have you ever approached a cute girl in public? How'd it go?
Have you ever approached a cute girl in public? How'd it go?
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There, I already answer for most of us.
Yeah, there was this goth woman I approached in the city, got her instagram and a cigarette after an awkward conversation. It was obvious that I was sperging out so she probably felt bad for me lol
Asked a waitress out and she laughed about it. Told the staff but, even if it was in a demeaning way, I couldn't care less. Shoot your shot ig.
Saw a girl browsing the same scifi section at the bookstore and was able to start a conversation about it. We talked a couple times after but it didn't go anywhere.
She asked me if i knew if there was a bank nearby, i told her i didn't know.
Do most people really see other people in public and are like "I really have to talk to them"? I can't imagine the feeling.
Not to mention if you approach a stranger in public you are doing so just because of their looks. You don't know a thing about them other than they're probably skilled with clothing and makeup.
Normalfags wack.
Tbh. You can turn awkwardness around sometimes. I made a joke out of being left awkwardly waiting for a handshake back along and ended up dating the girl. Didn't go anywhere in the end but oh well.
Once and only once when I was 10 years old. She said no and that I was ugly and should go away
>have you ever approached a cute girl in public? How'd it go?
it went ok
All the time. I am moderately fit and reasonably attractive. Girls have always smiled at me and approached me at parties. Ask me anything.
I have several times made some small chit chat and also talked a bit about the latest time I got TOPPED on GRINDR
Yes I have, we have enjoyed each others company for 2 years now, try it sometime.
I've built up the confidence to talk to girls on the street but I still can't do it in confined, quiet places like cafes or bookstores.
On the street, I guess I can brush it away with "well, if she doesn't want to talk she can just walk away" but when you do it somewhere like a bookstore, you're both still around each other even if the conversation gets awkward.
no you can't we don't live in an anime
Video I recorded of the encounter
No, and I'd advise against that.
Let the cute girls approach you instead, this way they won't reject you. Win/Win.
No, but several women have approached me. I dont think they ever wanted me in a romantic way though. One girl asked me to go to a bar with her and some friends. She worked at this diner I used to go to, I think she only asked because I would go in alone and she thought I was lonely
>have you ever approached a cute girl in public?
exactly 1(one) time
i noticed a girl kept looking at me and appearing on the same aisles i was at
i don't talk to people in public so i ignored her like everyone else
when i went to a different aisle she walked right down and positioned herself directly across from me
i decided to go for it and asked her if this candy i was looking at was any good
yadda yadda i asked where she was from, she told me, and then went on to say it was her last night in town as she was visiting family
i think i was supposed to ask her out right then but i don't know if that's creepy or not
i literally cannot ask a girl out because i've been conditioned to believe that it's creepy to ever show interest in women at all
the conversation kind of stalled so i made an excuse to go before she could be exposed to an uncomfortable degree of my autism
the next day i saw her kissing some guy and taking a selfie with him
i don't know what to make of this experience but i think it's the universe telling me that i should just not bother with women
Yes it's pretty easy.
Think about it: she doesn't even know your name. What do you have to lose?
if you see a cute girl in public, say something to her.
The catch is you NEED to be doing nofap for this to work, otherwise you'll refer to your brain for what to say and it will come across as creepy/contrived/fake/desperate.
If you're doing nofap, you'll immediately know what to say when you see a cute girl in public. You won't need to think about it, your balls will take control of the situation. I think it takes about 60 days of nofap to attain this ability.
Six years ago, extremely cute blonde girl sat next to me in a waiting room. She cracked her neck loudly then turned and laughed to me about it but I was a bit too robotic to reciprocate naturally, only slightly chuckled and said "that's okay", didn't look at her. The relative I drove there came out of the office and we started to leave, but I decided to go back into the building and ask for her number. Was probably awkward about it and at the time I was thinking about everyone there watching me do this but she gave it to me anyway for whatever reason.
Actually posted here about it, found the archive: desuarchive.org
Never talked to her beyond that. With her number I found her facebook and some youtube videos of her singing. Could probably remember her name if I really tried.
>60 days
1 week got me this i think 60 days is a good amount to kill awkwardness
The reality that many coomers can't comprehend due to constant drainage is that women are attracted to men with strong sperm. Sperm age for over 60 days, that means over two months your semen grow stronger and stronger. During this time you build up sexual magnetism.
If you want to amplify this magnetism effect, take pine pollen. It comes in capsule form and is extremely potent. Pine pollen is basically tree sperm, and eating it increases testosterone, libido, and sexual magnetism.
I personally abstain from fapping and pre-marital sex/fornication, but I still take the pine pollen because I've found that being horny makes you
>more willing to take risks
>more creative
>more energized
>more ambitious
>More charismatic
If you can lasso the beast, you can harness this energy and use it for things other than attracting/fucking women. I use it to make music and lift weights.
28 and ive never done this, is there something wrong with me?
i just prefer to jack off and then do shit by myself
>Doing NoFap
>Inner coomer starts to thrash around like a bound beast, keeping me from thinking straight.
>Reach out for the lowest hanging fruit and when I start to strike conversation I come across as a douche due to frustration and looking at every ass, male or female, that comes around.
Bad advice.
What you need to do is go through a good abstinence streak, get your mind straight when you realize there's more in life than jacking off ten times a day, and then go for it. But not during that time when the slightest graze gives you a semi.
Yes, I asked out a girl at an ice cream shop before she blankly told me she was in high school. I never wanted to kill myself more than that ride home. I think I had ice cream in my beard too.
all this happens at ~60 days user
how old are you user man
>Spot an absolute cutie with a tomboy haircut after leaving one of my lectures
>Walk up to her
>"That tattoo on your leg is beautiful"
I only had 10 minutes to get to my next lecture so I immediately walked off instead of continuing to speak to her. I heard "Oh, thank you!" as I walked away. Still regret it to this day. She was so fucking hot.
>enjoyed each others company
I was 21 at the time. I am 28 now and I still think about it from time to time and want to die
A girl asked me what to do since her car broke down. I told her to drive it to AutoZone
And. High school girls are sexy. It's only natural you'd want to fuck her. Middle school girls as well. You've only been trained to virtue signal by denouncing that natural instinct
Oh my fucking god bro that's so brutal. Not only was she was clearly asking you for help, but how was she supposed to drive her BROKEN DOWN CAR to AutoZone?
its okay user
>be driving cross country for summer road trip
>stop at gas station
>see cute, tall, tight bodied girl standing beside a car
>wearing short shorts and a belly shirt
>long legs and bubble butt
>she walks over towards the front of the store
>starts running
>straight to the playground and gets on a swing
shalom david
Soap box derby style, roll down the hill
First of that's an underage girl in your pic Second off I'm the girl but a cute robot-ish guy approached me. He smelled bad and was wearing stained clothes also he was kind of rude to me. Shame because he was pretty cute and shy
Something really wrong and strange has overcome people, denying the greatest thing in the world. Fuck the shit out of teen girls. They are ripe and everyone loves them. We have to stop this mass conditioning where people reflexively respond with "SCUMBAG! Have fun in prison with Bubba, creep!" Teenage, "underage" (misnomer of all misnomers) pussy is glorious.
>have you ever approached a cute girl in public?
I literally never approached a girl
Worst part is that ice cream shop is like renown in my state for being the best ice cream. Its that frozen custard business thats super rich and creamy, they make new flavors everyday and put them out on a billboard when driving by. My favorite is Vanilla Almond. Everytime I see it pop up on the billboard, I look past the sign and see that bitch- now atleast like 22-23- still working there. The hand of fate dealt her a dead end life but I still can't bring myself to get a scoop of that cream or maybe ask her again if I can cream her custard hole. Its fucking bullshit, user. Its fucking bullshit.