Female social worker

My welfare was cut off completely for at least 2 months.
I called the social workers (all females btw) and pleaded. I'm literally going to starve to death.

What I'd like to point out is that the female on the phone got really frustrated of listening to me and when I told her it's illegal to let me starve to death she was making these passive aggressive noises to signify she was done with me.
I realized a lot about women and their power. Her right to have a pleasant day at work was greater than my right as a white male to live. I ended the discussion, realizing I'm just patiently going to sit in my small apartment and die, still feeling remorseful for making a female feel bad for a sec, even though it's her job to listen to people like me.

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Females are natural born psychopaths. That's why they're always in charge of welfare and social stuff.

Women are tyrant overlords

>"Yikes that sure is a lot of misogyny in your post you stupid inkwell!!!!"

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You just met an asshole user, the people who work at these places usually are psychopaths. If I had any money myself I would bum you 20 bucks but as of now I have 8 cents in my account, srs.

>create a society where jobs are scarce

>guilt trip those who can't get a job

Thank you western society.

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Tell me about your situation bro.

Western society is one big cruel game and it's thanks to the wicked Protestants. These are the folks who go around obsessing over jobs, priding themselves in their "Protestant work ethic" while simultaneously looking down on the poor and the unemployed and homeless with their conservative politics outlook. It almost makes the devil look like the innocent one.

Jobs are not scarce. You just need to develop skills.

do you have discord or anything user? ive got a couple bucks

>Jobs are not scarce.
Nice job acting like problem doesn't exist.
>You just need to develop skills.
Nice job doing the guilt tripping dynamic I was talking about.

>I'm literally gonna starve to death
How? How much do you eat a day?

>You just need to develop skills.

I'm literally better than average at everything. Literally everything. I've done so many hobbies it's ridiculous, from snowboarding and boxing to music.
But I don't have a job because of le diploma meme. Never did finish any school.

You need to take medication or they won't give it to you. It's immediately stipulated in the disability determination hearing.
I'm on welfare 2 - the moment I failed a drug test for methamphetamine they took it away for the month. I don't know why they took it away you need to be more descriptive so I can help. Don't you get food stamps?

Snowboarding, boxing and "music", whatever that means, are not skills. They are hobbies. Learn to program. Take a business class. Just do something that will start making you money in the long run. You don't have to start working tomorrow. It's fine if it's a 3-5 year plan.

You just gotta start man, I've been where you are. I'm a programmer now. I still hate my life and I hate my job, but at least I am not poor anymore.

Not OP but what are skills that I can learn as a brainlet ?

>I'm just patiently going to sit in my small apartment and die
I hope you do you, useless leech

It entirely depends on where your talents lie. I am very analytical, so programming comes naturally to me. I just understand it I guess. I don't know man. I'm not doing well at all at the moment. I think I'm about to lose my job desu. I called in sick for a week already. I don't know how I'll pay my mortgage. I thought I could be a normal person, but I guess not. It sucks I took on all the responsibilities before I started reaping any benefits.

The weight of the world is about to descend upon me.

>whatever that means, are not skills. They are hobbies. Learn to program.

This is exactly how modern society stumps your personality and says only marketable skills are real skills.
I hate programming but I'd excel at it, since I'm a physics major. I have to know some Python and it's the worst part about my studies.

you really think the person answering phones in a gov. office is the one choosing who gets money?

>anything you say gets deflected by contrarians who act like they hate you and simultaneously have it better than you, which just proves your point even more

If you were truly in danger of starving to death you wouldn't be making shitty Yas Forums posts.

Can't blame the women who were able to see past your nonsensical charade and hung op on you, all you were doing is clogging up the line for someone that might actually need the help.

>can't blame the women

Subconscious simping response.

Try to act suicidal, get checked into some psych ward for a few days, get diagnosed with something mental and then get autismbux.

Every time I ask for help online about applying for welfare, some 60yo ex worker bloke comes and screams at me how I should've saved money like a real man etc. and thus I deserve the situation.

Like, I didn't save up and the punishment is death? Wow.

Nigger take a 6 month trade school course to be an electricians or some shit and you can be employed anywhere in the country. A friend of mine became a welder in 8 months and earns 200k working on an oil rig for 7 months a year

Get a job you autistic piece of shit

They're assholes. My father worked his entire life and lost everything to medical bills and had to file for disability. It's catastrophic.

Why not call again and hope you get someone different?

Are you fucking retarded? Like 20 million people have lost their jobs in the U.S from corona.

Bullshit. Or at least I hope it is, because if it isn't I'm wasting 4 years of my life studying engineering for no reason.

this. if you can't get a job, learn a trade or join the military. quit bitching.

Bruh keep calling.
Go to food banks in your area if you can't get anything.

A typical welder don't earn 200k if that's what you're asking. But working in a risk environment for an oil company will absolutely earn you that kind of cash. I'm an electricians working maintenance on power plants and the like. And i earn just short of 100k. Got the education in 9 months and an internship as part of the course. I didn't take a loan for a dime