Whoever came up with 1/2 your age + 7 years is a genius

Whoever came up with 1/2 your age + 7 years is a genius.

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If half your age +7 is so epic then how come half of 37 +7 isn't less than 8

Gross. You leave. Now.

>t. 12 year old granny

I'm 32, so the youngest I can go is 23 according to that. That sound right?

Yuck, I don't want to date a gross used up 19 year old hag.

> grewss. You leave. Neaw.
Back to plebbit tourist, before you get your feefees crushed.

Do you know which website this is?

So genius that I decided to chuck that normie shit and fuck a 22 year old on the regular at 35. Get mad, roast.

So long as you aren't breaking the law who gives a fuck? Take it from an old cyborg: go as young as you legally can.

What, for sex or relationships? I wouldn't want a relationship with anyone younger than 26 or so. Too dumb and fickle.

Relationship. The 22yo I'm seeing was homeschooled. I'm her second, first to actually date seriously. She doesn't mind talking about x/pol shit, and has been open the games and movies I've shown her. She's a much better match than many of the women I've met my own age. The only problem there could possibly be is her parents putting the kibosh on it, but not all young women are terrible to be around.

I'm 19 so 8.5+7=15.5? That's ebic

Depends what country you're in but 16 is the minimum in most places.

And there's nothing wrong with 19 to 16 - like nobody would even blink I have no idea how things got even worse. It used to just be shaming for 35yo's dating 18yo's. But those numbers above are literally just peers...

19 devided by 2 is 9.5 you mouth breating mongoloid

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Have to agree with you user, it's gross how people seem to think that love should have boundaries. I'm happy with my 5 year old boywife.

Is he happy with you? Is his butthole okay?

No the lad made a mistake, it's 1/7 your age + 2 in fact.
It just works.

Nuh-uh! It's 4.5 teens! So I could date 4 and a half 13 year olds!

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>I'm 19 so 8.5
you know what, you probably should date 15 year olds because that's where you are intellectually

there's not enough brainlet pictures being posted

>he thinks there can ever be enough brainlet pictures

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Meh it's a stupid rule
My limit at 24 was 19, but I still dated a 16 year old and it was amazing
(Legal here)
And honestly if I got the chance I'd do it again, nothing compares to young, fresh pussy

>this rule is stupid
>goes on to explain how much of a pedophile he is
sure is, champ

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>fucks a girl of legal age
>fucks a girl past puberty

You're a retard

We /feminist globalism/ now
Teenage girls are CHILDREN you creeps!

literally the same guy who invented the r9k robot

Women are dumb and fickle, so that is a moot point.

>sixteen year old girl
>not even fully developed adult
>still in high school
>implying you arent a statutory rapist even if your country/state's law is lenient
no worries, you can legally do it, but everyone thinks you're a creep and a pedophile.

Nearly everywhere in the world the age of consent is 16/17
It's only in some backwards parts of the world where it's 18 (middle East/some US states)

Seethe harder roastie
Once a women gets into her mid 20s then she's really used up, no point not going for the youngest girl you can
For any reason, for sex or starting a family

a pedophile and a retard incapable of reading comprehension, lmao. you sure you gettin dates with teenagers or do you just masturbate to them on tor?

if you are 19 years old you arent a fully developed adult, are you trying to say that i cant fuck a girl unless shes at least 25 years old?