Is there still time for you? At what age do you think it's over?

Is there still time for you? At what age do you think it's over?

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probably 26 would be the maximum cut off point

21, american
Its over, but i am glad that i know where my life is going

good news user happy birthday to me

>Nigeria higher than Japan
Didn't expect that one

Im 23
I would have lost it at 22 if there wasn't this corona shit
>tfw a fucking indian loses his virginity before me

What the hell is wrong with asia?

And of course theres not time, the game has been over for years at this stage.
> At what age do you think it's over?
In the eyes of society, you have until 21 to fix your life. If you didnt by then, you are fucked.
Doesnt mean that some rare late bloomer cant do it even later tho

congratulations on getting your peepee wet user :)

Extremely religious country.

>Is there still time for you?
Nope. I'm 32. I couldn't pull the trigger, but I feel like I actually did and now I'm a ghost larping as a living person. I'm turning my life around, but I don't know why. I'm just fucked.

no..... it's not that one...

Brazilian fag here. Can confirm, the first time I had sex was with 16 yo. I'm 26 now

You did the huhhuehue in 2009?

It was actually February 2011. My birthday's on march so I still was 16. I was so nervous that I forgot. I failed my nation

Hats amazing. You lost your virgjnit before the Filthy Frank show aired.

I told myself that if I didn't fuck this year I would end my life, not because I never had sex, but because it means I didn't fix the root problem that causes all the bad things in my life, and now this virus shit is making things worse.
>At what age do you think it's over?
It's both over since the start but also never over
you can feel when you have no chance ever, but at the same time to live in this world you must interact with people and as long as you interact you have a chance

23 yo from Colombia

I lost it at 28, I am 31 now .
Don't give up hope

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It's over. Or rather, it never even began
t. 5'1" manlet

I feel for you user. Truly cursed from the start.

I was gonna say Brazil is a tot higher than I thought we should be but I missed it said mean

i feel bad for zoomers. before social media, it was so easy. I lost it at 17.5 years old in 2008

I'm at 28 year old virgin now. Also handholdless, pray for my success anons.

Austria is shockingly low, i honestly expected it to be at least above Germany. But the suicide rate surprised me too, so I guess I don't know shit about my own country

Well, keep in mind this is an average. I wouldn't be surprised if there was lots of Asian hypermanlets who cut it when they're 50.

I doubt there's any time left for me. I was cursed from birth. If it's truly over then it always was.

>born in Brazil
>25 yo kissless virgin
It was over before it began. This place is literally hell on earth for autists.

19, Americunt
I've set the timer.
If still virgin at 25 gonna blow my brains out on the Ides of March, a day after my birthday

Congrats on making someones peepee wet, user!

I catn

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lol at weeb nations being last in line to fuck.

Try harder simps.