How will you die Yas Forums ?

How will you die Yas Forums ?

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>in the arms of a beautiful woman that loves me, with a mask on my face steadily pumping pure helium into my lungs while she strokes my hair and tells me I don't have to suffer anymore
>a bullet permanently and fatally rearranging my very inebriated brain

I have a gut feeling that I'll doe at 37 from what some sort of plane crash.

balls deep in a hooker after doing an 8 ball of blow or on the battlefield so I can go to valhalla

Alone, freezing and starving somewhere far away from other human beings

>Alone, freezing and starving somewhere far away from other human beings
Pretty much same

In my apartment alone at age 60ish from a stroke or heart attack, the landlord will find my body after the neighbors start complaining of the smell

cirrhosis of the liver

Alone. Probably not that old, maybe 45.

I dont know. Definitely not suicide.

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Probably a long ass time from now. Family have god-tier genetics, grandparents all in their 90s and still goin. Disabled to fuck so my legs don't work, but also not going hungry any time soon because my country has a decent socialist streak and looks after people whose bodies fuck us over. Probably be found in a VR headset getting fucked up by Russian teenagers in world of tanks or something.

10-15 years with a bullet in my brain.

probably something dull like heart disease or cancer. maybe get hit by a bus tomorrow, or in a nuclear war in 20 years. who knows.

Probably suicide desu. Not that I like admitting that, it seems an underwhelming end.

Yeah, my family seems to as well. I met my great granddad who fought in world war 1, and almost got the record for the longest living person. hardly tell he was in his 100's, he had the energy of someone in his 40's. I've still a long fucking time to go it seems.

Lung cancer most likely. Or maybe corona chan visits early, who know

I've been having a recurring nightmare where I fall off the face of a cliff. I didn't think much of it so when a few years ago my sister got into indoor gym climbing I joined her. Now she wants to take us outdoor lead climbing in Mexico and the nightmare is becoming more frequent. I'm scared anons.

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A wall at my back with my fresh brains on it, a smoking gun in my right hand and an empty beer on the other

around 40 years oldsomewhere in cambodia due to overdosing on benzos and smoking opium + drinking alcohol. I'll have spent the last 5-6 years teaching english part time and fucking barely legal SEA cuties until my wasted existence catches up to me
dying in my sleep or killing myself in a midwestern town in my trailer home around 70

damn i feel for u user

How much packs per day?

intoxication because of my good idea of making my own medications

>Alone, freezing and starving somewhere far away from other human beings

I've been entertaining the idea of a pact with someone - I just don't want to go out alone. The thought of drifting away with someone in peaceful sleep sounds wonderful.
>in the arms of a beautiful woman that loves me, with a mask on my face steadily pumping pure helium into my lungs while she strokes my hair and tells me I don't have to suffer anymore
I've always had an interest in doing something like this for someone - to comfort them to eternal slumber. I am in fact a guy though, which I don't think most people want.

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I plan on going out into the woods one day and starving to death. Just waiting for the right time.

asking for the source to this image

Given my family history. Either suicide, beetus, smoking, or any of other things that are caused by poverty. But almost certainly it's going to be soon and alone

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June 8th 2024, 9:03 a.m. I'll be riding a bus in some coastal (mediterranean maybe) city. I've had several dreams of this for the past 7 or so years now.

Whoops, and the bus starts speeding out of control and we crash off a cliff into some a parking lot near a dock that's on the beach.

Terminal illness at 85 years old. Then ask to be euthanized.

>mfw life now

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Im jumping off the golden gate bridge on may 3rd