
Old thread died edition

How are my fellow MBTI frens doing?

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Type this girl based just off of her appearance

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>Type this girl based just off of her appearance

what's with these shitty threads? why does anyone give a fuck about personality?

>what's with these shitty threads? why does anyone give a fuck about personality?
there's always that one guy bitching about these threads lole

user, you had one job... to make a good thread. And you instead posted some anime loli shit.

>user, you had one job... to make a good thread. And you instead posted some anime loli shit.
anime website

Then go to the fucking Yas Forums with this shit

nuh uhhh stop posting lolis bro...

ok. now suck my cock incels

Suck my balls faggy

does anyone have a personality type that they don't feel they fulfill? or one that dosent suit them?

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Damn, this OP is shit

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nope, you should be on the ground begging me not to kill you.

I guess it's true, loli really is reddit's kryptonite. Who knew it was that simple to expel redditards from Yas Forums?

INTJs are supposed to be Machiavellian intellectuals but I'm just a fat weirdo who likes anime

wow, you totally got me lol xD haha pwnt. LOL!

damn he really pissed you off, guess he was right

I don't really think I'm anything like hitler if that's something, lol. People make us out to be master manipulators for some reason. But all I wanna do is have good friends and live a wholesome life. Manipulating people takes too much work, and it's boring.

>But all I wanna do is have good friends and live a wholesome life.
Such a simple thing but it's so hard to make it happen...

Quite frankly, a no link OP is better than an OP that lists the 16personalities link.

what's your opinion on the most based type, ENTP?

Attached: MBTI entps.png (425x597, 41.1K)

Damn you are actually right.
I wouldn't thought that I would ever agree with ENTJ faggot.

OH shit, this pathetic attention whore again

MBTI is just astrology for dudes who spend all their time on the computer.

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>she asks me why I am sitting on the table with my food on the chair
>I am, I reply
>she looks at me stunned and simply states "no?"

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Threadly reminder that ISTPs are one of the types who only care about the physical act of sex. No feely fees or any of that "meaningful" bullshit.

this. i got istp
>Virtuosos find no greater joy than in getting their hands dirty pulling things apart and putting them back together
im a lazy fuck. this couldn't be any further than the truth
i think i got it because of the introvert qs

just a reminder that functions is astrology and you're losers for thinking they have any merit. textbook confirmation bias and pseud shit.

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not good, fren. i am in love with entj

I don't think there's a "fat person who likes anime" personality type but if someone got to know you on a deeper level it might show
seriously? I'm also an infj and I've never heard of being a "master manipulator", I probably couldn't manipulate a cow into eating grass.

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>be ISTJ
>click on last thread
>see it's a schlicking jerk for Yas Forums cuntoids
>hide the thread and leave
>see new thread with weebshit nigger OP
>click on it againist my better judgment
>it's a weebshit niggers circlejerk
>post this, hide the thread, and leave
>tfw retards lost their board to faggots, trannies, and cuntoids
The absolute state.

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