
So here it is, that day again, you know what time it is, TRUCK time

Attached: truckfeel..jpg (2618x1906, 1.74M)

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Timothy James Byrne is the very special lad, the very naughty master, and a very very very special mong boy special needs spastic spastic spastic mong child.

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bout to go to the shop to get
>1 x L of diet coke
>1 x bottle of iced tea
>6 x red stripe
>4 x fosters for my dad
>1 x condensed milk if they have it
place your bets on how much this will cost me as i'm shopping at a pajeet shop instead of waitrose due to the ques

Rear entry sex, aka 'doggy style'

Attached: 800wm.jpg (800x591, 51.36K)

*ties SCEA's beard to the corner of the ring and starts making him hit himself*

Attached: hes-even-gotten-into-the-ring.jpg (623x467, 30.72K)


what the...

>Pure miss when /britfeel/ wasn't full of benders
What, 2014?

Repostin' for new
Decent stuff, watch The Prisoner desu

13 pound 50 pence

Penis inside a vagina whilst ejaculating

Attached: C0277455-Ejaculation,_Illustration.jpg (800x606, 67.72K)

how fat are you, pal?

I hope wubbers is having a nice day.
One day we will be together as the britfeel super couple.

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its 7pm why are you going to bed

As the hour draws near the nation starts to buzz with anticipation. All across britain households are hanging up flags. vibrant colours fill the streets as the flags of each nation of RNHS rescue force is proudly displayed. As colourfull as the rainbows that are displayed in every window of every house.
Little children excitedly practice clapping, for some it is the first time, but this will not be the last.
We know we have failed our own country with our lazy greedy ways. We let RNHS crumble, but thanks to them, it will limp on.
Thanks to our corner shop owners for staying open in these times of need. For putting the(ir) community first.
They come to save us so we clap. We clap like never before. NOW we clap for them.
R heroes.

Attached: peace out bishes.jpg (557x676, 94.58K)

Compare this orange chav slag to /arelass/ Grackle

64.5kg exactly
the fosters is for my dad, the condensed milk is for my iced coffee and the iced tea is for my brother because I was hungover and drank all of it

britfeel has always been full of benders. remember when ebin would flirt with other lads?

foxy knoxy phwoar

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Saw a poLICE officer today interrogate someone in the park for sitting down on a bench. He only went and called for backup when they refused to move.

I walked off but soon saw a police car with its sirens on racing towards the park

Stop doxxing people you obsessed little freak

kingsnorth is bae

love her tongue thats too big for her mouth


PHWOAR hahaha

>watch The Prisoner
actually a couple of years ago someone here suggested it, might have been you. Didnt watch every episode but first and last and a couple in between

are we finally in agreement that Grackle is in fact /ourlass/

shes more mature than grace but less fun to listen to

Rate it lads.

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them nos cannies in that bottle?

Does/did he take steroids?

hahahaah they are as well wtf

Not until I've seen the inside of that loaf