What's the most ancap thing you've ever done?

What's the most ancap thing you've ever done?

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not paying taxes when I should

let giant corporations fuck me because muh free market

be an ancap, buy an ancap flag, buy ancap clothing, buy guns,

Called my entire family tankies because they think taxing is not theft

i pirated the matrix

boogaloo larping

downloading bandcamp singles one by one for free from $7 albums and uploading them to mega

when I was 15 I shot two squirrels with my shotgun (that I had brought doing lawnwork) that were tearing up my dads garden. Didn't want to eat them or anything just killed for shits and giggles, so I went to my Russian alcoholic neighbors and traded both of the carcasses for most of a bottle of rum they had left over from a party of whatever (turns out they hate vodka and rum and will only drink bottom shelf whiskey or beer, who knew?). They got dinner and I got drunk for the first time, downing the entire bottle. I still remember this fondly.

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lmao what faggot

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i don't think it exists at this point, it's just a strange fantasy concept some indulge for one reason or another. But it's part of right think which is based around oppressing people.

5 years ago i convinced some thot on kik that i could pay for her nudes with rare pepes. can't believe she actually went along with it

Listened to one of Hoppe's lectures while building an epic base in Minecraft, unironically.
It was built on a cliff overlooking the sea and the ceiling, walls, and floors were made of glass. I had polished diorite for the frame and that's it. Also it went down to bedrock, so you descended, you could see sea creatures and then later mines through the glass walls. I loved that place.

authoritarianism is based around oppressing people, libertarianism is based around freeing people. left and right got nothing to do with that. ancap is extremely libertarian as well as far right.

It's actually a political trichotomy. The right fundamentally disagree among themselves, whereas the left are fundamentally unified. This used to be the three estates. The aristocracy, the merchants, and the clergy (before communism replaced God). Politics has ALWAYS been a trichotomy.


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Run a lemonade stand with my cousins.

>So as Hain says it is only through trying to control the means of collective coercion, the means to use force to make people do things, that Fred can 'fully realise his humanity', how is this 'libertarian socialism' going to protect the individual called Fred's rights? What if the majority in Hain's total democracy don't like Fred? And who will define these 'individual' rights? The political collective, of course. Forget constitutions which constrain democracy because those are anti-democratic (which is rather the point). Forget consensual several relationships because everything is democratic, meaning no politically unpopular relationships will be allowed. Forget custom and culture as a means to moderate interactions because that is not political. If Fred is not popular, Fred is just out of luck.

The only true freedom is found in individualism. Not right-libertarianism or left-libertarianism. It is individualism. You could say it's on the right since they oppose the left, but they also oppose the absolutists. The collectivists can also fuck right off. They want to own my labor, but they do so with the false pretense of all workers' owning their own labor, when this isn't the case. The collective owns my labor, not me. And to hell with that.

based and hoppepilled

You could literally give the individuals any piece of shit land and they will turn it into the wealthiest, prosperous, and freest society in the world. All the money and jobs will go there. Education, technological advances, healthcare, all of it.

Just read about Cowperthwaite's involvement in Hong Kong.
There was also an EconTalk episode where Russ interviewed the author of a Cowperthwaite biographer.

Anyway, if you give the three estates their own countries, ceteris paribus, the individualist country will have ALL the jobs. You could give them a unfarmable, hilly, piece of shit rock like Hong Kong and it will be a world leader in a single generation. The free market works its crazy magic and it works every time. (The problem is often crony capitalism, but that's a separate topic.) You could give the collectivists the golden state of California, with all of its resources. Or the financial capital of the world, New York. But left unopposed, they'll turn it into a corrupt third world shithole in a single generation. Then what happens? They'll blame the individualists, they'll say the individualists "stole" their wealth, then they'll come and move to Ancapistan and try to infect it with their cancer. (This is why Hoppeanism is more based than other forms of ancap. Physical removal, unironically.)

And what about the absolutists? Well, they'll have their family values and whatever, and they'll throw a harvest to the gods or for the king or fuhrer or whatever every year. But if you forget to kiss Lieutenant Lance Corporal Major Sergeant General's Bolt one morning, you and your family get shot for being disrespectful to the crown. And fuck that. Plus, there's no innovation since that's either degenerate or "not how we do things" for some reason or another.

I could go on, but you get the point.

Also if you're reading this, save my nigga TF2, play a casual match today

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i got diagnosed with autism

Thanking God every day im not a low IQ poorfag

Traded bitcoin solely to help finance a loliporn website.

I also like teens...only for friendship of course.

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How would giant corporations exist without a government to feed them subsidies and grant them legal privileges?

probably underage


lost anons posting irrelevant shit

ancap neophytes

veteran ancap

Libertarianism is the reddit belief bootlicker


an or cap cant be both

anarchist is a race you always win
cap is a taxi that don't go nowhere
both is money pit you tell me what you prefer

Bought in game gtav money with real money and spent it on a missile strike on another player

who is the champion who is the victor
the will of the fight is the taste of the bitter

Probably nothing. Maybe fund a local military surplus store by buying a copy of the anarchists cookbook. Read through it, never did anything with recipes though.
>inb4 faggot frog poster

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