Fight one horse sized bee or 1 million bee sized horses

You have to choose between fighting one horse sized bee or one million bee sized horses. You're in an open area and can't bring in any weapons, at most you can use objects in your surroundings like planks of wood or rocks. They are aggressive and want to kill you, which do you choose to fight?

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Well I have one question does the horse size bee have all the same qualities and weaknesses as a normal bee?

bee sized horses a horse sized bee stinger would kill me, a million little horse kicks would barely hurt.

>one million
are you fucking serious? that side needs to be nerfed big time. nobody on this planet is surviving against one million bee sized horses in an open area without weapons.

Yes, its just a ridiculously sized bee, it'll still die if it uses its stinger

Horse sized bee wouldn't be able to fly and would suffer from the square cube law, so that one.

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I would rather the bee just end me because:
1. I stand no chance with either
2. I want to die anyway
3. The tiny horses would be creepy as fuck

People are too stupid to understand what 1 million is.

1 million bee sized horses youd die from attrition before you kill em all. Assuming you must win first

If you killed about 1 horse per 2 seconds itd take 1 month nonstop.

SO its the horse sized bee. Grab its stinger and rip it out

I would fight, defeat the horse sized bee and milk all its sweet honey

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>1 million bee-sized horses
The shear number of horses would trample each other making their way towards me and they have no way to reach up to me.
Stand on the mountain of dead bee-sized horses and wait them out. Eat the dead for sustenance while the little horses cannot hope to sustain themselves because a million of anything is a fucking lot to feed.

what? you'd die but it wouldn't take a month. I'm assuming you can step on more than one horse at a time too.

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That is what I would be banking on then I would fight the horse size bee and hopefully only get stabbed on the arm and then wait for it to die.

1 million bee sized horses. They cant clinb or really even bite at that size, so they are not dangerous.

once you account for sleep (which you wont be able to have any of) exhaustion etc theres no way youre averaging more than 1 horse per 2 seconds before death

Towards the end youd be killing 0 whilst the tiny horses try eat you which will take a while. Theyd probs just suffocate you by climbing on top of each other in a big gay pit

>Horses don't sting nor fly.
The million horses everyday. I'll climb a tree and wait for them to get tired.


Bee's only die stinging humans because our skin is too tough for them. They dont die stinging smaller things. Therefore, a large bee will have no problem stinging us and being unscathed.

you could probably kill 25 or more of them by kicking once along the ground and launching them into the air.

you stupid? what are they gonna do? just keep stomping, they can't fly or hurt you in any way?

Yes and then as you get exhausted youll be killing 0 for a good few minutes... before you drown in suffocation of the 1 million horses piling on you

making the average less than 1 per 2 seconds

its called averages user

I dont know enough about bees man, but thats a game changer

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You could also roll around on the ground and crush a bunch of them at once.
Works even better if you're a fat fuck.

itd take days of nonstop flailing and klicking to kill them all. youd die from exhaustion or dehydration.

Alternatively youd collapse and they suffocate you by making a big mound on your body, including your airways. Coincidentally thats what ants do to bees when they attack hives. They make the bee overheat by piling on it

Ah I think this might actually make me change my mind but I still think I would want to fight the horse sized bee part of the fun of this would be the glorious chance at combat and having a good story to tell plebs if you survive. So I would still fight the horse bee like a man and have a chance at glory or a trip to Valhalla

you can sit in a tree to rest or really any elevated surface, horses can't climb. these aren't goats. they can't damage you by kicking your shoes.

>one million bee sized horses
Dude just step on them, lmao

On the other hand a horse-sized bee would be fucking scary, if you got stung the poison alone would probably be enough to kill you, it would be hard to kill it with a weapon, as insects are pretty resilient, and it would also be agile as fuck, as it can fly. I don't want to mess with that shit.

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fuck off meii

The question suggests that you cant rest, drink, sleep etc until the fight is over.

Else its not really a fight.

I mean you can rest but your hydration levels are still depleting. You simply cant kill 1 million horses before you get too exhausted and die

It would take 13 hours to kill 20 a second

But realistically thatd be like running 5 marathonms back to back. I reckon you cant maintain 20 a second for more than 20 minutes.

So in reality itll probably take like 50 hours or so to get the job done. And youd probs coillapse before then and the horses will climb into your nose and into your lungs causing you a pulmonary embolism and dying

you can easily outmaneuver the horses, if there is a source of water you can drink from it easily. if you're fighting somebody who moves at 1mph and you run to a drinking fountain at 7mph and take a sip before running back and drip kicking the enemy, you just out agilitied your opponent.
just fucking throw dirt

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the horses literally can't climb on to you you are too steep of a surface. the number of themselves they'd have to kill before they could get to you would be fuck huge and then you just stand back up and move a few feet before sitting down again so they have to build another slope of bodies from scratch. humans have nearly unlimited stamina, you aren't going to wear yourself out to the point of being unable to stand properly if you are smart.

Horses aren't a hive mind and they aren't retarded. If they were forced to be aggressive the ones that can see at the front will panic when they see something 120 times their height flailing around throwing other horses relative metres into the air. They will want to fucking run away. They are animals, they don't have a plan of action, a leader or some kind of cohesive advance; the ones at the front will panic and collide with the ones at the back and you would have a horde of a million little horses panicking and killing each other

>you can outmaneuver the horses

once again youre failing to understand what 1 million horses looks like.

The floor would be a lattice of brown horses, you wont be able to see green anywhere. The horses will likely climb up your arse and stuff world war Z style where they trample over each other to gain height