
hows it going bros? summer rolls and beer today

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drinking aristrocrat and doing bwl on alt

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cheers man. never played wow myself. could never get into mmorpgs despite liking the idea. how is lassic vs retail wow?

They are both their own tier of trash. Dont play them.

just poured some chardonnay and am going to have some seismic shatter cone ipa after
probably don't have enough for a good buzz though :(
also spring rolls are based and I found it odd that a Vietnamese person I knew bashed the peanut sauce

lol fair enough. how long hav eyou been playing?
damn taht suckks but hopefully you can drink quick enough to get a buzz anyways. what really? what do real viets use to eat summer rolls with?

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>what do real viets use to eat summer rolls with?
not sure I think it was just her being weird

interesting. i like hoisin and sriracha to dip too but peanute sauce feels so right with the rolls

>lol fair enough. how long hav eyou been playing?
Oh, man. I played retail full time until Siege of Orgrimmar and have been chasing fresh vanilla/tbc servers since 2016.

damn well i guess i can understand since the people i know who played wow from classic for years talk about it so fondly and say things will never be the same, both in where they were in youth during that time and the game itself and the novelty and wonder

Having some natty ice plus icehouse edge for when Im ready for a serious buzz. Wish I could still get drunk off light beer.

same but i mix it with soju and it gets a lot easier. somek is the drin kof the gods. cheers bro, what are you up to as you drink?

If that one user with the chest pains from last thread is here, please, get some serious help. Like I said, you need to see a doctor. This isn't something to put off until a later date. You need to know for certain whether or not you've done irreversible harm to your heart at this juncture.

whoa shit what happened? chest pain bro idk who you are but yeah get that checked out. i know going to the hospital seems doomed nwo since youre wading into tons of corona but you could die if its painful

Some user last thread made mention of serious chest pains on his left side after a night of binge drinking. His concern going to a doctor was corona exposure, but that should honestly be the least of his concerns.

Currently half-watching this dumb TV show my dad just had to show me because its
>So crazy bro
Probably gonna play FF7 in a bit.

damn hope hes alright and took your advice
what show? the remake? never played it myself but always wanted to

actual viet here. traditionally, sauce is either peanut or sweet fish sauce. both are delicious to me but i prefer the peanut a bit more even though sweet fish sauce is a more fresh feeling in ur mouth

is sweet fish sauce different than regular fish sauce ysed in cooking? i love that stuff but it stinks to high heaven. also what lesser knwon viet dish do you recommend?

Its this netflix show called happy. And yeah the remake.

getting drunk and high while cleaning out me and my ex's old apartment for move out tomorrow.

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sweet fish sauce is better with cha gio and the hoisin/peanut sauce is better with goi cuon

shit cheres man bet thats gonna be a tton of work. i broke up recently too that shit hurts

Doing not too bad. Also trying to do some cleaning and some drawings just to chill out in between.

nice to hear. i need to do some cleaning fuck im so lazy

I feel you, I'm also super lazy. I get the urge to just go in lay bed. So to stop myself, I threw some of the stuff I'm cleaning/organizing on my bed.

thats the right call. i need to go grocery shopping too. stepped out earlier today but the lines were so fucking long outside the store i just bailed. trying to go early tomorwo to try and avoid that shit

Fuck man I saw on the news how those can get. I would have also bailed haha.
Are you listening to anything in particular tonight?

eah its nuts. i understand though. im listening to sad songs and crying lol

Hell yeah, I totally feel that.
There's something special to it. Love me some melancholic music, especially late at night.
If I could possibly recommend a song?
Part 3 is also v good.

If you don't like lyrics (which I totally understand) here's another one of his songs that I listen to when in some feels.

my absolute nigger. nujabes is a favorite of mine and you just posted two of my favorites. aurarian dance has gotten me through many nights of studying in college

One last song. This one I could probably cry to.
Love these drinking threads btw. It's a nice break from all the usual degeneracy on this board.

Great to hear, he's one of my favorites too. Aurarian Dance is perfect for studying.

thanks man. heres what im listening to rn

yeah rest in beats