What was the worst thing a girl said to you in high school? A girl said to me, "you should just become a priest...

What was the worst thing a girl said to you in high school? A girl said to me, "you should just become a priest, you're literally undateable". She said it so casually too. Females are evil.

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fuck women and girls I hate them all

picture, source please
>pic related is funny
>guy looks like a serial killer mong

it's the artist bladeee

no girl said anything to me in high school outside of class

Wait, is that the guy who used to brag about killing dogs on this website?

That I was a horrible person and I should kill myself and that if she ever meets me again she will light my house on fire. The bitch was kinda crazy I fucked her and then fucked her little sister who was not autistic like the older girl was so I think that made the older one very mad. Go figure I only said that her little sister was a better lay. In fairness the older girl did tell me she was a total whore maybe she should have not told me that other wise I would not have got the idea to bang her little sister.

All the women I've known and talked to were nice, polite, and often complemented me on various things. Only Yas Forums foids are insufferable psychopathic cunts who'll make you want to block them and kys.
I still hate all of them regardless

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>You would be PERFECT if you were taller
Said it in front of everyone at our lunch table.

Ok so because one single random girl called you undatable all females are evil ,have you read any of the shit people say to each other on this site so casualty ? Thats pretty bad but still not even close to evil

One time a random guy was shadowing at my high school (it was private, people would come try out for the day before registering). I had never met him before and didn't talk to him while he was shadowing.
He walked up to me at the end of the day for no reason and said, "You know, I would actually date you if your nose wasn't so huge. Fucking disgusting cunt." All the guys he hung out with that day started laughing.

High school boys are evil as fuck, too.

he's never killed a dog and has never posted on this website

OP here, most other females have been evil to me as well, including relatives.

I never talk with girls pepeHands

Weird, he looks exactly like a psycho Brit who used to come here and brag about killing dogs.

was he attractive? probably not

He was average, maybe a little bit above. Not a chad, but not unpopular either.

lmao i know who youre talking about but no its not him

What was your height then? What was hers?

She made fun of my disability constantly for 3 and a half years, even going out of her way to find me and make fun of me..

Pretty much the same for me, even had someone send me a video complimenting me once and another who gave me a handjob out of the blue, still dunno why. But I am still an antisocial sperg with a mask who thinks women and people in general are just walking memes

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similar thing happened to me
i HATE men
everything Yas Forums accuses women of, men do twice as much and worse

>everything Yas Forums accuses women of, men do twice as much and worse

Its never a chad. Chads are friendly and overall great guys, even to incels.

You're disgustingly black

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>everything Yas Forums accuses women of, men do twice as much and worse
completely based femanon. good luck out there.

Said I looked like Seth Rogen. I don't think she was trying to be mean, I was fat, had glasses and short hair at the time.

I had a very similar thing said to me about being short. The guys in my school were at least as cruel as the girls if not more so. It feels like the twilight zone listening to robots opinions on this stuff, very strange indeed.

It's because the incels that populate this board are forced to turn their hatred and blame on society, on women, rather than have to continue to face their social failures and inadequacy. It's a legitimate coping tactic, and it's really sad to see how far gone and indoctrinated some of these people are.

bladee has become too accessible for you complete weirdos. thaiboy is married and has a baby fgs, they are not icons of misandry.

I bet it was a black woman that said it.

icons of misogyny *


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One girl said I have a unibrow.
I don't, but that was the meanest thing. And it does look like I do sometimes solely due to the shape of that area of my face.

>everyone else loves you, user. why can't you love yourself?
12 years later and I still don't have an answer for her