When exactly did Yas Forums transition from the site for creative edgy weebs into an unironic bastion of...

When exactly did Yas Forums transition from the site for creative edgy weebs into an unironic bastion of anti-intellectualism, social conservatism, and cringe christianity?

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During the last 10 years

weebs were always Nazis.
The better question is, when did Yas Forums stop being truly Nazi.

I would say since Obongo became president and the Bush era ended

Well yes, I've been here the whole time, but at some point boomer-tier conservatism with none of the irony or humor became the norm and it's just repulsive.

It's just another phase. Jared Kushner paid a fucking lot to astroturf this site and the angle was to weaponize autism with a mystical "cure" for loserdom in Christianity and conservatism.

Around 2006-2007 when first/second generation faggots started telling their normie friends about Yas Forums and it became infected with retards and newfags.

>tfw Yas Forums hasn't been good in 15 years but you still go on it every day because it's sadly the least shit social platform in a sea of shit and piss

>When exactly did Yas Forums transition from the site for creative edgy weebs into an unironic bastion of anti-intellectualism, social conservatism, and cringe christianity?
When libertarian talking points got ganganged over and over in all chambers of governance, so kinda around 2013 give or take is when things kind of went sour.

Though truth be told the true origins lie in project Chanology because it marked the start of activist raiding rather than raiding for the sake of entertainment.

>but at some point boomer-tier conservatism with none of the irony or humor became the norm and it's just repulsive.
Unironic Boomers coming in from repeated rapid-fire reports on Yas Forums during the 2016 elections probably contributed more than anything.
There's always been more/less ironic Nazis on Yas Forums but there's worlds between that and the constant barrage of PHONE BAD, Gibs For Corps But Not For You and flat earth drumbeating that's been a near constant across multiple boards in the last couple years.

Before the rise of fascism we were allowed to pick from a wide range of well-meaning racism and anti-establishment jokes. We even had black culture in the memes. You could make jokes about 9/11, you could have a queen of Yas Forums, and the most you thought about Hitler was that gif of him with glowsticks.

Now all women were made for BBC and all black people are the most extreme of aboriginal who need a white man to tell them how to cook food. Now the only science worth listening to is phrenology and IQ epidemiology. Funny how in the death cult known as fascism, everything not white deserves death by mass execution. You can't even make fun of the only country in the world that bankrupts people for $$$healthcare$$$ unless you say that the only reason it bankrupts people is because of the Jews.

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We don't even make tans anymore

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The world made us bitter


And none will manage to convince me otherwise.

Anti-white, anti-male sentiment became markedly less subtle in the American ruling class.

Boomer-tier conservatism is about as cringy as it gets.

guy nipples arent sensitive, that image is fucking stupid and was probably made by some horny femcel

THIS. The upper class is the one pushing this anti-male and anti-white shit which is targeted at working class whites all while living luxurious prestigious lives. Really makes you think.

t. someone who has never gotten their nips sucked and toyed

Politicization of literally everything played a part, I think. Don't recall random people getting "cancelled" back in 2012, let alone pre-recession. When Project Chanology happened and later when libertarianism was no longer the edgy unspoken go-to ideology of the site, it was primed for stormfags and boomers to spread their previously demographically-confined beliefs to a new generation of losers.

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About 2016. Election tourism

Yas Forums and the types that feel welcomed by their existence
earliest signs were probably chanology, thenfappening, then gamerg*te and the absolute deathblow was the 2016 election

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Everything got worse thanks to the rich and the corporations. Yas Forums used to be a board for real outcasts but now the whole internet is ruled by the affluent.

When was it ever trully Nazi?

All body parts can be trained to produce sexual gratification.

To add to this: the rise of incel-ism and it's precursor equivalent term, neck beard, probably played some part; alienated males tend to attach themselves to unexpected ideologies. Admittedly before the rise of "neck beard" I was still stuck in the age of tweenage masturbatory fantasies for cartoon characters, so I wasn't seriously thinking of sex or love by any means, however just from my observation it does seem like high-fuctioning/low-functioning nerdy online dudes still seemed to be able to find girlfriends back in the bush years. This doesn't seem to be the case nowadays, and why this is isn't entirely clear to me (online dating? cultural shifts?), but I have no doubt that it contributed too.
No doubt the monetization/politicization of the internet down to Yas Forums level played a part too, yeah.

Do you guys think something like early 4chins is ever coming back or ib are all long gone?

Yas Forums will never be like it was then again, your best bet are smaller esoteric -chan sites or similar. Even then though...

That fucking girl licking your nipples shit is gay and retarded. I hope none of you are actually this duped by depraved nip fetishes

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Admittedly before the rise of "neck beard" I was still stuck in the age of tweenage masturbatory fantasies for cartoon characters, so I wasn't seriously thinking of sex or love by any means, however just from my observation it does seem like high-fuctioning/low-functioning nerdy online dudes still seemed to be able to find girlfriends back in the bush years. This doesn't seem to be the case nowadays

Nothing actually changed, though, aside from how nerd culture is being perceived. All of my friends got their girlfriends before the nerd chic era and we were absolute nerds back then in every sense of the word, they just didn't choose to date superficial thots who are extremelly close minded. Like I've known them for years because they're all still together to this day and their girlfriends don't actually like videogames, but they don't mind that we play them so long as we're not plugged 24/7 on a game to the point where we neglect our social lives entirely. I do remember when nerd interests were seen as being marginal and the impression that everyone had of gamers was the typical greasy neckbeard who's 25 years old and spend 16 hours a day on WoW and the potential school shooter. The only thing that changed is that nerd culture is now simply pop culture and since pop culture is pretty mcuh everyone culture, blending nerd shit in the pop culture blend means it got claimed by normalfags, so when people think of "attractive nerds", what they are really saying is "Normals hipsters with glasses who like Zelda or are programmers are so geek :3", but the category of turbo nerds that were made fun of back then are still there and still made fun of. Me and my friend kind of, in appearances at least, evolved into semi normies so we fit in pretty easily, but some people from fighting game tournaments I know are the kind that still gets bullied to this day.

Joke's on you, I've already experienced it. Shit is so cash, no girl wants to do it though. Shit fucking sucks.

Your experiences are not universal, mine are more sensitive than my dick.

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i've been playing with my nipples since early childhood and it just comes naturally to me

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