life,no chance for redemption,it's all downhill from here and I don't want to become an homeless drug addict that people I know will pretend to not recognize. I appreciate the humor

I want to do this without thinking too much or I'll chicken out

Tell us why you're a failed normie.

Family of dentists and doctors. I dropped out of dental school sure to severe depression after fucked up events

I'm about to get kicked out of engineering school, I'm 25. My brothers (3 doctors 1 dentist) have wasted thousands of dollars financing my schooling despite me being an irredeemable fuckup since the events that made me drop out. They're about to pull the plug

Not I'm not only an irredeemable depressed fuckup but my academic future is permanently fucked,no more support. Just me and my fuckup self heading in a downhill spiral. At least I won't be wasting my family's money anymore

Oh I didn't really answer the question

Normie because I have friends,a gf, relatively good looks ,no problem socializing, no social anxiety, that's what you consider a normie right?

retarded ass, niggers in africa walk hundredds of miles to survive and you cant get a job at mcdicks to save up?

OP's family is in the top 1% ROFL

Rejoice, I'm actually african living in canada. You get to be happy about a black person killing himself

dont do it man. ive almost done it many times but was too much of a pussy. i wake up thinking that im glad i didnt do it. maybe one day ill lose the battle though. anyways whats making you want to do it and what do you want most in life OP

Well you're obviously doing it for attention, so just do it faggot.

If there's any part of you that wants to fix things and get back on track, just know that you can. The option is there. Maybe you can work your ass off and stay in engineering school, if not, you can move on to something else and be successful.
If you can't handle making less money than your brothers, you can cut all contact with your family.
Yeah sounds like you've done well at having a normie life. Good on you. I'd say I'm half-normie. I'm in school and never had any financial support from family or the government (besides my Trump bucks), if that makes you feel better.

mate, i dont care what you are. point is you're afraid to live because of some weak shit, like economic struggles. people have made it through far worse

Take it how you want,I'd be posting on Reddit if I wanted attention. Posted here cause I was hoping to get tips on how to make sure I succeed

Making less has never been an issue. My only problem is the fact that i've managed to fuck up every single opportunities I had since "events". I pretty much lost complete faith in myself or my ability to get my shit together, if I managed to fuck up with their help, it'll only be worse now that I'm on my own and filled with shame. I honestly don't look forward to what I'll be in the following years. I prefer to end it before I get to a point before I hit rock bottom

i tried hanging myself once, not a very pleasant experience and it was one of the worst pains ive ever experienced, use a gun.

Honestly I don't have goals nor dreams anymore. But if I had to choose it'd be the genetic thing everyone wants, live a comfortable life with a wife and children and with a comfortable job

Dont get me wrong tho, I'm not killing myself because that won't be possible. It's just that I'm heading in a downward spiral and things will end bad for me thankfully I never touched any drugs in my life nor have I ever planned to. I don't want to to ever get to that point

You're going to destroy your loved ones for life. They will literally never recover from what you\re about to do. You live in a 1st World Country and have opportunities to turn your life around. Perhaps get some professional help, as mental illness makes you view reality inaccurately. Again, if you don't want help you wont be helped. But at the very least be aware that the people you most love will never get over you killing yourself. You will fuck them up FOR LIFE.

Persistence is key. Look at why you weren't successful, fix it, and try again.

Just try some weed you Jew. If you still wanna off yourself go ahead.

I thought you passed out fairly quickly? How the hell do kids and teenagers manage to kill themselves so easily then? I tried looking on morbid questions but haven't found any answer,I'll make a thread


My best friend from elementary school killed himself a couple years ago. I talked to his brother in September,he seemed to be fine and to have copied with it. I'd hate myself if what you said actually happened tho..

keyword seemed my friend. People, specially men, can be very good at hiding their feelings. I knew a girl who's brother killed himself and she never recovered. She could've lived a perfectly happy and normal life but she was robbed off that possibility. If you love your family don't do it, user. I know that if any of my family members killed themselves I wouldn't want to live anymore.

Reading this thread makes me wonder why I haven't killed myself yet. No one loves me (seriously, no one would really care for more than a few days if I killed myself), I've never had sex, no girl has ever approached me (despite me putting effort into my looks), and I've failed at most of my goals. I only make half the income that I wanted to by this age and work 60-80 hours every week.
I guess the reason I keep going is I'm hopeful my life won't be trash eventually. Maybe I'll find a gf and she'll love me, maybe I'll make six figures, maybe I won't work double the hours the average person works. I'm still alive and haven't even seriously considered killing myself. Maybe hope is more than just a "feel good" buzzword.

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user, I understand you. At one point, I felt completely the same. If I were you, I'd perhaps ditch the idea of working yourself to death just for an income. There are fulfilling ways to live your life that don't include slaving away at an office/job of some kind. How about working for an NGO in some developing country and helping real people out? The sense of purpose that gives is really something else, specially when you compare it to your feelings about your job at the moment. It's a lie that more money will make you happier. If you ever make 6 figures you will realize how pointless that goal really is. Give your life purpose, help others. This world is huge, you don't have to waste your life working at your job if you don't like it. There are other options you won't regret.

I love arguments like that: xyz has it worse
Yeah so? I'm still a fuck up

Sorry man I really didn't want to trigger you, how old are you? Try to talk to someone or something
.Now that's the only thing that is making me hesitate right now. There's 2 of my brothers that I love more than anything in the world despite being a burden on their shoulders . They recently told me that I took them for granted when they heard that I wasn't doing well at school . They don't realize but I don't,they're the people I want to hurt the least

I haven't spoken to the rest in a couple years since the "events" so we're not close.

But these 2....I'd hate myself if their life changed. My brother's last text to me was "Dude,are you still valive?" As I hadn't replied to him nor answered his phone in a week

If you wanted tips then you should've stated in your post. Attention whore.

Reply to your brother dude. He clearly cares about you. Call him or something, maybe explain the situation. I don't want to tell you what to do but reaching out to someone can really help, whether that is someone that loves you or a professional.

Unfortunately I'm in the military so putting in my two week notice isn't an option. I want to make money, I just hate the hours/lifestyle here. In the civilian world I could definitely make more money with less hours.