Is Kennedi our girl?

>Ciara: dead
>Agatha: disappeared
>Rose: retired
>sunny: disappeared
>Marky and rat girl prostituting herself for drugs

and look at her, so cute with her brown hair and beautiful pink lips.

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Other urls found in this thread:

She is not as good as you think

angel ciara is not dead fool

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Remember Eliza and Crispy?

>Marky and rat girl prostituting herself for drugs
dont say that about beautiful angel Marky. she does not prostitute herself (else she would reply to me already).

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Use if you want to discuss your normie ecelebs you nigger.

>>sunny: disappeared
>>Agatha: disappeared
lmao were they patrolled?

i love her so much, i spend every waking moment thinking about her

dont sweat it dude. These morons want it bad but the queen mother is eternal

Ugly jew face

it looks like there's a new piece of proofs

Is the egirl phenomenon further evidence of the decline of the West?

its evidence of the loneliness epidemic, so in a way yes

It's sad about rat chan, but the clear winner is audrey. ken is just a bit too quirky. as in she thinks she is super special or some insufferable shit. also didnt she fuck Mr Maus?

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she is the only girl with a personality and no she doesnt "thinks she is super special"

take that back. Marky is the most beautiful

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stop being such a beta orbiter fucking hell
>Ciara: dead
yeah right

any videos or some other material besides the same old pics?

uh, you'd be wrong

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how old is marky now? 20 something?

old and useless

22 or 23. perfect age for marriage and having babies.

spoken like a true pedo

id probably marriage at 20, baby making begin at 25 till maybe 30. so you can get 5 babies max if you want, but probs only want 3.

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2-3 babies is the max for me. a boy and a girl. but having them before 30 would be ideal, dont want child coming out autistic or with down syndrome

can i get a link to moar?

yeah, so thats why you find her around the age of 18. get to know her for 2 years, become her best friend, marry at 20. 5 years of enjoying each other, together. then at 25 you have 5 years before 30 to have 2-3 healthy kids. thats perfect. so they dont turn out like kennedi herself

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if you had a child user, they'd probably inherit your autism, no matter what age

is it too late for Marky? am trying to get to know her but shes getting older, and wont acknowledge me.
at least theyd only have assburger autism and not the kind where they spaz out and scream like a ravaging monkey.

they'd inherit that from your wifu

ya because you'd really want some uneducated infamous mentally ill NEET whore who got ane'd by a pedo jew and then spent 3 years as a sex slave in a third world country to be the mother of your children.

what does double autism make? (from me and waifu)

holy fuark post moar my nibblerino

>ya because you'd really want some uneducated infamous mentally ill NEET whore who got ane'd by a pedo jew and then spent 3 years as a sex slave in a third world country to be the mother of your children.
yes because shes cute and we could connect on a spiritual level. I dont care about her past.

your child will grow up to be a professional shitposter, congratulations on raising a Yas Forumstard

all hail queen Violet

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we should adopt venti from Yas Forums
they are obviously abusive of her

shes great right, nobody quite like her in the world

A few years back, like 3-4 years back? I signed up for OKCupid and Kennedi was about 70 miles away, we matched and chatted on Skype for a bit and she had a boyfriend where they read books together. Still, she flirted with me and talked sexually for a bit. She's a whore. She lived in NC back then, close to Charlotte, there's a good chance that she's posting this thread actually. Don't forget this anons and fall for the illusion that any of these girls aren't attention whores. Saged.

and in the future he would also meet a femanon to impregnate and the autism line continues

you could atleast say please.

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why do you love her so much my duder?

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And of course you have proof of it, right?

is it cause of her perturbed cranium?

and btw

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not the guy you were replying to but i love her because she is the cutest in the world and extremely intellegent and smart. she is truly one of a kind

Sol pais is my girl user, sorry

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she looks like she has a kink regarding dating a catholic male and being forced to go to church with him and pretending to actually be religious even though she isnt. what a thrill that would be for her. also wtf are her politics. she said the right calls her a commie and the left calls her nazbol?

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Tahlia killed them all

larp larp post proof faggot

she is a socialist but doesnt want to be associated with the modern socialist movement, she is a true pure and honest marxist

ahhh im UwU''ing

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>I dont care about her past.

Normal people do, would you bring a Thai or Filipina prostitute to your parent's dinner table?

really? judging by this picture i thought she liked tribes and chiefs

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>>Agatha: disappeared
word is she chopped her kike titties off

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that junkie has been dead since 2017 yo

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She's ugly and nobody apart from you gives a fuck about her.

no but marky is a beautiful white goddess destined to have white babies

Marky has a fat cunny user

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wrong, how can one man be so wrong?